
LIVE! Laura Owens RESPONDED to Clayton Echard Trial?! Young Thug lawyer arrest?!


#LIVE #Laura #Owens #RESPONDED #Clayton #Echard #Trial #Young #Thug #lawyer #arrest


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lawyers near me , LIVE! Laura Owens RESPONDED to Clayton Echard Trial?! Young Thug lawyer arrest?!


23 thoughts on “LIVE! Laura Owens RESPONDED to Clayton Echard Trial?! Young Thug lawyer arrest?!”

  1. Steel is the man he asked the judge to put him on the cell with his client so he can work on his case!! The witness was already swear in and had taken the stand he plead the 5th then the ex parta meeting happened that has to be improper

  2. There's a BIG damned difference between "imperfect" and willfully lying, willfully manipulating, willfully coercing, willfully and sadistically ruining someone's life WITHOUT REMORSE or apology or restitution

  3. Gee, if Gingris believes so much in forgiveness… live and let live, etc : Why is he still threatening Dave N? Why isn't he trying to get Laura to get help for her issues so she can get mentally healthy instead of doing terrible things to ruin lives? He threatened Woodnick, he threatened Gillespie and Mike, going so far as to call 911 when Mike obeyed a subpoena… with cops all over the place, he called 911! He's talking about appeals to keep dragging this crap out longer! Forgiveness, huh?

  4. 1:24:43 this is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. “She only manipulated once, not twice!” Who cares if the attny misspoke and said twice, she probably thought she did change it twice as much as she has forged documents.
    But one time forging documents is plenty IMO
    1:40:46 I agree. She did something to lose weight. 130 lbs is a normal weight for a woman her age. So trying to act like that is “proof of pregnancy “ is insane. 90lbs is anorexic imo

  5. I love the lottery story, lug felt lucky and she won then I bet her self esteem went thru the roof when you told her she was right! It's not even about the ticket it was about how she felt good, lucky and when she won she knew it GREAT STORY!❤

  6. Laura Owens testified that she doesn't get periods. You can't be pregnant if you don't have periods! No blood to the lining of the uterus means no sustenance for an embryo. Proof she was never pregnant!
    Gingris signaling to her through cross was detestable. He has no integrity whatsoever! He acts like this is Laura's first rodeo with courts. She has been in multiple courts with Mike, Greg and Clayton… even done her own motions in pro se in previous cases. This is far from her first! If she did so great, why all the signaling? Truth is, Gingris is raking in the money. That's all he cares about. His blogs and tweets show he is no better than his client. Threatening journalists, lying, complaining, changing info to fit his narrative. Two peas in a pod.

  7. The moment she said "that's minor" to having lied in any court all tells me she has never faced consequences for anything she's done and that gingras new she lied and he put her on the stand knowing these "minor lies" and THATS DISGHUSTING

  8. In the Georgia court case, Ex Parte with a sworn witness, his lawyer, one of the DA's lawyers in the judge's chambers with no notification to the defense. Illegal.
    The witness told them he would lie on the stand. DA lawyer says she will not prosecute him for perjury. Then witness says he will testify that HE committed the killing. DA lawyer then says if he does that, she WILL prosecute him for lying on the stand. Highly illegal!
    The judge didn't want it to come out, and wants to punish whoever leaked, instead of admitting he was wrong… to the extent of threatening the Defense lawyer with jail! Total corruption! Wonder how many times this crap has occurred with this horrible judge!

  9. What goes around comes around, she said she doesn't menstruate, probably because of her low body weight, her chances of meeting a nice guy and having a happy family of her own are getting lower by the day. The guys involved on the other hand are happily paired up and enjoying their children and partners and at least now 99% of the planet knows they are innocent….the more she takes them to court and drags this out, the more of her life she wastes until the day comes when nobody will want her.

  10. Id Tug a toker? The gas light we hear is a rip right?!?!! Its sending my adhd into conspiracy zone 😅

  11. In my opinion, Owens and her lawyer would love to take everyone, from Clayton, MM, and GG to Dave Neal, to court. The internet lawyer is probably salivating at the thought. But can Owens afford it? I think that until now, she’s had pro bono lawyers or from the start handled things herself, but suing everyone would be a financial burden. I’m sure she’d have tantrums in her casita, but can her parents provide a deposit to the lawyers and finance their fees from their monthly income? And are they willing to risk losing their house to indulge their daughter? Because no matter how deep their pockets are, I doubt they can match the financial resources on Dave's disposal provided by his audience and everybody who cares about injustices.

  12. You were going to see more and more cases of children being approached or SA'd along those lines. It all goes back to normalizing pedos by calling them maps and allowing sexually explicit material in elementary schools. The more certain people in society preach that everybody sexual even babies the more it becomes normalized and then the more of this crap you're going to see. When it's no longer about the truth and it's about his truth or her truth or some individuals truths which is just a way of trying to turn an opinion into a fact the more problems we're going to see. It's time to start bringing back public shaming. It's time to start re-normalizing calling people out an ostracizing people that display inappropriate or just wrong behavior on any level. Until people learn there are consequences for their actions this stuff will continue.

  13. It'll be a mistrial if filings don't wind up going to the appellate courts while this trial is going on to have this judge pulled

  14. The lawyer started to say that he was accidentally included in an email but the judge started talking over him before you could hear the email part demanding that information and the lawyer locked it down.

  15. Judge: "what happens in my chambers, stays in my chambers" … "tell me who leaked this information of me breaking the law".

  16. 1:07:00 It was improper for Laura to be given the break in the manner she was – I have been a trial witness on many occasions and on occasion – not because I "needed" a break but because of poor scheduling the case manager miscalculated and lunch cut into the testimony, this resulted me being held in chambers guarded by a bailiff during lunch to prevent anyone speaking to me, once sworn in you are not allowed to communicate with your lawyer, and in Owen v Echard case Laura is clearly seen talking to Gingras during the break, in addition he was sideline coaching her during her testimony.

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