
LIVE: Israel responds to Gaza genocide case at Hague court


LIVE: Israel responds to Gaza genocide case at Hague court

#LIVE #Israel #responds #Gaza #genocide #case #Hague #court

(WARNING: testimony given in court may be very graphic)

Judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) hear Israel’s response to a request for emergency measures by South Africa who asked the court to order Israel to stop its military actions in Gaza.

South Africa called on the International Court of Justice to order Israel to stop the war in Gaza, as the country presented a case accusing Israel of genocide in the Palestinian territory.

Lawyers told the United Nations’ highest court in the Hague that Israel’s military campaign had breached the UN Genocide Convention, saying that even the October 7 attack by Hamas could not justify such actions.

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criminal lawyer , LIVE: Israel responds to Gaza genocide case at Hague court, breaking news,latest news,news,the sunday times,the times,world news,hague court live stream,israel,gaza,international court hague live stream,hamas,middle east,israel war,israel gaza war,israel hamas war,the hague israel palstine live stream,world court live stream,international court of justice israel gaza live stream

30 thoughts on “LIVE: Israel responds to Gaza genocide case at Hague court”

  1. And where is the video of the cheering Israeli population from the platform where they are sitting on comfortable chairs with a view over Gaza, which is being bombed and is burning to the horizon all over the Gaza Strip?

  2. The Israeli,defendant,is telling fabricated story, which is totally baseless.they are trying to defend their genocide in Gaza,by telling lie,before the court.

  3. Why hasn't Israel charged Hamas in court? No, they haven't! Instead, they are flattening the whole of Gaza! They want infinite revenge! According to international law, the attack on civilians on October 7 was apparently illegal. But if they had gone to court, they would have had to admit that friendly fire killed most victims that day.

  4. They have no proof of what he is talking about. They are bombarding gaza for the last 20 years. Hamas is not the Palestinian civil population. Fuckers

  5. The number of wars Arab states started against Israel: 7
    Number of wars Israel started against other nations: 0

    People tend to miss the most important factor of all this is that this is A RELIGIOUS WAR.
    No court and no country can ever solve this problems if there are the fundamentalist & the fanatics.

  6. US, UK, France, Germany Administrations are welcoming the Genocide of Palestinian Arabs and atrocities in the Arab region ! Fake democracy and hypocritical abuse of terrorism forces against indigenous land owners the Arabs!

  7. and if they loose the case then the excuse will be that the De Haag tribunal is fake and it is a white conspiracy 🙂

  8. Господь мой ненавидящий ложь и лицемерие излопыхания гнусных подлецов помогтПалестине даруй любящим его все блага этого мира и небесного пустьу чистых душ проснется совесть и любовь к этой стране

  9. Don't you get it ???? UN UNRWA HAGUE they all support Terror in their action and play to Hama Nazi Isis hands look at the out come . Even if they dont admit or mean that , they do support Terror Unrwa takes EU and US money to give to Hamas and build Terror schools . UN does not condemned any Psychopath countries Like Putin Raduan Hizbalha etc because those parties would not give a f about the UN and Human .. UN and Hague only attacks the only sane Democracy Israel.. look at who accuse Israel and I will show you their crime Look at Turkey what they to to rebels. Look at Putin takes all good land and abolish it Ukraine, now Sweden /// Really no body threaten you and you go to war??

    The world lost is morality and reality and mind … wake up

    Fight the radical Islam and the Radical sociopath

  10. Thanks to the formation of Bipolar and Multi polar world neutralizing the political and economic ruling of the West(Jews), we could see such questioning party(SA).

  11. the HAMAS and FATAH are created by the ruthless and horrific terrors of tsionists who expel the innocents and occupy the Palestinian territories by force, how many settlements have been made by forcing the Palestines to move away from their homeland, thanks to the US and England owning the media and tanks to cover what the terrorist tsionists are doing against the Palestines, in the front of dumb world. How many October 7 resembling tragedies have been carried out on the innocent and helpless palestines. What makes a tsionists life much precious than any human being in this world. Could Abrhamic rethorics be the reference to your establishment?? what would be the truth when you were established in the Uganda?????????????????????

  12. The Holocaust happened in a different time , a different place & by different people .
    HOLOCAUST doesn’t not give the right to invade colonise and terrorise endogenous people in their own land especially the Palestinians whom offered them refuge .

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