
LIVE: Day 5 Closing Arguments MI v. James Crumbley, School Shooter Dad Trial | COURT TV


LIVE: Day 5 Closing Arguments MI v. James Crumbley, School Shooter Dad Trial | COURT TV

#LIVE #Day #Closing #Arguments #James #Crumbley #School #Shooter #Dad #Trial #COURT

LIVE: (2024) MI v. James Crumbley – DAY 5 – Prosecutors are expected to rest their case against James Crumbley. Should the Michigan father take the stand in his own defense like his wife Jennifer Crumbley?

James Crumbley has pleaded not guilty to four counts of involuntary manslaughter in the November 30, 2021, mass shooting at Oxford High School, in which his son Ethan killed four students (Madisyn Baldwin, Tate Myre, Hana St. Juliana, Justin Shilling) and wounded six students and a teacher. James faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. 

Defendant: James Crumbley 
Prosecutors: Karen McDonald, Marc Keast 
Defense: Mariell Lehman 
Judge: Hon. Cheryl Matthews 

COUNT 1: Involuntary Manslaughter – Madisyn Baldwin
COUNT 2: Involuntary Manslaughter – Tate Myre
COUNT 3: Involuntary Manslaughter – Hana St. Juliana
COUNT 4: Involuntary Manslaughter – Justin Shilling

00:00:00 Introduction
00:18:59 Defendant James Crumbley Enters Court
00:30:33 ALL RISE! Jury enters the court – MI v. James Crumbley
00:31:57 RECALL STATE’S WITNESS #9 Special Agent Brett Brandon, ATF
00:35:32 STATE RESTS
00:37:19 #DEFENSE’S WITNESS #1 Karen Crumbley, Defendant’s Sister
01:03:54 Judge Speaks to Defendant about testifying
01:06:57 RECESS Lunch Break
03:42:26 Defense Rests – Defendant Enters Court
03:47:22 ALL RISE for the Jury!
03:48:14 Karen McDonald – State’s Closing Arguments
04:50:37 Mariell Lehman – Defense’s Closing Arguments
05:35:42 Karen McDonald – State’s Rebuttal
05:52:40 Judge Matthews reads jury instructions
06:20:40 Jury Leaves for Deliberations
06:28:09 Defendant James Crumley returns to custody

#CourtTV  Catch up on the facts of the case against #JamesCrumbley in the #SchoolShooterDadTrial

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50 thoughts on “LIVE: Day 5 Closing Arguments MI v. James Crumbley, School Shooter Dad Trial | COURT TV”

  1. #CourtTV What do YOU think?
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:18:59 Defendant James Crumbley Enters Court
    00:30:33 ALL RISE! Jury enters the court – MI v. James Crumbley
    00:31:57 RECALL STATE’S WITNESS #9 Special Agent Brett Brandon, ATF
    00:35:32 STATE RESTS
    00:37:19 #DEFENSE’S WITNESS #1 Karen Crumbley, Defendant’s Sister
    01:03:54 Judge Speaks to Defendant about testifying
    01:06:57 RECESS Lunch Break
    03:42:26 Defense Rests – Defendant Enters Court
    03:47:22 ALL RISE for the Jury!
    03:48:14 Karen McDonald – State’s Closing Arguments
    04:50:37 Mariell Lehman – Defense’s Closing Arguments
    05:35:42 Karen McDonald – State’s Rebuttal
    05:52:40 Judge Matthews reads jury instructions
    06:20:40 Jury Leaves for Deliberations
    06:28:09 Defendant James Crumley returns to custody

    #CourtTV Catch up on the facts of the case against #JamesCrumbley in the #SchoolShooterDadTrial

  2. Great closing by the prosecutor. So many unreasonable statements by the defense…and I'm paraphrasing…"Ethan didn't know where the dad hid the gun"…well obviously he did know. "The teacher looked at Ethan and couldn't believe it was him because he was such a sweet kid." They say that about all sorts of killers when they interview their neighbors. Bottom line, he didn't lock up the guns like he OBVIOUSLY should have…especially if he knew the kid was "begging for the gun". Guilty.

  3. Who buys hollow points to target practice? No one ever. This man is guilty as sin. These people are so self involved they can’t stand themselves. Hobbies aka horses and buying guns – alcohol and drugs. Just couldn’t be bothered that their child was depressed and on a murdering path. They all deserve life. Also notice that Eathan was the only one to man up and say I take responsibility.

  4. yikes. the prosecution got back up after defenses closing statements to whine like a baby. "i dont have to prove this to you!!!!!!! witnesses arent evidence!!! 👺 yOu dID nOT hEAR they werent concerned!!" literally stop. stop stomping your feet like a grown baby and let the jury do their job

  5. a lot of teenagers have access to firearms and have depression – doesnt mean theyre ALL going to do what Ethan did.

