
LIVE! Karen Read Trial: Proctor Fired? + Alternate Juror Speaks Out!


#LIVE #Karen #Read #Trial #Proctor #Fired #Alternate #Juror #Speaks

#lawyeryouknow #karenread

View the entire Karen Read playlist here:

00:00 Welcome
01:10 Trooper Proctor Fired?
08:23 Q&A
13:27 Internal Affairs Investigation
17:55 Q&A
24:55 Press Conference – MSP Interim Head – Col. John Mawn
37:30 Q&A
39:04 Press Conference – MSP Interim Head – Col. John Mawn
40:43 Q&A
48:31 Juror No. 3 – Video
58:18 Q&A
1:02:16 Juror No. 3 – Article
1:03:40 Q&A
1:08:00 Conclusion

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50 thoughts on “LIVE! Karen Read Trial: Proctor Fired? + Alternate Juror Speaks Out!”

  1. Peter, if the prosecution is supposed to be the seeker of truth and want to make sure they are prosecuting the correct person, why do they vehemently object to evidence that points to the truth?

  2. I think her defence team made a HUGE mistake trying to say it was a conspiracy, they should have just focused on the lack of credible evidence. By bringing in their theory they created two questions to answer 1. Do you think she killed him and 2. Did this other group of people kill him when in reality there was only 1 question. I’m not from the U.S. but as I understand it the defence doesn’t have to provide an alternative resolution to a case, all they need to do is discredit the evidence the prosecution provided. In this case that would have been very straightforward, instead they created an extra point to prove i.e that the he was beaten up by the occupants of the house and the evidence they had to prove this was weak at best.

  3. Is tgere a way for real professional investigators to come in and start at zero to hopefully find out what really happend, potentially charge others?

  4. @Lawyer You Know It is the same as the police. KHOU*11 news has an article online How a new Texas law may reduce 'wandering police' problem. When an officer is leaving due to be fired for misconduct or resign before they can be fired. They turn it into a negotiating tactic, "I will not ligate this matter any further if you give me a honorable discharge." Or the Chief might say, " I don't want the hassle of a long drawn out internal affair process, so let me give you an honorable discharge and let you go." So they go on to get hired by other agencies over and over again. They don't even bother telling anyone if they are called for a back ground check. Some may stay in state but others leave the state and become someone else's problem or the public's problem. Something that needs to be done by every State so they don't past these bent and crooked cops back and forth.

  5. Can they use that Proctor was removed from duty in the next trial? Does it no longer make him credible and not able to testify?

  6. It's wild Proctor is paid $184 a year… add in various benefits and he's costing Massachusetts easily 1/4 million a year.

    And is utter vulgar trash.

    And Peter, it's not bureaucracy, it's these insane police unions that turn the police against the people. That's actually why the union will cut Proctor loose.

  7. I think what they're saying is – because the information was RELEASED. Not because the info was a surprise….

  8. I was on a jury and every one was happy till we had to decide, then not so much. There always has to be a know it all and they become bullies

  9. Lally did a horrible horrible job presenting the evidence and witnesses he had no official sequence that went in order nor did he use his the video from her admitting to the media that she did say “Did I hit him” however she elaborated and said it was a question, no matter how she said it, It’s still evidence of her saying it and supports some of the 1st responder’s testimony. Also Lally spoke to low and was not prepared or trained to go against sharks in my opinion. I live In Massachusetts and yes Police do manipulate statements and evidence from my experience however not all police are bad just like not all humans are murders. Also in Paul Okeefes words 68 people testified against her yet people still believe Karen Reads conspiracy theories over the 68 witnesses. Lally needs to go if they are going to do this right the second time he needs to go he is not the one to win this case. They need a shark just like her defense attorneys.

  10. Hi LYK, I never get to catch you live but would love to know if the jury had the option of deciding not guilty for 2nd degree murder and hung jury for the balance? Would doing this prevent the prosecution from retrying the more serious charge?

  11. Did anyone even watch the entire trial and see the Common Wealths solid evidence?Sorry, the common wealth timelines truly outmatched the defense on technology. JOHNS Phone GPS stopped at 12:25 fact absolutley no movement after it stopped . At 12:23, John's phone gps data records the 3 point turn into 34 Fairview. Karens Suv vehicle control data recorded 24 mph reverse back up of 62 feet. This is plotted by miles on the suv within 8 minutes leading up to 12:30. This is when karen hit John. At 12:35, karen left hang up on John's phone fact. Fact at 12:36 Karen's phone connects to wifi at one meadows. That only leaves a few minutes for all of what the defense claims. What happened supposedly the fight in the house with the dog dragging the body to the lawn with all parties involved, Absolutley insanely absurd to make such a ludicrous claim. As for the defence On it’s own the Apple Health app is limited. It really does require accessories to gather the data. Jen Mccabes times don't matter as much since the human element of recalling 2 and a half years ago is a factor. Karen's Guilty of murder

  12. Resident of MA. I, and a lot of people I know, do not trust the state police now AT ALL.

  13. Remember Chris Watt's mistress Nichol Kessinger? People thought it was real suspicious that she wouldn't give the police her phone. But Proctor's actions remind me maybe she just didn't want a bunch of cops looking for and sharing her nudes.

