
LIVE: Hung Jury for Karen Read? Bederow Joins for End of Day 4


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28 thoughts on “LIVE: Hung Jury for Karen Read? Bederow Joins for End of Day 4”

  1. Am I missing something .. when they amended the jury slip – Is it possible to still vote not guilty on the murder to charges and vote on the subsequent charges? It seem like there was only one choice not guilty to murder to and subsequent charges which if it’s Hahn could set her up to be recharged for murder 2? that would be awful

  2. lets just log it: for the record on general consensus and wide questioning of other people i have found that the JUDGE IS SEEN AS: RUDE , DISMISSIVE, ABRUPT, AND UNFAIR AND CONDACENDING .

  3. Hi Melanie It's approximately 6 30pm Monday here in Australia, l have been watching the Canton Select board meeting 25/6 and l cannot believe why this town has such bad policing and Chris Albert seems to lead the charge of corruption, with the DA there it's a disgrace, this town needs to have a task force say from the FBI or other non corrupt specialists to come there to sort it, the Sandra Birchmore case and now the Karen Read case should be investigated properly to release Karen Read and give her the freedom she deserves, l am outraged at the Canton police with their idea of what justice is, the prosecution for Karen Read being guilty is all about corrupt evidence and complete incompetency by Mr Lally and co. The Alberts have a large involvement in John O'Keefes death and they should be investigated as well as the others who were in the Alberts house the night of John's murder, l hope the right thing happens to Karen and wish her the best, take care, Janet from Australia 🦘🦘

  4. If this is a hung jury I hope it gets picked up again and the people who are involved are brought to justice John and family need justice, after all of the shady sh&?t iv from that lot in the house . Someone’s going to talk 2 people can keep a secret but 6 people?? No way ,, hello from Australia love your channel ❤

  5. Don’t get me wrong but I love the crime and trials that come up on YouTube and televised BUT times have not caught up with the internet and media . I for one do not want to see no cameras in the court BUT if it’s going to interfere with the case and people getting the justice they need I have a idea , all court cases are videoed but not released to anyone until the verdict comes in ,, it’s crazy that the prosecution can look at what the sway is on YouTube with what people think 💭 it’s just not good

  6. I think the hold out jury has a cop in the family and just can’t get past it ? It’s a shame if they know it’s just one person holding back, the judge can’t just cut them out ,, yes I know that’s not how the justice system works

  7. Mark saying that you’d have to be a science denier to not believe the defense witnesses (paraphrasing). We have seen a rise in the denial of science across our country over the past decade and it’s only getting worse. I work in the health care industry (I’m not a first responder or nurse) and all of this denial of science bothers me to no end.
    My sister is an ER nurse at the level 1 trauma center in our hometown. I work in medical billing. I showed her the picture of Officer O’Keefe’s arm and asked her what she thought the injuries were based on her 35 years of experience working in a trauma center. She didn’t hesitate to say that the injuries looked like bites from a large dog.

  8. I had to comment…i heard Melanie read a comment atround the 1:22:51 mark which read: "Paul was nodding at a juror at the end. That's Odd!" and i remember noticing the same thing. I was at the end of the day on Friday when they dismissed the jury. He was looking and giving a subtle could be nothing, but i noticed it too so had to mention it since someone else brought it up as well. God bless…Free Karen Read…Justice for Officer John O'Keefe 🙏


  10. Hi Melanie,
    I just found this and would like for you to see it. I'm not tech savvy, so this is it, 😊 You Tube:
    Hawk Law Group, "Karen Read's prosecutors playing defense" Starts at 45.22, a demonstrative of Jan. 29th.
    Let's say you😊

  11. Okay just like many others I'm shocked that this case isn't behind us!!! Rome wasn't built in a day”
    The something great would be __NOT GUILTY__
    Thank you smart lady ML & Mark

  12. What is going on with this jury? There must be bias and ignorance in that room because nothing points to that car other than corrupt cops saying it does

  13. There are so many stupid conspiracy theories in this case! A planted paid juror, a loser on the jury who wants to prolong deliberations cause he doesn’t want to go home? Please.

  14. I was reading Proverbs 6:16-19 this morning and immediately thought of the McAlberts. God help them!

    There are six things the LORD hates,
    seven that are detestable to Him:
    haughty (prideful) eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    a false witness who pours out lies,
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

  15. Good morning fellow cuppies.. Aussie insider has a hilarious video up. I call it waking up with auntie Bev. So good. Enjoy your Sunday.

  16. I live in upstate Ny I wasn’t to know the pro se face Mark was adviser or whatever it’s called

  17. If I recall, they were not allow to review witness testimony, have to base on the juror's memory only. Which to me is crazy.

  18. Wondering about death as misadventure as a factor given blood alcohol level whilst out in a blizzard.

  19. What happened to Brian Higgins jeep, Julie Nagel, her brother and friends never mentioned it wasn't it still at the mailbox

  20. Re: Hung Juries
    To avoid hung juries.
    For a guilty verdict as it is now the jury has to be unanimous.
    For an acquittal only a majority of the jurors would be needed.

  21. You all are a class act! ❤❤❤❤ JC could learn a lot from you!! She's a loose cannon!!

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