
LIVE! Day 11 of Chad Daybell Trial – Has The State Of Idaho Connected Daybell To These Crimes?


LIVE! Day 11 of Chad Daybell Trial – Has The State Of Idaho Connected Daybell To These Crimes?

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37 thoughts on “LIVE! Day 11 of Chad Daybell Trial – Has The State Of Idaho Connected Daybell To These Crimes?”

  1. I think they planned this fake attack with paintballl gun couple weeks prior… so once they killed Tammy, nobody could tell it was Chad.

  2. Its pretty obvious when bodies are buried on your property that owner must have knowledge at the very least.
    Motive is obvious.

  3. Notice how Chad cried while giving Alex a 'blessing ' but had to be reminded by Prior in court and still didn't manage to act it well.

  4. They may be waiting to charge Chad with the murderer of conspiracy after this trial gets done. So the key word here is yet has Chad been charged with Charles murder

  5. I’m not saying Chad isn’t guilty (I believe he is), however I do think John Prior is doing a very good job.
    ….. I know most everything on this case – more than the jurors at least – and once in a while Prior has me thinking a bit…..
    And, also, I’m in the minority, but I think his “OK’s” are enduring.
    Just my humble thoughts.

  6. I think you sometimes forget the REASONABLE part of reasonable doubt. Yes it's super reasonable that people wave their arms to cheat with their apple watches. I'm more like if it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck, it's a duck kinda guy.
    I always find funny that lawyers and judges treat jurors like if they were computers. Strike that, don't consider that… Sure sir, let me push the delete key in my brain and forget how I felt and what I thought. That's not how humans work. We are an easy malleable specie. There's a reason why companies spend millions in ads and marketing. It works in a conscious and unconscious level

  7. The google search of paintball guns before the 911 call just solidified the fact that she didn’t know the difference between a paintball gun and a rifle

  8. I wish they would show this jury the wedding pics. They tell a story all by themselves.
    Yes, please continue to follow this trial. Something new happening every day so there's always new things to talk about.

  9. Its interesting the only person's to benefit off Brandon's murder would of only been Lori and his ex Melanie. It's interesting that there were 2 deaths prior to Lori meeting Chad, her sister and Lori's third husband. Both those deaths created monies for family, life insurances. Its interesting coroner stated she would only change Tammy's death certificate if Lori's case was found guilty. And again Lori would benefit from Tammy's death too . It's intersection that melanie and her new husband wete at the house the night of children's murder but police never bothered to collect their cell phone data. It's interesting that most of alleged details Chad brainwashed lori with was indirect or hearsay from Lori telling people what chad said. I wonder what Lori's first 2 husband's would have to say about her, if they are alive😢 I think Chad would of been Lori next victim.

  10. Someone made the point that Chad, knowing what Alex was attempting, needed to remove suspicion and likely would have gaslit Tammy, telling her and minimizing, "Meh, it was probably just a dumb kid with a paintball gun". In my opinion, Tammy searching for what a paintball gun looks like, indicates to me that she thought it was a rifle, but after Chad's deflection, she would have wanted to seek confirmation that she may have seen it wrong. Suggestion can be powerful to change memory, ESP. given that she would have been surprised and stressed and it was also not daylight. Garage light or not, that is not guaranteed good visibility. Also, Tammy would likely already be very prone to Chad's manipulations. Unfortunately, this is just speculation.

  11. Because ppl dislike Pryor they’re underestimating him. I felt everything was so much more clear in the Vallow case. I believe in Daybells guilt but Pryor is creating contrast for sure.

  12. Conspiracy must mean that your hands wont always be dirty, meaning, maybe the one to plant the seed but not have obvious blood on your hands?

  13. My opinion on why JJ and Tylee had to die was because the one million bucks went to Kay, and Tylee knew too much about everything that Lori and Alex and Chad were involved in and she might have threaten to go to the police, so she had to go and JJ had to go because if Lori couldn't have the money then Kay couldn't have JJ. The death of those two precious kids were due to money and Tylee knowing too much. Also no man's storm is worth killing a child.

  14. Voir-dire, is the verbs 《to see, to say》in French. My apologies, but American anglophones pronunciation is truly cringe-worthy to my French ears.

    It took me a moment to adjust my hearing for the words 《real gun》as well. Twice, I heard 《rail gun.》Rail guns are huge and immensely powerful, capable of launching a projectile at 2500m/s (ca Mach 7) compared to an M16 assault rifle, with a muzzle velocity of about 900m/s. Considering the physical dynamics involved, Cox couldn't carry that much stored energy with him and may not have survived the shock wave or potential recoil. Apologies, I know I'm being pedantic.

