
LIVE! John O’Keefe’s Brother Has Things To Say About Karen Read – It’s Their Turn To Tell A Story


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48 thoughts on “LIVE! John O’Keefe’s Brother Has Things To Say About Karen Read – It’s Their Turn To Tell A Story”

  1. She was a freaking mess!! What the hell did they think she was supposed to act like. They act like she was supposed to not be affected

  2. It makes no sense if she was dropping him off. How would she put it in reverse. Why would he be behind the car

  3. Not just that. But this guy was not there… So how can he say THIS is what happened

  4. I the that the alberts are really good at manipulating people into thinking what they want them to think. That's exactly why they are sticking so close to them. It's hard to believe the okeefes aren't wondering why the dog disappeared after having her 7years and why the basement concrete had been repaired and all this stuff. Those children can easily be manipulated as well. At their ages it unfortunately happens

  5. I think they just want to blame someone and they don't care who it is .. and it's really sad.

  6. He has an opinion on their relationship… We are going off of the evidence… And it's crazy! They are running on emotion

  7. Jen McCabe and Kerry Robert's went to Mr. & Mrs. O'Keefe's home and took them to the hospital to see John. I believe Jen McCabe said things about Karen from that morning and probably put ideas in Mrs. O'Keefe's mind. Basically manipulation. After Karen was released from the hospital her brother and dad picked her up and took her to John's home..her brother drove her suv and she rode with her dad to Dighton that afternoon before Proctor showed up at her parents house. JEN MCCABE was in everyone's ear!!

  8. I also think that at the time she questioned whether or not she did hit him. I think she was drunk and that they did have a continued fight. She probably felt very sheepish at the time. Once the evidence came together, it became a different story. Makes sense. Again, I feel for the O’Keefe family, but you have to consider the science, as well.

  9. Paul said none of this on the witness stand. He know KR helped bail him out of jail for OUI and hitting a man with his car. The McAlberts and CW continue to lie to the family. 12:36AM KR iPhone connected to JO home WIFI. The DA put out a video to all of the media defending the McAlberts and trooper proctor, that’s when KR team started speaking to the media because the CW was putting out their narrative.

  10. Sadly, I doubt ANYONE could convince him that KR didn't do it. The truth might be too hard for him to take…RIP OJO.

  11. This interviewer is so grossly biased and it just feels icky. My heart breaks for the O’Keefe family. The facts don’t support the case against KR. It’s really sad because we probably won’t ever know what really happened to OJO.

  12. No one pays for a murder of this man. Pathetic prosecutor team. Witnesses who were not fully truthful. Kids who barely knew victim and had nothing to do with this man, blamed for a murder and being harassed. Family of victim being harassed. Blogger for pink team arrested. Such a screwed up situation. They should retry this case with a new prosecutor team!

  13. God bless the O'Keefe family. So so sad.
    I prayed John gets Justice and quit prolonging this crap.
    The tall tales of evidence are everywhere.
    They're trying to close it quick like the Watts family, all that DNA in evidence and questioning and people involved should have been hardcore that night or the day after someone or more than one are being protected. Very sickening. Or possibly being paid off. Which I heard that the courts can do.

  14. Thank you for walking us through this, Peter. I knew this would be a hard watch, I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch it. But it was at your coaxing, your understanding of where I personally was coming from, but also with the same compassion I have for the family of who as you said perfectly, has seen way too much tragedy. And yet… I had no preconceived notions. I was curious on opening statements day. Why was this case so controversial? And it didn’t take long to become clear. I think it is a mistake for anyone to say they know what happened to Officer John O’Keefe. I saw no investigation done. And if I was his mother, my anger would be directed at those investigators. For all the lack of investigating they did to even cancel out all other possible avenues. What they didn’t do is bewildering to me.
    Every way you explained the family’s need to believe in this rings true to me. And it makes me sick to my stomach to think of the type of sociopaths who would hurl any type of anger or hatred or additional pain at this family. Shame on them. SHAME ON THEM.
    The investigators and the prosecutor alone are to blame for this. Their department is a mess and embarrassment. I’m sorry for what the O’Keefes have been through, but it’s time to put the anger where it belongs. At this mess of an investigation. Disgusting.

    Had to edit to add:
    I am totally disconnected from Paul and his comments and views on Michael Proctor, he feels some kind of injustice has been done to Proctor for facing the consequences of his own behavior, the FBI being involved should at least make him DO a double take. It’s this stubborn blinders-on view is very hard for me. Do you want truth and justice? Or just revenge on Karen? This is troubling.