  14. Peter, there were times when I couldn’t tell if Lally was the prosecutor or on the defense team. This trial wasn’t a dragnet for the Feds to catch police, atf, judge, etc., up in their lies so they can bring this entire corrupt system down, was it?

  15. MSP waited to see what would actually come out at trial. They obviously had access too all information before hand.

  16. Of course. If they could have convicted Karen Read theybwould have taken NO ACTION.
    Corruption at it's finest.

  17. John saw her coming and threw the glass! I can't believe the mass delusion surrounding this case! Karen Read is GUILTY

  18. What’s getting lost here is an innocent, good man was injured and left outside in a storm to die. How cruel!!

  19. You realize Higgins and Kevin Albert and Proctor all were drinking and driving at some point. What is good for the Gander is good for Goose on DUI plea. And the evidence as to alcohol content was also sus as do not know time of last drink

  20. It’s unbelievable and disgusting to witness such blatant and overt corruption in our country in this day and age. The police dept is a “boys’ club” and by the way, we pay for their salaries!! I’m shocked that the jury didn’t have enough common sense to see the truth!! Horrible!!

  21. It’s unbelievable and disgusting to witness such blatant and overt corruption in our country in this day and age. The police dept is a “boys’ club” and by the way, we pay for their salaries!! I’m shocked that the jury didn’t have enough common sense to see the truth!! Horrible!!

  22. They didn't prove it. Without all the soap opera that took most of the time, they didn't prove it.

  23. It may sound dumb founded to the fullest of my thoughts but I believe in my opinion there's double jeperdy meaning ther was attributions and or fatal attraction considering the fact that Reeds acused laughs in in court and propters comfessing text accusations can possibly make the another bonny and Clyde to end up together like bandits and they get away unlawfully together in the end

  24. Those texts aren't just him. It's ALL of them who laughed, joined in, and never reprimanded him. No respect or trust until they're all gone. Completely gone.

  25. They never even proved that Karen was drunk. In order to do that, law enforcement would've had to perform a breathalyzer or some other test. That never happened. Just like they never had enough to prove Karen hit John. This case was an injustice.
    You cannot convict someone if there's not enough evidence to do so. The mistrial was disgusting. Just seems like a bunch of mindless people who didn't understand the jury instructions and completely dismissed actual expert witnesses that stated John's injuries were not from being hit by a vehicle. People who just believe whatever the prosecution says.

  26. The comment by the alternate juror about no eyewitness is concerning. Most convictions are based on circumstantial evidence but the level of proof might be impossible to meet for this jjuror if they need an eyewitness to the crime.

  27. As a Massachusetts tax payer, I am appalled and outraged that they spent ANY money, never mind 7 figures, to try Karen’s case!

  28. I dont know how confidenti am in ths. I am a mass resident my whole life so can speak of this. Bias has been going on, overtime unaccounted for etc. I am sorry but i have to be vocal

  29. What a pathetic excuse for a press conference! 🙄🤥 They knew about Proctor…he was downgraded during the trial to “case officer” instead of Lead Investigator!
    It’s amazing how some of these “officers” retired before trial. And how many were actually promoted!

  30. The officer who killed Tamir Rice was a transfer from another department after a violent incident

  31. I think what hurt Karen the most was that she was not a likeable defendant and has RBF. All pictures I’ve seen of her, she also seems to have a permanent smirk (I don’t think she’s smirking, that’s just her face). I think most people are not able to separate likeability from reasonable doubt. I also noticed that whenever a picture of John’s body was presented she looked stoic, which is understandable, she saw his body in person and has likely seen these pictures a thousand times over. But I think the jury probably expected to see more pain out of her from seeing pictures of her dead boyfriend. I hope for the next trial she is coached on this to avoid any bias from the jury.

  32. What's worse with the announcement of misconduct that came out in the trial, that means the supervisor failed to report it to his higher ups. I want to see where that part leads.

  33. Peter, I do recommend watching that video from the bar because to me it looks like one of the guys is trying to hold Higgins back when you zoom in and then a minute later they show John and he’s bouncing back-and-forth on his feet like a boxer warming up I thought it was very compelling that there was an issue going on

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