
LIVE! Black Swan Trial Day 2: Hostile Witnesses Take The Stand


#LIVE #Black #Swan #Trial #Day #Hostile #Witnesses #Stand

#lawyeryouknow #AshleyBenefield #BlackSwanMurderTrial

View the entire Black Swan playlist here:

0:00 Welcome
0:41 Intro
2:14 Alicia Byers – Defendant’s Mother – Testimony
8:34 Alicia Byers – Defendant’s Mother – Cross Examination Summary
9:00 Q&A
11:00 Barbara Russell – Psychologist – Testimony
13:03 Q&A
15:26 Barbara Russell – Psychologist – Cross Examination
18:03 LT. Daniel Dickerman – Testimony
21:16 Q&A
22:00 Stephanie Murphy – Doug Benefield’s Family Lawyer
42:06 Defense Argument To Impeach Family Lawyer
43:59 Detective Chris Gillum – Domestic Violence Investigator
48:33 Detective Brian Moreland – Testimony Summary
48:48 Q&A
51:45 Dr. Brad Broeder – Psychologist – Testimony
57:14 Q&A
58:07 Dr. Brad Broeder – Psychologist – Cross Examination
1:00:04 Dr. Brad Broeder – Psychologist – Redirect
1:00:44 Dr. Jason Quintal – Mental Health Counselor
1:04:34 Q&A
1:05:56 Defense Attorney Is Reprimanded By Judge
1:13:40 Summary
1:14:08 Conclusion

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47 thoughts on “LIVE! Black Swan Trial Day 2: Hostile Witnesses Take The Stand”

  1. I did not change my Name after my divorce because my sons carried that name, and I felt it wasn't going to benefit them if I did so. Catholic schools do not approve of divorce and warned me that my Chidren could be bullied. We left that school shortly after..

  2. This lady is guilty, she strung this guy along making him think they were going to get back together. Then she killed him because she thought he had money

  3. I found this case hard to follow yesterday. So many many side bars. This woman is smart. She really confused me because she talks about stuff that had nothing to do with his question 🙄

  4. Do those jury members have degrees? Nobody in that court room knows Ashley except her mom, Doug's family her small circle of friends and perhaps her clinical psychologist. K

  5. I wouldnt necessarily tell the people i was close to what happened to me. I’m an introvert and dont share things necessarily share a lot anyway.

    You forgot to mention that the prosecution held Ashley’s mother to the subpoena. So she is not able to stay in the court room and comfort her.

  6. A serious boyfriend of mine pulled a gun on me and it’s a fear that never leaves you. No matter what happens as the relationship you always know that person is capable of killing you.

  7. Is it me, or is Peter reviewing this different? I cannot follow hardly at all. I can't even make an opinion lol . He is barely playing tracks from the hearing and doing lots more narrative.

  8. She was a victim trying to protect her baby..walking the fence to try and keep the ship from blowing up completely!

  9. I kept my ex's last name because it was the last name of my children! It was a respect issue for my children, not a respect issue for him!

  10. The bumbling manner of the defense attorney's questioning style means that his points get lost on me…and probably on the jurors. Yes, I can rewind and listen again, but they can't. Even after listening with Peter and hearing his analysis, I still came away with the same conclusion I had earlier today. I heard that Taylor is reading the emails and inferring incorrectly (which he has also done with other items). I was left with the impression that the release of the MH report was moved to the 30th because the Dr would be back from vacation and all the parties would already be gathered for the other matter at that time.

  11. When the prosecution tries to get evidence in that the defendant talked to a lawyer, that tells me they have a very weak case OR they are deeply unethical.

    There is really no other reason to try to violate a defendant’s right to counsel.

  12. I like the defense attorney and I can't stand this attorney that's on the stand right now She acts so smug and condescending!


  14. I dont care for Murphy. She was smug and uppity. Her 'clapping' shoes! UGH. Her purse. UGH. Fine for dinner but not court. She tried hard to impeach Ashley many times. Her flashing toothy smiles at camera IN COURT! It made me happy when the judge set her straight about defense keeping her under subpoena. Why didnt defense object the three or four times state or witnesses said killed or murdered? He dropped the ball.

  15. I would contact an attorney and have one on standby if my dog got impounded! Just because you have an attorney doesn't mean you're guilty!

  16. Divorce is never the way out, My wife and I have been having issues before I sort out help from a spiritual adviser,i wasn't going to let my marriage of 18years crash

  17. Using ex husbands name? Used my ex for 60 yrs, never remarried so for legally socially, financial reasons and not want my child to have a different last name. If different, people assume child born out of wedlock.

