
LIVE! Adelson Says 9 Year Delay Fundamentally Unfair & Her Case Should Be Dismissed. Is She Right?


#LIVE #Adelson #Year #Delay #Fundamentally #Unfair #Case #Dismissed

#lawyeryouknow #danmarkel #charlesadelson

View the Entire Dan Markell Playlist Here:

0:00 Welcome
0:52 Intro
3:43 Donna Adelson Motion To Dismiss Indictment
12:09 Q&A
13:40 Motion To Dismiss – Argument
18:58 Q&A
22:25 Motion To Dismiss – Cont.
31:30 2024 Florida Statutes On Time Limitations
44:13 Q&A
46:05 Motion To Dismiss – Conclusion
49:46 Poll Results
50:24 Q&A
52:52 Conclusion

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Intro & Outro Music: DOLYJJVS2W8MGNFM
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46 thoughts on “LIVE! Adelson Says 9 Year Delay Fundamentally Unfair & Her Case Should Be Dismissed. Is She Right?”

  1. They found out through the trials of the first three the depth of involvement by the Adelsons. Donna's phone calls and texts have sealed her fate.

  2. She was at the airport, flying ONE WAY to a non-extradition country! Thats a huge difference, and certainly indicates guilt.

    By the way, if she knew she was suspected (which she did) and had evidence that could PROVE her innocence, why didnt she preserve that evidence? Why didn't she bring forth that evidence 9 years ago? Why didnt she get the Sun Pass records to prove her evidence way back then? That doesn't make sense. The defense can make up anything at this point when they know those records can't be accessed. Remember, the SAME attorney helped Charlie make up the whole blackmail story for his defense.

  3. Rewatch Crew — I am finding it difficult to believe that 12% of those taking the poll think there should be a statute of limitations on murder! What if, say 20 years went by, and LE finds evidence that someone is guilty? Should the murderer go free because 20 years have passed? I have a feeling that if it were their family member that was killed, they would feel differently.

  4. When you only target the records relevant to the M: "State didn't get all the records before or after the relevant period, so it's too prejudicial."
    When you target all recrods whether or not it's relevant to the M: "State brought all the records irrelvant to the period in question, so it's too prejudicial."


    Before even looking at statue of limitations on M, how about getting anti-SLAP across all courts, federal or otherwise? Ridiculous.

  5. So based on this attorney’s BS argument, sorry Peter I cannot be as generous as you giving the benefit of the doubt, Ted Bundy’s prosecution was unfair. Bundy should not have been able to have been prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced… Yeah, that sets a very safe and reasonable precedent. Based on this essentially all serial killers would not be able to be prosecuted because it would be unfair to them, screw all their victims. I would be embarrassed to have filed this embarrassment of a motion.
    Ms. Adelson crippled her own defense with her jail calls and attempting to flee the country immediately after her son was found guilty with a one way ticket to a country the United States does not have an extradition treaty with…
    I mean they just arrested the guy alleged to have offed Tupac 27 years after the crime, despite Keefe D being on police radar for at least 15 years prior to his arrest. Or how about Phil Spector? Took six years for him to be convicted. This would not be justice, and I personally, though not a lawyer myself, am married to a criminal defense lawyer, so I am obviously biased, but I rarely find myself getting so disgusting by a filing. If the lawyer thought this was an in issue why didn’t he raise it in Charlie’s case? He was Charlie’s attorney, so it’s not like this evidence is new to him either…

  6. I think if you found new evidence that undercovers the killer , there should not be a time limit. On the other hand, I think there should be charging time limits. You always say it's about justice. And if it's about justice, should they be allowed to charge someone nine years after an incidento that when that was their suspect from the beginning.

  7. So its prosecution fault that they tried to get away with perfect murd. And when Dan was killed….they didn't want to talk with the police and had lawyers! And from 2016 when KM was arrested they all knew prosecution is coming for them….we had so much trials where they were mentioned millions of times! Why they didn't testify in all of the trials…come on! Whining now is ridiculous!

