
LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Crumbley Trial Opening Statements – How James’ Case Differs From Jennifer’s?


LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Crumbley Trial Opening Statements – How James’ Case Differs From Jennifer’s?

#LIVE #Lawyer #Reacts #Crumbley #Trial #Opening #Statements #James #Case #Differs #Jennifers

#lawyeryouknow #oxfordhighschool #ethancrumbley #jamescrumbley

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criminal lawyer , LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Crumbley Trial Opening Statements – How James’ Case Differs From Jennifer’s?, law,lawyer,lawyer you know,tragos law,Michigan,Oxford,Oxford High School Shooting,School Shooting,video,news,michigan,15 year old,charged,two dozen crimes,oxford high school,high school,school shooting,shooting,Breaking news,HORRIFIC LOSS Oxford High School,oxford high school shooting,michigan shooting,arrested,attorney,us news,Ethan Crumbley,james crumbley,jennifer crumbley

29 thoughts on “LIVE! Lawyer Reacts: Crumbley Trial Opening Statements – How James’ Case Differs From Jennifer’s?”

  1. It was mentioned several times that he should have gone home to check on the firearm. The very fact he didn't, to me, shows his oblivion of what could (& would) happen. Should he have known is a different thing, but he plainly didn't.

  2. I love your videos, but I’m 8:50 and I have headphones on I have it turned up full volume and if there’s any noise in the background, I can’t hear anything, unfortunately, this video is just virtually unwatchable for me, but I also have some hearing issues

  3. In spite of shooting if dad could prove he took son’s request for help seriously, was making inquiries, saw a weird drawing and took him from school to drive with him and try to find out more info, asked friends or teachers if there was something he should know, went through his room checking there was nothing fishy- normal parenting

  4. I now believe that they bought the gun so he could off himself. They knew he was hearing voices , they did not want to deal with his mental health and wanted to get rid of him.

  5. I know this is not a popular comment, but guns and kids don't mix. We need strict gun control because what we have now isn't working.

  6. Why is this video sound so freaking fast? It’s irritating because it’s not clear.

  7. They found the money to call a vet for her horse, but could not take their son for counseling and/or medical evaluation. GUILTY!

  8. The Judge seems to favor the state, Im sorry but just the way she allows him say certain things to where she stops the defense. I dont feel 3 people should spend a life sentence each for the crime the son planned and carried out without the knowledge to do so. Don't come for me in the comments. I been married to a judge that is the longest sitting judge in Tennessee of 42 consecutive years. Im not bias in this case. But where is the line. Are all parents now going to be put in orisons if we buy our kids cars an insure them under our insurance adding them as drivers. If they accidentally hit someone on the side of the road or in a crash and unalive them them…are we then, to be charged criminally as well?
    Theres no way the parents could have predicted this imo.
    Thank LYK 😊

  9. I just don’t like these prosecutors at all. Didn’t on the first trial and don’t now.

  10. We grew up with Columbine. And so many more school shootings by young men dealing with isolation, bullying and mental health issues. It’s your job as a gun owner to make sure your teen doesn’t have access to your gun. There’s no way a parent in our day and age can be so clueless.

  11. I hope James Crumbley is found innocent. James and Ethan were victims of Jennifer Crumbley imo, . Jennifer was the adulterer, liar, cheater, abuser. James and Ethan were her victims.

  12. You are much louder than the stream which makes it difficult to have to keep turning things down whenever you talk.

  13. Long comment incoming. My 16 year old son tried to self harm. I had to basically kidnap him legally from his mother and stepfather out of state due to issues that my 14 year old daughter told me. She called me one night crying that her stepfather was threatening to kill himself and their mother was drunk and hiding in my sons room. My son intervened, removed the gun, unloaded it, hide the gun and the ammo separately. I raised both of them around firearms so I was thankful in that moment he knew how to safely deal with the gun. I was livid he was ever put in the situation to begin with. My wife was on the phone with my daughter while this was all happening. I called the police and my wife tried to keep them as calm as possible considering, until the police arrived. The stepfather was removed from the house then and there. This took place in a different state mind you. I had the kids scheduled to go to Disneyland with my side of the family at the time, so 2 days later they flew out to me. I refused to return them to their mother once I had them. Dcs where they were living told me what I had to do legally to keep them with me. Up till then me and their mother had no court papers for any custody so it wasn't super complicated. I filed and emergency hearing with the court in the state they were living and hired a lawyer there the same day. After a very negative conversation with his mother my son tried to hurt himself. He told me immediately after he did it. I called a crisis team right then and there. He told me he needed help and had asked his mother and stepfather previously but it fell on deaf ears. We met with the team and got him into therapy that day and established a saftey plan. At the time all but one of my guns were locked in a safe with one next to my bed fairly easily accessible for protection at night. That changed. I not only had to figure out a new safe for close to my bed and accessible at night in the dark but anything that could be used to harm himself had to be locked up or removed entirely. I mean even benadryl. To this day I dont think he would hurt others but even take the chance? I never thought he'd hurt himself. I was clearly wrong on that. Fast forward 6 months, I gained full custody and they both live with me full time. We all go to therapy both separately and together to learn new tools and coping skills. Alot happened to them in the 2 years living out of state away from me with their mother and stepfather that I was unaware of. My point is, with your kids you have to go above and beyond, especially when you know they have issues because very quickly their issues become your issues. Things a much better for them now but I will never be able to look at them the same again. Crumbley's parents failed him, themselves, and everyone around them. His issues became everyones issues instead of his parents and others paid the ultimate price for their negligence.

  14. The negligence on the parents part is clear to me. They both knew their kid had serious issues. The penalty is whats hard for me.

  15. As I watched highlights of the Jennifer trial, I thought the case was stronger against James. Particularly that he bought the gun before telling her, indicating to me that he wasn't going to let her say no.

  16. My parents told me to suck it up about many things physically and mentally. At the point I was so bad I told them flat out I was depressed (now know it was post partum) and wanted to not live myself they bought me a car and told me to look for a job to feel productive. They NEVER even suggested mental health care for any of us kids. Waited until my bro was hallucinating from fever to take him to Dr. It's expensive and they were of the belief family takes care of each other internally.

  17. 39:30 All they had to was check his book bag before they left. They could have pulled him aside and asked him away from everyone else. I can't imagine them seeing the drawing on the homework. And not thinking does he have the gun. I Dont want to be either of these type of parents, Laundry protective. Or Crumbly neglectful.

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