    When I was a young, practising Chartered Accountant in Canada, one of my clients was John Rosen QC. He was the second defence attorney for Paul Bernardo (Teal), who was convicted of brutal murders that he committed together with his then wife, Karla Homolka. Both John Rosen and his wife Hannah were wonderful people. So my suggestion : let's not conflate the defence attorney with the accused they're defending. Yes, I've read that Prior has 1 blemish on his public record, an alkegation of sexual assault. That's not relevant to this case. We're interested in his lawyering. I wouldn't strike up a friendship with him, though.

    That said, Prior is doing an excellent job under especially difficult circumstances. I agree that the facts surrounding the deaths of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow form an improbable series of events that are too proximate, based on available evidence, to be coincidences. Whilst I agree that Prior did yeoman's work regarding the cause of death for Tammy Daybell, my conception of reasonable doubt extends to including her death as part of the sequence of events that created the circumstances both Chad and Lori Vallow Daybell sought to create so that they could marry.

  15. 📍📍📍JUICY ,, NEW EVIDENCE ALERT‼️‼️‼️


  16. Prior is irritating but he’s doing his job and trying to sow seeds of doubt. Jodi Arias’ defense attorneys drove me crazy too! 😂

  17. I know the state are trying to link Chad with Alex and Chad re the paintball/rifle but I worry the jury will see it as Alex helping Lori as she wanted to be with Tammy’s husband.

  18. Here's my 2 cents….the bodies that were buried in his yard. Period. How can any homeowner, with a working brain cell, not notice that kind of a "change" in his yard's appearance??

  19. If my husband died suddenly at 49yrs old, I’d want an autopsy, I’d need to know exactly why and how, as awful as it is, I wouldn’t just accept it like it was normal or expected, I’d be devastated and think about it constantly. The fact Chad didn’t request it and they all just buried her and moved on is very suss. Normal people don’t act like this, this isn’t normal emotions.

  20. 🗣️🔉🔊I’ve watched every second of the trial so far Peter and when I watched this live, I literally was commenting saying prior is literally fighting like hell for his client. This is what you want from an attorney with these facts in these case situation and it being such a high profile situation, Tammy is out of there Dunzo she was in the ground natural causes and out of everything I know prior is going to bring it up. Tammy was the last investigating facts that they wanted because they know they cannot prove the killings and the deaths of the kids all they have when it comes to the kids and where they were found on the property is Alex his phone GPS Chad totally different situation on those dates and times Prior is doing a really good job and one more thing Peter Tammy was last of all the deaths so the kids were before Lori and Alex and I mean easily because Lori was already frustrated with Chad and how long it was taking for them to be together, she easily could’ve had Alex do this behind any of their backs I really think that when this all Took Pl., Chad was not in the loop as far as the burial location I do believe after Alex died and they fled out of the states to Hawaii. I do believe Lori then with Alex completely out of the picture and dead at that point Lori was able to say and make up whatever story she wanted to chat, I believe Lori told Chad at that point that it was all Alex and that she had no idea and oh my God what they were gonna do and I think that’s when Chad was told that the kids were on the property. I think that’s exactly Alex because at that point, Alex is dead. Tammy‘s dead. The kids are dead and Charles obviously was first, I truly believe that Chad did not conspire and know about the kids deaths and the burial until Alex died and Lori created her own narrative at that point with her brother out of the way sadly a lot of this is case is coincidental and how some of the circumstantial facts played out! A lot of the new information has really really brought me to believe Chad was just a cherry on top for the prosecutors and that they needed Chad to make Lori‘s case look more believable. This was all Lori and Alex and Chad was just a little puppy dog who believes and spirituality Played in her hand!

  21. Hello The Lawyer you know ! Is it really possible that the Jury has never heard anything about this case ( Before pickt to be on the Jury) I am in Sweden and I know… I want to say evrything,but you never know everything.But I know so much about this case. What do you think Do you think they have never heard ANYTHING about it?? Greetings from Sweden 🇸🇪

  22. So on the paintball search.. the prosecutor came back asking if they found her searches for paintball guns and he said no.. did I see that right? Oh it was Tami’s knowledge of firearms etc.

  23. There’s a lot that hasn’t come out yet.. can’t wait to hear what Perry Mason has to say in defense.. 🍿

  24. Peter- if Chad Daybell had opted for a public defender, would the state have paid for the cost of his defense equal to the what the prosecution spends? Or is an “inadequate defense” argument laying the grounds for an appeal?

  25. I do not understand why the State motion in limine failed in regards to Tammy questioning Daybell wanting her to increase her life insurance before she retires….. Daybell retired her with murder, proving intent.

  26. I think chads children were grown, living in their own places, whereas Lories children lived home, in the way..👌🏼

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