
LIVE: Boyfriend Cop Murder Trial – MA v. Karen Read – Day 4


LIVE: Boyfriend Cop Murder Trial – MA v. Karen Read – Day 4

#LIVE #Boyfriend #Cop #Murder #Trial #Karen #Read #Day

Karen Read is accused of driving drunk and hitting her boyfriend, Boston police officer John O’Keefe, before leaving him to die in January 2022. Read is now facing several charges, including second-degree murder for the death of O’Keefe. Read claims that she is the victim of a massive frame-up by state and local police.

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44 thoughts on “LIVE: Boyfriend Cop Murder Trial – MA v. Karen Read – Day 4”

  1. Has Lally asked a single witness yet whether or not John Okeefes injuries were consistent with being hit by a vehicle?

    All I’m hearing is the defence asking all of these first responders if they are consistent with being beaten and they’ve all said yes.

    If his injuries could have been sustained by Karen’s car they would be also be asking every witness so far the same question. What’s not being asked here is as important as what is being asked!

  2. Usually a Judge says you are excused not you're all set. She seems biased to me. Dont care for her.

  3. It’s weird that they don’t have to state what the objection is. Anyone know if that is not expected in NJ? I mean they could just object all day without stating why and not giving the defense opportunity to argue it. That said, I think the defense is so confident they just let it slide.

  4. She was charged with murder in an effort to have her plea to a lesser offence. She did not take the bait and it is very unlikely she'll be found guilty of murder. In the end she will be found guilty of a lesser charge, but the penalty may be affected by the insistance of a conspiracy being involved. The court disapproves of time wasted and it will be considered in the penalty phase.

  5. The photo of the mans arm shows deep tearing which looks consistent with being dragged by a car on concrete. The start of the tears is wider going narrow towards the front and is circular as if stone or gravel was pressed into the arm when being dragged along. It is as if when he was hit by the car, he fell down and as the car kept going the tyre skidded on his arm , pressing into the stones or gravel in the concrete and his arm got dragged for 50 cm to a meter really quickly.

  6. I’ve watched so many court cases before and I’ve never seen a judge that interrupts so much. She tells them to hurry up and to stop lines of questioning. She is absolutely horrible and biased towards the prosecution! If she is convicted this will definitely be a mistrial!

  7. The defence really thinks roasting an EMT over someone in their high school class is going to fly? This is a prime way to alienate a jury

  8. Between paramedic Pinocchio’s lies and judge Vaders deep breathing. This trial really is a circus. 45:36

  9. Anybody ever think that the marks on O'Keefe's arm could have been there from an earlier event in the day?? It might not even have to do with the incident that occured. He is a cop and who knows if he got them earlier in the day or scratched by someone else?? Testimony for the autopsy will be interesting.

  10. This is referenced to fire fighter woman;
    You do not need a memory if you are truly truthful even after 50 years and more. You do remember everything the only difference is you are not telling the truth that is why you kept saying I don't know more than 20 times plus it looks like the judge was backing her. I hope the judge is not bought by lier.😮

  11. McLaughlin’s nose literally grows like Pinocchio. It’s uncanny. By the end of her testimony it was huge! Figuratively and literally. 33:52

  12. The cross examination of Paramedic McLaughlin came across to me as the defense being desperate to get her to say something that could make her look deceptive. I thought she was not intimidated and made a point of explaining her answer when a yes or no answer was not the most accurate statement. I don't know if I missed something because some people thought differently. In some of these testimonies the witnesses changed the wording of a statement but the content was not altered. I personally don't consider that a lie.

  13. Im sorry but taking care of your boyfriends brothers kids and then getting accused of his murder must feel like a kick in the face.

  14. Prayers for the O’Keefe family first and foremost 🙏💙 I’m normally pro prosecution based off of facts and evidence. Especially in following cases, hearing openings and then proving their facts or theories. This one I was on the fence initially as I hadn’t heard much of this case as I had been busy caring for my husband etc. Just keeping up with what I could. After reading, observing, listening to this all week I have to side with the defense on this one. Innocent until proven guilty, but I’m not a juror and we’re all entitled to our opinions. This case seems pretty split. I do believe the defense has successfully shut down basically every witness this week and the prosecution has really proved nothing. Very weak start for the prosecutor. I believe the defense is going to really outdo themselves when they present their side. Especially if they prove someone in that house googled how long for a person to die in the cold as we’ve heard in opening. I trust openings and the prosecution has yet to prove anything where in fact the defense has discredited a lot!! At the same time my brain is boggled wondering why “they” would want him dead and how and why so many would conspire for “them” and against Karen. That’s just crazy to me!! Yet I still feel strongly that she isn’t guilty and at this rate will be found not guilty.
    Off my soapbox for now lol

    We’ll see how next week unfolds 🤔

  15. That judge is a constant obstacle to the defense case. She interrupts EVERY cross with a "sidebar" at least once and then when it returns to "open court" the defense proceeds with the line of questioning she interrupted. Meaning the defense is shutting down her "objections" every time by stating case law. She is a joke.

  16. Just finished day 4. Still waiting for something to show me she is innocent. I felt her behavior was pretty over the top but she may just be an hysterical person. Then I heard the defense minimizing alcohol use. That would explain her bazaar behavior. Need some evidence!!

  17. The bathing suit you wore in a picture in 2014 doesn't bring you memory back? I get what the defense is trying to spin with Ms McGlaughlin but badgering her until she admits she secretly is friends with the Albert is crazy. Quit while your ahead

  18. Yes anyone who doesn't know, the pictures of John are out there even on Youtube. Definitely not hit by a car, more like 10 rounds and a dog jumping in to defend owner etc

  19. Perfect example! Why you shouldn't be friending everybody on facebook unless you truly know them and even then be cautious

  20. I like this witness EMT, Katie McGlaughlin. I am friends with most of my classmates from high school, but we are not close friends or even talk anymore. Photos from over 10 years ago from a day trip at the beach with same classmates in common is real. Katie has nothing to gain from her testimony. I think she is believable and remembers what she heard as she was the one asking the questions that morning. When a frantic situation occurs, not everyone is going to document each and every thing and it was during a blizzard snow storm in the elements.

  21. How did his body end up way over by the flag pole if the door is on the other side of the lot? I don't know of anyone who would drop a loved one off in blizzard like condition at the furthest section of a house and have them walk across the lawn in the snow.

  22. Hope they find her NOT GUILTY and arrest all these corrupt people and put the people who did this under the jail! Sad her life is ruined because a cover up

  23. This judge is the worst I have ever seen. She is so biased! All the sighing loudly anytime the defense is asking questions, her rulings, constantly cutting the defense off in the middle of questions! She is definitely sending a message to the jury that she is against defense.

  24. Katie McLaughlin the one friends with the cops daughter where John was found was the ONLY paramedic to say John had a Jacket on.. How convenient of her to remember that and nothing else

  25. U all saying tht the judge is bias, these comments are bias, GUILTY CONSPIRACY NUTS .

  26. One thing americans need to be aware of, you are known globally as conspiracy theorists. She is as guilty as. Why would so many respectable selfless, professionals try to blame her? Nothing in it for them Americans………GROW UP FFS!

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