  8. When Donna Adelson claims that her trial is being made more difficult by the prosecution's delayed arrest. One wonders WHY Donna Adelson herself did not obtain and collect evidence that would have put her in a better position in a possible future trial. Donna Adelson was clearly aware for many years that she was a suspect in the murder of Dan Markel, not least after the FBI bump, and she even had close and frequent contact with defense lawyer Dan Rasbaum for many years. Donna Adelson has done nothing to gather solid evidence and now she is putting the blame on the prosecution. Donna Adelson is a master of manipulation and now she continues her manipulation behind bars as I see it !

  9. Statute of limitations should be based on the sentence a person could get if convicted. With the assumption that whoever gets convicted has no priors. But the same should go for how long they can hold you awaiting trial if you can’t afford bail. Cause all I can think watching this is "oh boohoo, rich granny got 9 free years to get away with murder. Meanwhile, there’s kids in Rikers who have been there for 3+ yrs on a petty theft charge cause they can’t afford bail and some poor overworked/burnt out public defender told them to waive speedy trial"

  10. The defense motion is not persuasive in my opinion. They make a lot of claims but do not offer much more than speculation on what might have happened. Other than their claims of what might have happened they offer no proof the defendant would have actually done those actions, just she could have. She also could have obtained those records when the first defendant went on trial in case she needed them.

  11. Your honor, I got away with murder for 9 years, which has no statute of limitations anyway….sooooo

    Just let me go please

  12. Replay crew! 🫶🏽 Fortunately there is no statute of limitations on crimes of this nature. Plus she got an extra nine years of freedom
    and time to spend with her family that her SIL had taken from him far too soon.

  13. I can understand the defence request for cutting out the "outside your house" text since they can't prove their side, although it kinda sucks. Kathryn M said Donna dropped off the money didn't she? I guess she won't be able to testify to that either.

  14. @lawyeryouknow if a crime is coming up on some kind of anniversary–for example, a manslaughter case that happened 10 years ago, and the statute of limitations is 10 years for that crime–and it has been 9 years and 364 days, can the prosecutor still charge them despite the statute expiring while it's in the courts? Or does charging it stop the clock? Sorry if this is confusing, I'm not sure how else to ask. Have a great day!

  15. Ummm, this is confusing. What about cases such as the Golden State Killer? That took decades to prosecute and convict.

  16. They still have PrimaDonna on wiretap, the checks she wrote to Magbanua for services not performed, plus the co-conspirator's testimony etc. I think she's already in her forever home.

  17. Anyone who has any hand in the death of another should absolutely be charged no matter how many years go by. If my child were “eliminated” you can bet I would spend the rest of my life seeking justice. I could never accept “oh too much time has passed so we can’t charge anyone!” No. Just no!

  18. If the family would've called LE about this alleged "extortion 🙄" *10 YEARS AGO*, then maybe this wouldn't have gotten dragged-out, and the "killers" would've been put in jail immediately. But they didn't because "they feared for their lives" 🙄. This family just keeps digging their bad situation deeper and deeper.

  19. Crimes related to murder should have zero time limits. That what makes this argument so ridiculous, IMO. What’s the incentive NOT to commit such a crime if you can escape justice after a few years. Plus, people who commit this crime KNOW they did it. There are people who charged decades after the fact when evidence arises and don’t make this argument…because it doesn’t make sense for THIS type of crime. I also think the whole “call pattern” argument is moot IMO b/c it’s not the fact that she spoke to her children, but the substance.

  20. I’m fine with them waiting to prosecute whatever their reason was. TBH I don’t believe Rashbaum or what comes out of his mouth generally

  21. I'm shocked that anybody is suggesting there should be a statute of limitations on murder. If someone in my family was murdered I wouldn't care of it took 30 years. I'd want the murderer prosecuted to the fullest extent.

