
LISTEN: Coney Barrett asks Trump lawyer why ‘impeachment gateway’ would only apply to the president


LISTEN: Coney Barrett asks Trump lawyer why ‘impeachment gateway’ would only apply to the president

#LISTEN #Coney #Barrett #asks #Trump #lawyer #impeachment #gateway #apply #president

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked former President Donald Trump’s lawyer D. John Sauer Thursday why his defense believes the “impeachment gateway” applies only to the president, and not to any other impeachable official.

Sauer has argued that impeachment and conviction is necessary as a precursor to criminal conviction.

In response to Coney Barrett’s question, Sauer said former Solicitor General Robert Bork explicitly determined that was the case in 1973.

“He said the sequence is mandatory only as to the president. That is DOJ’s view of the original understanding of the impeachment judgment clause, which is exactly our position,” Sauer said.

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21 thoughts on “LISTEN: Coney Barrett asks Trump lawyer why ‘impeachment gateway’ would only apply to the president”

  1. So it’s not the corrupt SCOTUS that’s at fault for letting trump walk free, but the corrupt legislature for not impeaching him. Okay, thank you Justice Barrett.

  2. what a clown planet…… to even imply the concept of "total immunity" for anyone within a "free" society is disgusting in the least, and revolutionary in the worst……. we as a country need to do better…….

  3. If Trump is immune, then Biden is immune to stay in power regardless of anyone's opinion from the taxpayer, from Congress, or from the Supreme Court. Dictatorship!

  4. After D. John Sauer was done with his argument, I would get up, hold up a copy of the constitution, and ask "Justices, can you show me where in this document does it say that the president is immune from prosecution for breaking the law?" Case closed.

  5. Looks like We the People in order to have a democracy and rule of law have to make it right in November.

    We are the majority electorate! Not even money can take our right to vote out the anti-democratic Trump controlled Republican Party and all the enforcers who go with it.

    With Trump and his party gone, all the necessary changes to right the ship of state will be in place. Trust the many resignations and retirements that will take place in its wake out of fear of criminal prosecution.

    Trust a new government will have the means to make the changes to create a true representative Democratic Republic.

    Trust that Minority Rule will be non-existent as the term implies.

    Never before has a majority of voters in this country been so committed. So well organized to take back our country from those who would demolish everything that makes us a healthy society. Our numbers increase every day that we hear and see what this anti-American cabal is up to.

    Not only do they want absolute power, but they want it to be in the hands of a man who has earned the title — worst President in history.

    We've been down his road before and We the People choose the righteous path of truth, facts, and science for the betterment of humanity and everything we hold dear and the promise of a future of opportunity for all of us not just the few who think it can be purchased for their profit alone.

  6. Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid for the Steele dossier and then Mainstream Media lied for 4 years about the Russia Collusion Hoax, yet no one was held accountable.

  7. These are rules designed by democrats to protect there pick ironic it now protects republican pick

  8. All men are created equal, if Trump is immune, so are the rest of us ! These idiots are playing with fire

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