



#lawyeryouknow #AshleyBenefield #blackswanmurdertrial

View the entire Black Swan playlist here:

0:00 Welcome
0:11 Intro
0:22 Verdict
11:14 Q&A
13:12 2nd Jury Question
20:21 Q&A
39:37 Conclusion

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31 thoughts on “LIVE! BLACK SWAN VERDICT”

  1. Whoa whoa whoa, did that county's sheriff's department not know the lawyer you know's chat poll voted guilty?!?!? Why are they taking her into custody

  2. It’s hard to be happy because if I were an attorney I’m sure even if u win a case the thought of what if crosses mind unless it’s so clear there is no way your client committed crime

  3. The only miscarriage of justice is that she was convicted of manslaughter when it should have been first degree murder because that is what she committed.

  4. Does anyone know that if in an appeal they are found guilty of the non lesser could they get more time or how does that work

  5. Why is everyone on this channel telling their stories about DV or why are all of those comments moved to the top? Ashley was NOT a DV victim. Doug Benefield was the victim in this case. I hope this manipulative abuser gets the maximum sentence and is sent to the most brutal Florida non-air conditioned prison because that is what she deserves. I also hope the Benefield family gets custody of her daughter.

  6. Look at her face she’s disgusted that they didn’t believe her and that my friend says everything

  7. It seemed like they took prosecutions advise by breaking down each question and answering each one separately

  8. This feel like a forced verdict because they wanted they didn’t want to come back. I think this came down to not liking her.

  9. There is 2 famous movies that talks about true life stories of 2 different ladies who suffered from DV and helped change laws and how courts and LE where taught how to deal with DV. The burning bed and the Tracy Thurman story. Both I will say has trigger warning. Thank you Peter for your coverage.

  10. I was for her until she decided to reconcile with husband & the fear for herself yet would allow husband to have access to child !!!

  11. I do not agree…I think there should be a lesser charge as he still lost his life unarmed 😢

    and everyone that has been affected by this horrendous incident. AMEN

    there are no winners… but there is accountability.

  13. When that many deputies came in the courtroom b4 announcing the verdict, knew it was guilty on something…

  14. 😢 I feel bad for her. She should have not fake cry during testimony maybe it turns out differently 😢

  15. If you are in a Dv situation have an escape plan ready. Know that DV can escalate when you decide to leave or when there is big moments in your real up. A lot of murders happen when people break up and both do not want it. Always carry your phone in your pocket or on your person. Try not to argue with abuser. Keep a set of keys under your car to get you away from your situation like taped under your drivers door in case you can not get your keys or belongings. Just some tips to keep everyone safe.

  16. I am a survivor of DV and I saw most of this case. If you are afraid from DV why would she invite him to her home to help her pack especially with no one there as a witness. A lot of her reasons from even the beginning of their marriage had be questionable about her stories. I feel awful for his family. His daughter now lost her mom and dad. Sad.

  17. I wonder if what the juror meant by "is there another option" was actually asking if there is any other verdict besides manslaughter or not guilty. They might've felt the defense didn't prove it was self defense, which they didn't have to, so the only other option would be manslaughter.

    If the initial charge was manslaughter I think the defense would've spent a lot more time focusing on self defense instead of disproving she had intent. Feels like the last second swap makes the burden of proof on the defense to prove self defense instead of the prosecution having a burden of proof that it wasn't self defense.

  18. Can you imagine being the defendant? The jury seems deadlocked, you’re going home to see your child tonight with a pending retrial, and then suddenly you’re convicted on the lesser as a result of what appears to be a “compromise” on your life. I felt 2nd hand stress!

  19. On my 9th year of living in hiding from my husband of one year, I can't count the times that I have reflected on the day he accosted me as I held a pistol behind my back. Living in fear in my latter life, age 59 now, I have often regretted NOT ending the abuse then and there. Even though I moved a thousand miles away, his cyber hands continues to mentally and emotionally cripple me from moving on with a normal life. Law enforcement and the FBI have offered ZERO interest in ending my torture!! Let me be clear, I do not want him "unalived" for the sake of revenge, but simply for release.
    At this stage, being behind bars would be less of a prison than this!

  20. I think there is a real problem with out society and people/jurors are too quick to convict. When a case starts, before any evidence is presented, you'll see at least half the chat (not CYK) that say the person is guilty. We have lost the idea of innocent until PROVEN guilty.

  21. I dont love that they can send a jury back after they say they're hung. A guilty on a lesser included an hour after the jury said they were hung at 11 oclock at night seems like someone just gave in so they could be done and thats wrong.

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