  22. She should be grateful that she had 9 years to walk around freely. That's way more than she gave Dan.

  23. Its the defenses fault they havent been working on this. They knew she was under investigation. Guess they should have made sure they knew where their paperwork was or ensured they kept it.

  24. Is she kidding? They arrest and prosecute when there is a strong case. There's no statute of limitations for murder. 6:54

  25. I had seen shit from her son's ordeal while ago in trial & to me it seemed as tho these ppl the Adelson's very clearly very obviously had felt incredibly entitled & narcissistic beyond belief!! I guess dentist's rule the world in the Adelson's mind🙄🤨🤔 & it most def shows in their actions & shit they say/said. They just hirde a hit man & had their own grandchildren father killed as if it was jusy calling in a grocery order at the Walmart dwn the rd SMFH🤦‍♂️!!! Individuals who have the sense of entitlement & just overall narcissism tht the Adelson's have consistently showed rlly are a danger to everyone around them, ESPECIALLY those grandchildren whose dad they had killed🤦‍♂️!!! The Adelson's in my opinion def deserve watever punishment or consequences they face watever they may be…. it's just not a good thing to have mfers like them just casually walking around as if they are just untouchable can do watever they want smh, entitlement & being so full of urself as this lady & her son are def doesn't boad well for anyone.. ever!!! I also very truly believe myself tht if not for this crazy absurd Donna lady constantly pushing for her son to do sumn to tht man they killed then I honestly am not very sure tht it would've even happened. In other words I TRULY WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe tht Donna Adelson is the 1 tht essentially is the cause of her own son getting life no parole🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️!!! Watching a bit of tht trial it kinda seemed as tho Donna was the main 1 wanted to do tht shit but obviously couldn't without her son…. Basically recruited her own son in on tht shit. Seemed it was Donna who had the great idea, thts just wat I think tho lol.

  26. Being involved in quite literally killing ur daughter's husband then going to their house to comfort then & be there for them after he is killed is legitimately diabolical smh!!!! Idc wat nobody say this lady deserve to go to prison in my opinion just based off tht alone. Thts like killing sumbody then going to their funeral acting as if ur sad hugging they MOTHER while knwing you killed em, thts def as foul as it gets I feel.

  27. I believe that changing the law based on one situation would make bad policy. If a pattern emerges of prosecutor abuse of the lack of SOL on murder then maybe the laws needs review. The most severe violations of law need to be prosecuted, no matter how long it takes to make the case.

  28. She knew she was a suspect, then from the day after the killing so she could’ve prepared or saved whatever documents that proved her innocence since then her this argument doesn’t work

  29. She knew she was a suspect. I don't understand why she wouldn't gather those things just in case. She could've screenshot her sunpass logs. She could've gotten her phone records….

  30. Isn’t Mcbanua the witness about the “money drop” Didn’t she testify that Donna came by that night and brought money?

  31. I’ve not watched the video yet but from the title I’m gonna say no. There is is no statute of limitations on murder.

  32. On the toll road data : it could just as much show that the Adelsons defended the autoroute, as not. We just don't know. It would support the known fact that the money was damp. I doubt Charley Adelson kept damp money in his safe for years.

    Idem for phone call patterns. The defence claim could be just as valid as an equal and opposite claim by the prosecution.

    The prosecution has taken the co-conspirators to court sequentially. This is clearly a part of their strategy. If it worked in 2022, it should remain valid in 2023 and 2024.

    The UK has no statute of limitations on any felony and murder is the most serious and terminal of all crimes of violence. Delay can also impose a burden on the prosecution.

    The burden the defence can rarely overcome is the matter of resources available to the prosecution. They have a whole team of prosecutors, investigators, forensic specialists, and administrative support to build a case. All in the interests of justice.

  33. According to Charlie’s defense which I assume will be the same for Donna…they have all known what happened for the last 9-10 years. Why did they/she not come forward with this information? They all allowed Katie M to be indicted, according to them knowing what happened, but no one asked so they didn’t come forward? This is a joke to me 😢 Good luck Donna!

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