
Let’s Talk About the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection


#Lets #Talk #Ace #Attorney #Investigations #Collection

With the announcement of a new collection, I take a look at some of its features, and ponder what it mean for the Ace Attorney franchise.


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24 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection”

  1. Let me remind you that Great Ace Attorney Chronicles was announced in April 2021 and released in July 2021. Also 3 months. So if anything, it's Apollo Justice that was the real outlier here

  2. For Eustace winner I never thought about Eustace being useless but instead thought of winner as in whiner. So combining it Useless whiner is a bit much for him.

  3. Of course I have pre-ordered the game, it is a game where I have the spotlight. Not that joke of a defense attorney. Now if you'll excuse me, I have tea to drink.

  4. This is a massive deal. Almost every single major AA game is now on modern consoles AND localized, except the Layton crossover obviously. Not only am I super excited to finally have pretty much every Ace Attorney game on one console, but this gives me even more hopes about Ace Attorney 7. Now Capcom has nothing else to give us, but a new AA game and I can’t wait for that time to come! 🙂

  5. I think the fact that this came so soon after the Apollo Justice trilogy release has me all but 100% convinced that Ace Attorney 7 is a 2025 game. They easily could’ve held this until 2025 to space out its release further but releasing one collection in the first half of the year and another collection in the second half feels very intentional. This also isn’t to mention the fact that the Switch 2 releases next year, and AA games have historically been timed exclusive for Nintendo platforms (though I wouldn’t be shocked if they abandoned that strategy in favor of a multi platform release much like Atlus has as of late.)

    I also may be coping.

  6. I was blown away when this was announced. I never thought we would get a localized version of AAI2, more than a decade later. This makes me happy because now fans can finally experience the awesome spinoff. Of course I will. I've done it before on DS and will do so again.

    Also, for Ace Attorney 7, I want one thing… the return of Franziska von Karma. I want to see how much she has grown, changed or hell, be more whip happy than ever.

  7. this means that if they want to bring any characters from investigations into aa7 they can

  8. From this, I think finally releasing aai2 in english, will pave the way for aa7 to come out, as there are no other projects for capcom to possibly be working on now, apart from aa7

  9. I absolutely love how Capcom has basically made Switch the definitive platform for replaying old Ace Attorney games. They have the Original Trilogy, the Apollo Justice Trilogy, the Great Ace Attorney Collection, and now even the Miles Edgeworth Investigations Collection. I'm not quite sure if I've counted them all, but IIRC that means the only one NOT released for Switch yet is a remake of PLvsAA, and that is a slight stretch to even include in the list.

  10. I just don't like how on the nose new localized names are in franchise, i'm sorry but the Spirit of Justice left a poor taste in my mouth, though i do know it wasn't much better in the original either. I'm merely interested in the new voices… I would still hear ProZd whenever i see Greg tho. I assume by the trailer Miles will retain the classic voice (thank god his VA wasn't a huge PoS or if he was, he hid it better than Ben Judd).

  11. I’m not particularly begging for an AA7 right now, despite being relatively burned out on replaying the games over and over I do still feel enormously happy we have nearly every single game localized on modern hardware. Here’s hoping for the professor to make the jump.

  12. Old school AA fans know that AA announcements typically come during Tokyo Game Show, which happens at the end of September. The fact that the AAI Collection releases almost 1 full month before means there's no chance they hold back a potential announcement to "avoid taking the focus away" from the AAI Collection, so there's a VERY solid chance we get an AA7 announcement in TGS 2024.

  13. I think the collection is a good idea because everybody loves nostalgia as long as people don’t bend you over the head with it

  14. I kinda hate the name Eddie Fender, honestly. Eustace WInner is a terrible name. But it suits him to have a terrible name.

  15. Eustace Winner gave me the biggest laugh I can recall ever having, I'll take it gladly. I really like the fan translated names, but I'm interested to see the Capcom Localizer's own spin on making puns for every character in Investigations 2.

    As for Ace Attorney 7, between re-releasing every game and the timeframes they take to come out continuing to decrease, I feel like you're right on with Ace Attorney 7 surely coming soon. This time next year is a fair bet, but I do think there's a chance we might even see it late this year.

  16. It really does seem like they're building towards another ace attorney game. Great video!

  17. I feel like the backlash for the names (which aren't so bad IMO, just different) was inevitable. The longer they put off localizing it, the more people would had been exposed to the fan names, so more and more people just accepted them. And the reaction is just natural because now everyone will have to get used to the official names. People will surely get over it fast. But people threatening to mod or boycott because of the names are taking it WAY too far. It's gonna be fine.

  18. Ever since The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles was announced, I realized that they were doing something big for the franchise.
    After releasing the original trilogy for everyone, they finally released for the world two games that never were localized in their original console.
    And three years later, the new trilogy has the same treatment of the original.
    From there it finally was clear that they're wanting to make the whole franchise available, and that went to them finally release the Investigations games and localize Investigations 2 at last.
    The meaning of this is simply INSANE!
    And of course, the official localization would mean to say goodbye to the fan-translation names we loved for 10 years. And while I'm not a fan of the new names, I'm still so grateful that we finally have Prosecutor's Path Gambit and for everyone to play.
    And, besides the Layton crossover (which I asume will be a standalone release or not ported), the path is finally craved for Ace Attorney 7!
    It's the only conclusion.
    Ace Attorney fans are rejoicing for this!

  19. Amazing video. This is the first of yours I’ve come across but won’t be the last, I use AA music in all my videos so I couldn’t have been happier 🥹 always glad to see more AA discussion on YouTube

  20. I don’t know if anyone else in the comments has mentioned this yet, but I would also like to point out how clever they were with the localized title, “Prosecutor’s Gambit”

    It’s a nod to the fact that many chess openings have similar names (Queen’s gambit, King’s gambit, Scotch gambit, etc), so it fits extremely well with the chess themes of the game

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