  15. That was a very thoughtful and informative take on his interview. It's a shame we may never actually know what happened. I feel bad for all involved.

  16. This reporter is next level dumb wants to refer to it as ODD behavior. Listen, Karen saw something traumatic rendered CPR to John and then she was put on a psych hold. She probably was given medication to calm or sedate her.
    The woman was in shock some of these people saying the things that they’re saying about her have never had anything traumatic happened to them or see something traumatic where it put you in shock and I can say this as a person that had something horrific happening to me 3 1/2 years ago, and I was in shock for a few days because of it.

  17. The banter online regarding this case is a stark reminder of how important empathy is in communication, critical thinking, and understsnding others.

    It’s brutal for this family, there’s no doubt about that. Regardless of what people think of this case, nobody should be berating someone who went through a trauma. Berating others only serves the speakers ego.

    This interview makes me wonder about old cases that have found new evidence, and how the victim’s family deals with the change that sometimes occur.

    Thinking in terms of the Innocence Project. Some families watch a person they believed , or may still believe, killed their loved one. New names, narratives, and possibly arrests in the case could turn their world upside down. It’s traumatic, and brutal to think about.

    I wonder what the psychology is around an event like that, and what kind of support , if any, families get in regard to that.

    This isn’t a commentary on his belief. It’s a question that just occurred to me while listening.

  18. I agree with you. I don’t think he’s lying either but I feel like he wants to believe a narrative that’s just not facts!!

  19. Im sorry to disagree with you but the FBI's "experts' did an awful job. They did not even bend the arm and see how it matched. He even went on to say…"the taillight was only 6 inches and he had cuts on 12 inches" they were definitely biased.

  20. I think KR just realized early on that she would be accused and charged with the murder, and that was what made her act “coldly” toward JOK’s family.

  21. Approximately 68 witnesses with amnesia. Idk, I don't recall, etc.

    I want to add that the pink people who called names were far and few between the KR supporters. 99% were not only supporting her but also JJ. They want justice for the family, KR, and JO.

    Turtle Boy was not contacted by anyone. He has an extensive history of calling out the bad guys.
    I'm only a few towns over from Canton. I've been following this from day one.
    TLYK, I found you through through following this trial, and I'm a fan for life.

  22. He doesn't know they wete fighting at all he's lying so bad, behavior panel need to do all of these lot

  23. It sounds to me like not only was their relationship toxic, but relations between KR and JO parents were just as bad or worse. That's why she left and went to her dad's and told SIL she was done with them.
    With the family already not liking her, it twists the brain to blame her. It's easier to blame someone you never liked compared to a fellow officer. Unfortunately or fortunately, our brains always want to protect us. I feel for the family. I really and I believe that their grieving and not able to process the truth yet


  25. if there is a video showing KR hitting him and taking off CW wouldve had this evidence. no witnesses saw a body at 1245

  26. Karen could have been acting strange because the other ppl getting their story straight & involving themselves in the case were probably already trying to blame her.
    Also I believe she was smiling at her parents

  27. Funny, did he mention that Karen is the one who bailed him out after he got arrested for HIS OUI October of 2020 AND paid for his attorney?? And he had the audacity to sit in court everyday and glare at her?? There but for the grace of God go him. She didn't kill his brother but they just can't see the flowers through the trees

  28. Well, Jackson was confident because he’s a lying snake in the grass that gets criminals out of trouble and all the people that are behind him sickens me

  29. ARCCA experts. prooved that it is physically mathematicly impossible her car hit John. science n math dont lie

  30. Gosh, do you think maybe everyone in the Commonwealth and everyone in the court and everyone in his family knows more than people that are armchair detectives just getting the bits and pieces that’s why I think it’s crazy that everybody thinks she should be let go. It’s a video that starts in the middle, and you don’t know what happened. There’s a reason the commonwealth believe that they’re not just pulling it out of their butt.

  31. Pittsfield Massachusetts Berkshire County could be a change of venue however I'm not sure any venue change would change anything

  32. he really has to wake up. the Mac n Alberts are his friends. he is in deep denial and the truth hurts. and this brother will never believe his so called friends did this to his brother. imo. sad

  33. This brother had only good things to say about Karen said he completely respected her for how she helped John with his niece and nephew is what he testified to, he and his wife socialized with her and John before what happened to John, he even said he blew her a kiss at hospital. He needs to remember that his character judgement of her before John's death. That only changed because he didn't understand her actions after.

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