
LIVE! Karen Read Day 25: KEY State Witnesses Explain Google Searches & Accident Reconstruction


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25 thoughts on “LIVE! Karen Read Day 25: KEY State Witnesses Explain Google Searches & Accident Reconstruction”

  1. Thank you, Peter, for the unbiased and well-explained coverage of this absolutely shocking case. I’m almost caught up…

  2. Why hasn't the defense asked these troopers "Excuse me sir, but you do realize these are SERIOUS CHARGES against my client, and you did minimal investigating?"

  3. my brain just melted…I have used same tabs and they often glitch…not out of the realm of possibilities that there was a glitch of hold depending on phone etc.

  4. I've been hit by a car twice (I know unlucky), Both times I was riding a bike, so not the same situation. But the first time I was 5, she was driving 40-50 kph and I left no damage on the car, my bike wheel was bent into a C shape. The next time I was 14 the driver was leaving a carpark so going less than 30kmph (at a guess) I rolled up on her bonnet, smashed my head on her front driver's side light and split my eyebrow, the headlight was undamaged. I know I weighed less than a 6ft fully grown man but the speed she was going how the hell did he even crack the light. I wasn't even concussed by either incident. I just cant see how a fully grown man being hit at such low speeds was injured enough to be knocked out, if he was just hit and in pain he would have gone inside for help, not just laid down in the cold. It's possible he was bending over, and the car hit him at a very specific angle to knock him out but there's been no evidence to show that in any way so far, they've had 6 weeks and there's nothing presented so far that would make a hit and run make sense.

  5. This is one case I am definitely getting a true bias from you. I have never felt that way before and truthfully loved your unbiased opinions. I feel diheartened.

  6. this accident testimony is nonsensical. neither side claims an impact didn't happen. a five-year-old knows both crash theories could've produced the damage. the only issue, in this case, is the CW must PROVE that hitting JOK caused the damage. they don't come anywhere near that burden.

  7. You go in-depth on these cases. how do you find the time? Aren't you a practicing attorney? is your IQ 250 or something?

  8. I have a degrees in Mathematics and have worked in data analysis, mathematical modelling and computer programming/ coding.

    The first expert witness did a poor job at explaining complex information in laymen’s terms.

  9. Soooo she was that far away from him at 25 mph…and he didn't move? Or see her backing up? 🤔

  10. I had a lady rear end the back of my Honda CRV going about 5 mph, and there was no damage to my car or hers. Bumpers are there for a reason.

  11. Maybe he was told he didn’t need measurements in this case. If someone thought they didn’t need or wouldn’t need an explanation of what happened he just didn’t do a thorough investigation. Shoddy at best.

  12. She probably closed out the browser after the first 6am search, then opened up again and made the 2nd 6am search. Hence, the second search showed up at the correct time. The first search was still using the opened browser

  13. For every “expert” that seems to indicate the time stamps don’t matter or are some cockamamie guess work as this witness seemed to hint there will be 20 to state it does matter, it does offer proof of time lines and when used completely will prove a sequence of time. She seemed defensive and crabby to me so my mind dismissed her as argumentative.

  14. I take great issue with the tail light lense pieces. Every photo taken shows them laying directly on grass. The likelihood of the snow completely melting under every piece of glass is absurd. It looks very staged like the pieces were set out individually to try and make it appear they waited until they became visible days later.

  15. The prosecution “expert” intentionally speaks fast and uses as many technical terms as she can to try to show how smart she is. She’s just a paid person trying to produce a very messy narrative.

  16. 23 mph backwards in 5 seconds? In the snow? What about hard braking? So she gunned it in reverse in front of the house and took off, yet left no tire tracks on the grass and nobody saw or heard anything. Riiigghhhttt…

  17. The issue is, why does the “tab movement” time stamp not show the first search or the last search. It makes no sense that it would show a search somewhere in the middle of the session.

  18. Wonder if there's any DBAs on the jury. Admittedly, I don't work with iOS or SQLite, but I've worked with application logs using Oracle and SQL DBs for 25+ years and never seen logs act like this with timestamps. The delete/purge I do see how that could happen.

  19. The pool of blood was in the house! Great point! Head gash equals lots of blood. No pool of blood outside.

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