
LIVE! Karen Read Trial Day 1: Opening Statements – WHODUNIT – Not Our Average Criminal Trial


LIVE! Karen Read Trial Day 1: Opening Statements – WHODUNIT – Not Our Average Criminal Trial

#LIVE #Karen #Read #Trial #Day #Opening #Statements #WHODUNIT #Average #Criminal #Trial

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41 thoughts on “LIVE! Karen Read Trial Day 1: Opening Statements – WHODUNIT – Not Our Average Criminal Trial”

  1. Sounds like a movie? Sure. It's one reason why most cops act like they think they're Dirty Harry in Magnum Force. This time around is no different, except they've written the script after the movie was released and it just doesn't fit in with the storyline.

  2. If the snow is fresh and light n fluffy then I think he cld of melted some by laying there. If it’s wet n heavy snow less likely.

  3. I was also thinking when they mentioned the strom, that the body was covered in snow. But the snow (in the morning in the door ber camera) was only to the ankle, that amount would not cover up a full grown adult man.

  4. I thought the defense had a much better and more understandable opening statement. The state was all over the place.

  5. For the folks asking why are people so obsessed with this case – it’s because these issues are very wide and very deep in Norfolk County, and have been for years. This is simply the first time someone kept fighting back. It was NEVER supposed to get to this point. Karen was supposed to take the manslaughter plea in Feb 2022. She didn’t, so they upped the charge in June 2022, never thinking she would fight it. They really picked the wrong woman to screw with.

  6. LYK said, "Both sides wanted a 'continuance' but the judge wanted to proceed" @10.00 – What does that mean? Please clarify someone 🙂

  7. The prosecutor left me absolutely confused! He was quite hard to hear and understand, he spoke too quickly, and I just couldn’t follow. Granted, I have ADHD and my hearing isn’t the best… I wonder if the jury had similar difficulties? Peter seemed to be doing okay.

  8. Can't we have reasonable camera rules in court? I don't wasn't ANY closeups of someone that isn't even talking.

    I don't give a rat's about Read's expressions during the opening.

    Bleh. This is a flipping homicide trial. Sorry, I'm just not into reading the tea leaves of someone who's just sitting there.

  9. If I was on the jury, the defence, is the only story I’d remember.
    If the defence can prove everything they say, it’s definitely reasonable doubt.
    Even if she’s guilty, it seems the investigator has screwed this case so hard but I’m assuming now, the deference will completely write off the prosecution’s case.

  10. Nothing makes sense in this case in my opinion because I was knocked down by a car and did not have swollen black eyes to the point of being unrecognised . All I had was bruises to my waist and legs and jarred hips ( not aligned) . It definitely sounds like there was a fight club gone wrong if that makes sense

  11. 👍🏼 % to views is much higher than normal.

    Nice to see viewers showing appreciation 😊

    Perhaps viewers were going through LYK withdrawals Lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol IDK

  12. 0:34: ⚖️ Analysis of opening statements in a modern mystery criminal trial with unclear sides holding key evidence.
    8:55: 🔍 Analysis of trial proceedings reveals unexpected decision to move forward despite mutual agreement, highlighting firefighter testimonies on defendant's statements.
    16:55: 🔍 Witnesses observe interactions between Mr. O'Keef and the defendant on the evening of the incident.
    24:32: 🔍 Woman frantically reports missing man, sparking search efforts among friends.
    33:00: ⚖️ Investigation reveals defendant's movements before meeting with key witness.
    41:18: ⚖️ Defense claims Karen Reed was framed for a crime she did not commit, shifting blame to someone else.
    49:59: ⚖️ Allegations of conflict of interest and lack of control in investigation in Karen Read trial.
    58:16: ⚖️ Trial reveals shocking misconduct by fired person, influencing jury opinions and defense tactics.
    1:06:39: 🔍 Karen Reed's missing tail light raises doubts about the state's evidence and John's unusual behavior leads to Karen's concern.
    1:14:57: ⏳ Investigation into the timing of a Google search reveals crucial evidence in the death case.
    1:22:23: 🔍 Investigation neglects crucial evidence near crime scene, raising doubts on case integrity.
    1:30:04: 🔍 Unveiling the mysterious murder plot with unexpected twists and suspects
    1:38:17: ⚖️ Testimonies of witnesses indicate defense's confidence in case, raising concerns for prosecution.

