
LIVE! Karen Read Trial Day 23: Proctor Cross Examination Gets HEATED


#LIVE #Karen #Read #Trial #Day #Proctor #Cross #Examination #HEATED

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27 thoughts on “LIVE! Karen Read Trial Day 23: Proctor Cross Examination Gets HEATED”

  1. If found innocent can she sue to recover her legal fees I'm watching from Australia so unsure how the legal system works but I feel there is so much reasonable doubt

  2. Nooooo why was the “shame on you” part edited out?? I came just to hear your thoughts on that

  3. This is the best Lawyer discussion on YouTube. I like the way you quickly operate and answer questions quickly. The pace of the video is appreciated. Does the YouTube channel cause your own practice to be limited?

  4. My question is … why are all of these Boston Cops drinking and driving during a snow storm?

  5. He was hit by Karen’s car and tried to make it to the house but because of his his injuries he could only make it that far to the front door.

  6. I just feel so much time and money was wasted on this trial..they all over indulged in alcohol and nobody remembers what happened…so sad that this ever happened… I feel Read hit him while backing up and didn’t realize it after all the drinks she had… just a sad situation….

  7. peter :if canton le recused itself from this case- how was it then this case winds up in proctors hands? whoooo decided that? it's insane!

  8. I dont like Read either for treating the nephew like crap. Poor kid didnt need that kind of treatment. And she sounds like a jealous drunk that loves to pick a fight.

  9. What's sad is that Proctor still doesn't show any genuine remorse. Only uses the words, regrettable and unprofessional because he has had to read those texts out loud in court.

  10. Proctor is now the most crooked officer in America. He winked this entire case. Hope he is proud of himself.

    The craziest thing I’ve heard out of Proctor is that he was never fired from his job. So glad I don’t live in that state. If I was his wife I’d crawl under a rock. She has to be disgusted by his behavior.

  11. Peter, I apologize if you mentioned this, I may have missed it….. Proctor is currently under IAB investigation specifically due to this investigation. Onc the Feds uncovered all of this BS, his agency opened their internal investigation. Even though he’s in the middle of the IAB investigation, he’s still on full duty and he’s the lead detective on the Ana Walshe case. Absolutely ridiculous.

  12. Oooph! I have only been watching the trial and LYK and EDB and trying MY BEST to avoid any theories and evidence outside of the courtroom and after weeks of testimony… I have no idea how poor John O’Keefe passed. And I don’t think we will ever know since the cops botched the investigation so badly.

  13. Proctor said "playful fighting stances.” But he doesn't know that, he wasn't there!! He didn't witness it! He's taking the word of the McAlberts. He should not make that conclusion.

  14. Karen read is guilty. Her lawyer is amazing. The prosecution sucks. The cops are not the most professional but they got the right person so who cares? The only problem is sometimes this is how innocent people go to jail so we must put checks and balances in to prevent that.

  15. Where can I hear a list of all the evidence all condensed in a summary. Is there any time where the defense or the prosecution makes their case? All I ever hear is cross examination which seems completely useless for understanding the details of the case. They go on and on about irrelevant crap trying to make the person flustered.

  16. I question why someone would go out into a blizzard to go drinking, and not even wear a coat? That's mysterious in and of itself!!

  17. Wonder how much the defense is spending on this case and who is footing the bill. Most people would not be able to defend themselves like this against a bunch of determined police officers and prosecutor. False charges get prosecuted with convictions.

  18. Proctor totally biased with tunnel vision. So so common. Our justice system has devolved to "winning" over wanting to find the truth.

  19. Best cross ever. I would have liked to see Jackson cross examine Amber Heard in Johnny Depp trial.

  20. Why whenever I go into watch a video does my mind read this as “Proctor gets hard” god help me- please put a million more videos out so this is no where near the top so I never have to read about him… and especially not him getting hard. Oh and just because I enjoy your videos so can we have some more please siiirrrrr haha

  21. It amazes me that just because there’s fluff on top that you can’t see the bottom. She killed him. It’s plain his day. I can’t believe anybody can see it any differently.

  22. To further point how we just can’t trust proctor: he initially says that it doesn’t matter if the victim is a cop or the suspect or witness is a cop investigation stays the same. But then he later says that he was talking about Karen in that disgusting manner because a cop was just killed. Contradicting!!

  23. I think someone’s character and intentions are seen when it’s made obvious what they did wrong, and they’re unwilling to back down on their stance.

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