
LIVE! Chad Daybell Trial Day 12: State Witness CLAPS BACK At Daybell Attorney


LIVE! Chad Daybell Trial Day 12: State Witness CLAPS BACK At Daybell Attorney

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39 thoughts on “LIVE! Chad Daybell Trial Day 12: State Witness CLAPS BACK At Daybell Attorney”

  1. I don’t understand why Prior ask that, knowing it could come out being it’s a small town.

  2. It was funny and wouldn't affect my decision on the trial, I would think, oh that's how he's getting paid.

  3. If I was a juror I would be glad this witness snapped back. Would it affect my decision? Probably not. There’s just too much other shocking things that would be at the front of my mind against Chad.

  4. What gets me is NOT WAITING for their son, MARK, to get sent home from his MISSION, before having TAMMY'S FUNERAL!!!!!! MASSIVE RED FLAGS!!!

  5. You ask what we thought about what happened today with prior owning the home? Any logical person in my opinion would just know that Chad didn’t have the money to pay his lawyer so he took interest in his home. As a lay person, I have no idea why that’s such a big deal or such a big secret? Is there something I don’t understand?

  6. I'm sure the jury thinks they are going to need barf bags if they hear prior's canned, repetitive, patronizing responses of "Right?" "Okay" and "Would that be fair?" many more times. The jury members are just people like us. I would venture to say they find Prior just as repulsive as we do. He is clearly out of his league with the prosecutors in the way of respect and class toward the prosecution witnesses. I'll bet the jury were applauding and laughing their asses off in their minds when Arnold handed Prior his ass on a silver platter. I don't think it will affect their decision or verdict in any way.

  7. Who cares that the atty owns Chad’s property. He gets paid one way or another, or at least should.

  8. I feel like the Realtor came across as brash, combative, and condescending. His statement only highlights that he is a know-it-all and the community at-large has already convicted CD. It lines up with the missteps of the coroner and makes this case appear more of a witch hunt, IMO.

  9. The part where the blond prosecutor said Prior “opened the door” for testimony to come in… her response back and interaction with Anthony was the best thing so far!

  10. I would have thought that if knowledge of the fact of John Prior's ownership/part ownership of Chad Daybell's property without proper explanation as to why/how he owned it has the potential to sway jurors against Chad, then the jury should have had this explained to them before the trial began.

    Whilst we may have laughed at Ron Arnold's reply, it would seem to me to potentially give grounds for an appeal.

  11. I like that the witness called him out. He was being rude to this witness. The only person that he wasn’t rude to was one of Chad’s friends.

  12. This statement from Arnold would not have influenced my opinion, but it sure gave Prior a warning to tread carefully with witnesses. Like you said, the last thing he wants is a mistrial.

  13. If I was on the jury and I heard Prior owned the land, it wouldn’t affect my decision. It has nothing to do with the case.

  14. Unfortunately I don’t think John Pryor is doing Chad any favors with his personality. I am 62 years old and this is the first trial in my life that I could not listen to because the defense lawyer triggered me so bad and I am One of those personalities that don’t get triggered by people like that as I grew up with that, his arrogance is such a turn off that he is doing his client a disservice in my opinion. I think he’s fighting for his client and he makes some good points but there’s a better way to make a point in my opinion. I guess the jury will let us know! 😂

  15. The jury knew the moment they saw Chad in the back of the- patrol car talking to Emma- John prior and all of his witnesses and all of his berating will not make a difference- the jury knows- just like we know- it will be the DP for Chad Daybell.

  16. Pryor is doing good i don't knock him for his client but it's fair play. If you're a snarky lawyer sometimes you're gonna get some back. If he was a better lawyer he would've anticipated the reaction to questions about his own property and he'd know how to change his attitude depending on the witness and the questions

  17. Buahahahaha!!! Sorry but my husband came running into the room to have me play that clap back over about 10 times!! I think the lawyer in many ways creates some of this hostile environment on his own. It has to do with his tone of arrogance and condescension.

  18. Is it ethical to discuss a client’s credit with anyone, even to a judge and jury? It seems to me a confidential matter, and privacy is a fiduciary obligation unless a “prior” agreement waives the confidentiality.

  19. Honestly, I wouldn’t think that deeply into the comment. I would realize it’s obviously a sore subject between the witness and lawyer but I would assume the lawyer owns it as payment for his counsel. I wouldn’t think that much of it as obviously lawyers cost money and land is worth money.

  20. Prior's badgering/ bullying manner pushed this guy to the edge. He was trying to be a good witness, not achieve a "gotcha" moment. Prior's demeanor is his responsibility, and bullying witnesses clearly has consequences.

  21. This won’t be a popular opinion, but being in real estate (I’m a mortgage loan officer) it’s not uncommon, in fact it’s more common than not, that a realtor would confirm a potential client’s ability to purchase a property before showing it. This is typically done with either a PreApproval or proof of funds. It avoids spending time, gas, resources showing property to someone who doesn’t have the ability to purchase it. My 1st thought was that Pryor’s client couldn’t afford to pay him so he signed over the deed ilo payment. I think Chad Daybell is guilty but I think an unsolicited comment like that could affect a guilty verdict in appeal.

  22. About time someone shut Pryor up. That was my first thought, did you see the prosecutor's face? The prosecutors are allowing Pryor to get away with too much in my opinion, they do not object to his tormenting and harassing some of the witnesses. This witness was not about to take what Pryor was dishing out.

    Perhaps if a mistrial IS declared then they'll do a better job on the next go around. I doubt it but the women lawyers seem to be better prepared and engaged than the men.

    They are not giving their best which ultimately does not show respect for Tyler, JJ and Tammy!

  23. As a layperson, I didn't interpret anything about Daybell. It felt good to have a witness put him in his place because he has been so rude and aggressive with witnesses – often to the point of bullying. And those are reactions because of Prior's approach and not because of anything a witness has said. If there are many women on this jury, I think Prior has deeply hurt his client by hypersexualizing Lori, body shaming Tammy, and bullying the women on the stand.

  24. Do you think they wanted to look at the property for possible burial spot for the kids? That property sounds like it’s a pretty penny and a little unrealistic to purchase for the average Joe. But David could be a wealthy man🤷‍♀️

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