    Tammy AI: Get video info faster & better

  13. Defence: too much info with name dropping, too flat, seemed not to believe his own words, lacked vigour especially when he sighed.
    State: strong voice and tone, committed, dedicated, fighting a good fight.

  14. One sentence:
    “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”!
    The conversation may end there as it were.

  15. As Emily put it commonwealth gave us the jigsaw with no pic…..defence gave us the picture & the puzzle pieces and how it went together

  16. The main investigator looking for nudes on her phone…. 🤯 I’m like EDB… the homeowners not coming out to help or investigate is so sus that sticks with you.

  17. I watched this with EDB the commonwealth opening was so boring….. defence was really good and left us with questions that I hope he can give us the answers during trial

  18. It feels like the prosecution is probably a good lawyer but has got a real bad case to work and knows that the evidence that will come out will just bury the prosecutions case.
    And hearing what the defence have said already without the intervention of the Judge, it sounds like this is going to be a really bad look for all the police involved.
    This case feels like it’s going to be so explosive.

    I don’t make much of the Police Officer allegedly being disappointed there were no nudes of KR in her phone. We are not naive to think things like that are never said even as a joke between men.
    If it doesn’t relate specifically to proving KR’s innocence I couldn’t care less about it. Obviously the defense is going to be all about the “DRAMA DEFENSE” to grab those who enjoy drama. Hopefully the jury look past it and see it for what it is.
    This is a criminal case and we are not watching a play with drama and theatrics – a man lost his life and in terrible circumstances whilst KR at all times sits there appearing emotionless about that.

  20. Can YOU even imagine being Jen McCabe, seeing your friend on the lawn at 6 AM …

    and NOT run screaming to the front door of Brian's house and pounding on the door

    -saying Brian, wake up, open up, OUR FRIEND JOHN is out here on the front lawn
    -get some blankets
    -let's do some CPR
    -bring your life saving kit

    JEN DOES NOT ALERT ANYONE IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And everyone is focused on KAREN's reaction?????????????????


  21. States opening had me drifting a little but the defence had me engaged. I doodle during openings and closings and if I'm still doodling at the end then says a lot. And defence had me actually looking at screen

  22. On rewarch crew and omg the state has me totally confused and I have been following the case to many names

  23. The CW proved:

    John’s family loved Karen
    Karen was a very kind women
    Karen was a great step mom so to speak to those kids she loved.

    How will the defense overcome this overwhelming proof of murder 😂

  24. Local here – I have something called AN OPEN MIND…today is only DAY ONE…a we don’t know what we don’t know. I am certainly not an expert and I’m open to hear from both sides. It’s like everyone has their minds made up and there’s no changing it. Like I said previously, I wish people would use their energy on helping the victims rather than fighting with strangers online…

  25. The opening to the prosecuter lost me after a minute.. , and sound like he dont even belive what he said. His face, – even ears got red = Bodylanguage 🙄😏
    But the defence showed confedance, + had many enlightening points. Again, about bodylanguage + he "owned" the court 💯👨‍🍼, both by words n bodylanguage.
    Tnx for cover this trial! Greetings from Norway

  26. The biggest problem the prosecution will never over come, is the fact that John was found on the lawn with a 2" head wound (head wounds bleed a lot) with only 6 drops of blood. Never ever was the house was searched or investigated.

  27. The 3000 pg. Touhy report provided by the Federal Investigation (which is still ongoing) provided the defense with a lot of exculpatory evidence that the Commonwealth either tried to hide or never investigated.
    There's a federal proffer. This case has so much that's absolutely unbelievable. Karen Read could be any of us – our mother, sister, daughter, best friend. Karen was fortunate to have resources, along with many supporters who have donated and held fundraisers so that she could afford bail, obtain these excellent attorneys, hire PI and experts, pay for testkng the CW failed to do – all to go up against the Commonwealth, and it's terrifying to think that so many people would never be able to afford it.

    Thank you, Peter! ♡

  28. The prosecutions opening was SO confusing. I know this case involves a lot if people, but I’m sure the jury’s heads are spinning……

  29. Worst opening I ever heard. I couldn't absorb anything but the "what if anything" he started every sentence with and the coughs he finished them with.

  30. IMPO it is normal for someone involved in an accident to express responsibility "Oh my God I hot x" or " I killed him" are normal in accidental circumstances. Less likely in Murder situations

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