  6. C'mon, this father his wife were Black there'd be no persecution. Propaganda; Parents, prosecutors, on a witch hunt. One shooter, one murderer, he's in prison. Every neglectful parent was penalized, they'd all be in prison! Millions of Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, run amok highest crime rates in history; Repeat offenders, no bail or punishment. Pack jails, prisons, their parents belong in prison! BLM caused $Billions in property damage; Loot, rob, burn, attack, maim, kill, possess tens of millions of illegal guns! NYC ATTACK COPS DAILY. Shame on The Court! A mockery; Prosecution, Jurors, are wrong.

  7. I believe prosecutor provided enough evidence to prove "reasonably foreseeable." I'd be surprised if found not guilty.

  8. A gun safe, with a combination more complicated than 000, would have prevented this sociopath from shooting up the school. I know several people who are responsible gun owners who keep their guns in locked heavy safes. This man is an accessory to a mass murder, while ignoring severe problems of his son. Guilty as charged.

  9. The only thing the defense did, was confirm that the parents were remiss in several areas. GUILTY. Why? It's the adults responsibility to LOCK UP WEAPONS. This family was self serving in general.

  10. The defense gave a compelling closing. I have several reasonable doubts myself. IMO, the prosecution has a weak case, and so they made it all about a cable lock. But that's not the issue. The issue is gross negligence, namely, foreseeing that he would hurt someone and not acting appropriately. Even school officials who knew him were in disbelief that it was him.

    The journal? I believe the word of the parents over the rants of a killer. It's no secret that Ethan refused to testify, which means his texts and writings about him having mental issues were never verified as truth.

  11. Listening to closing arguments makes me sick as a teacher. We ARE trained for active shooters. Like it is an any/everday possibility….

  12. Guilty no doubt. So sad 5 lives were lost bc of these parents. The 4 school kids, and their son who was literally screaming for help. So gd sad.

  13. As a Republican and proud NRA member, I can hardly wait for Permanent President Trump to pardon St Ethan Crumbley and his PATRIOTIC PARENTS from these politically provoked prosecutions!

  14. Mom was colder than dad was, but dad bought the gun and didn’t secure it, so although he is more likable than mom he is more culpable.

  15. It will be rather odd if the jury finds him not guilty, when another jury found Jennifer guilty. I'm anxiously awaiting their verdict; hopefully it will come in tomorrow.

  16. After the John Hopkins in the Maya trail can we just agree to kick every Hopkins out of this country 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 I'm just sayin the Hopkins guy in this case was pretty bad too he didn't protect the kids or attempt to actually help Ethan either 💯😔

  17. The prosecutor closed very effectively with that demonstration of the gun cable lock.
    It took 10 seconds to install the lock & make the gun inoperable. With 10 seconds of effort, James Crumbley could've prevented this horrific crime.

    The demonstration really emphasized the absolute negligence on the part of this father.

  18. Hindsight is always 20/20. At the time, this was unforeseeable and unthinkable for all those around him.

    People aren't perfect. It's easy to look back and say "what if" about the parents and the school. Both acted reasonably at that time in those circumstances. Nobody is at fault but the shooter himself.

  19. Aww poor teachers gotta do something no phones no computer lets see if u can teach old style and parents that aren't even home with kids but buye all they need common sence hummmm

  20. They say they ran because they were being threatened.
    They ran because they Knew, that they were guilty!

  21. Common sence lol kids obly know their way on a phone or computer common sense shhhh lol good luck parents dont even have it but material things

  22. School failed as parents did and bo a days good luck with ur privileges kiddos since parents pay for all when under their house so yes all guilty

  23. Cable or no cable on the gun, this was unforeseeable and unthinkable. The son had to sneak into the parents room, search and find the gun and ammo, and steal them to commit the crime.

  24. "dad, voices I my head are telling me to shoot up the school…. Blood everywhere…. Take me to a doctor"

    "Suck it up, son, here have some (?)…. Here's a gun… Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal"

  25. I will say this If your going to hold this couple responsible for their son's actions, then Latino and black parents must be also for their kids and grandkids who carry guns and kill people and rob them as they know they're kids carry guns and live with them.

  26. I gotta say, the defense has done her best. As a past juror I couldn't take the behavior of Mrs. Crumbly's atty. This one speaks loudly but gets her points across well.

  27. I believe the school failed these children this day this child should not have been allowed on the campus the drawings etc.

  28. Guilty, no doubt. Both parents disregarded all the signs of their son!! Look at what it is costing them!!

  29. I'm having a hard time putting any blame on the school , how much more are we going to put on these teachers to sooth our guilt . They are EDUCATORS , sure it's a horror what happened if they could go back and do something that doesn't detract from the fact they did call in the parents , THE PARENTS , it is their job to do the right thing not the school's . God when are we going to open up our eyes and see the real issue here , guns should never be in the hands of children period .


  31. It is my understanding that Ethan, oops, "the shooter", was certified to stand trial as an adult. If that is the case, shouldn't the parents' defense be, Ethan is an adult as determined by the court, therefore, they have no culpability and no responsibility for Ethan's actions?

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