  18. Abuse is often hidden! No one always knows what's going on in a marriage unless they're in the marriage!

  19. I was a victim of DV and grew up in a household with DV. An ex-boyfriend that I lived with fractured my sternum, choked me, slapped me so hard that my ears had blood coming out of it. The ER doctor called the police and the state police arrested him. We were both charged because my ex had a small scratch on his arm. The prosecutor threw out my charges and charged my ex with DV. I personally do not believe her story that she was defending herself. I think she wanted to kill him. They had been separated for many months, she knew he was coming, her mother left her alone, so how could battered woman's syndrome be an excuse here? Makes no sense!

  20. Knew nothing about this case and now I'm fully invested. I decided not to look anything up to taint my opinion. With Peter as a teacher I've learned that if I'm going to think like a member of the jury, I need to listen only to what is said in court. I made the grave error of reading an article about the case and that was fine but the comment section was out of control! I couldn't believe the things I was reading and it started to skew my opinion. I won't be doing that again!

  21. NOOOO – as a mother of an 18yo daughter who was SA (by her 34yo boss 🤬) she gave statement to police (but hasn’t spoken about it to anyone else 😞)they told her she needs to see a proper trauma specialist, if trauma is involved you do NOT talk about the incident unless the victim brings it up as it can retraumatise them (trauma is not depression, anxiety etc). Ie think of setting off bombs near a veteran with PTSD! That is what trauma councillors say, not just a psychologist but trained trauma docs! Trauma can involve dissociation (I believe Ashley does this sometimes 😞), memory loss, nightmares, diarrhoea, headaches etc. my daughter was trapped in the perpetrators car, she has been doing great but last week drove on the same road, she was nearly vomiting 😢😢. She also hasn’t told anyone because she is ashamed 😞

  22. Yep, if my atty said don't talk, i would not talk. MOM and Soc Wkr knew what she had been thru and what her plan was. She did not need to walk thru it for anyone close to her. They knew.

  23. Peter, I think that if you had rver worked in family court or been through family court yourself you'd see what we going on with this witness differently, as EVERYTHING is about the children and their safety. the court has a duty to hear anything presented in front of them that could change that, motion or no motion. If his lawyer thought they had evidence that could have shown Ms Benefield to be unfit as a parent then the court would have indeed made time to hear that.

  24. There are a lot of abuse victims who aren't believed because they aren't a "perfect victim" or the abuse is not enough yet. My friend went through it, none of the agencies believed her and they accused her of manipulating the court system. It wasn't until he almost klled her that they finally did something. Up until then he used the kids as a means to stalk and continue to abuse her. It's heartbreaking and I think it happens way more than ppl realize. It sounds like that could be the case here.

  25. Peter, you haven't connected the dots of her plan was to be in Maryland for 6 months to get custody but then HE decided to move there too so that plan was moot. She had to find another way so that theory isn't fully lost. Sounds more possible to say this was a development of desperation to get out of a situation than a masterminded plan.

  26. Right now, I'm leaning towards feeling the State is trying to fit a case around the their timeline?? Not seeming neutral in bringing these charges.

  27. She’s not shackled but ankle bracelet. I’m at trial each day just as a
    tax payer and happened where I live

  28. Peter. I’m a retired federal judge. I love your videos. You are doing a great service for the law profession and to secure respect for the rule of law. You would make a good judge. Any interest?

  29. I can’t wait to hear you talk about Sarah Boone’s court status hearing today!!! She’s a piece of work! 😂

  30. Prosecutions opening left me very underwhelmed yesterday. Today I have no difficulty understanding why DV victim doesn't talk. If I was a juror I am still firmly in the not guilty camp. So far I am just getting more annoyed with the prosecution for wasting my time and havent heard anything bad about the defendant. Argument about packages, letters etc doesn't impress me – waste of time – 2 lawyers pissing contest. Male DV investigator not believing woman not impressing me either.
    My elderly male vote is till a solid not guilty.

    BTW your channel is great. Cant wait for next.

  31. I personally LOVE this defense attorney. Everyone deserves an old school bulldog like him in their corner.

  32. I don't understand mom's sketchy timeline of this event. Didn't even know the exact age of the daughter!!!!???

  33. So far it everyone sounds like they're insinuating "Doug was violent" or "Doug has a temper". They keep using words that are very red flaggy. Like "seeking retribution" and "punching holes in walls". And these are the STATES witnesses? I'm confused as to who the Defense is going to call if everyone for the State is going to keep calling building the abusive husband case for the Defense

  34. Hard to follow w/ doc in pink to clearly state anything to understand- she is full of word salad & distracting in her answers

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