
Leo Kearse: Scotland now lets ‘victims’ DECIDE whether something was a hate crime or not


Leo Kearse: Scotland now lets ‘victims’ DECIDE whether something was a hate crime or not

#Leo #Kearse #Scotland #lets #victims #DECIDE #hate #crime

‘Labour supported this law in Scotland, and they’ll bring it in for England too if they get into power’

Scotland has introduced hate crime laws where the ‘victim’ decides whether or not what someone said is a hate crime: ‘So much for FREEDOOOOOM!’

#gbnews #humzayousaf #snp #scotland #hatecrimes #police #uknews

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criminal law , Leo Kearse: Scotland now lets ‘victims’ DECIDE whether something was a hate crime or not, GB news,leo kearse,snp,humza yousaf,hate monster,hate crime,gbnews,law,police scotland

49 thoughts on “Leo Kearse: Scotland now lets ‘victims’ DECIDE whether something was a hate crime or not”

  1. Couldn't give 2 fks about his hate speech law. I'll say whatever i want to say, folk don't like it they can do one 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  2. So, what's new? It's been like this in Ireland for at least the past 20 years. So-called "victims" take innocent people to court on hate-crime-like pretexts and the Judges support their false claims, falsified evidence and perjury. They invariably find against the defendant. I know this because it happened to me. Usually it is the rich and powerful (who laughingly abuse justice via the star chamber law courts) versus the poor and unrepresented. There is no justice whether Roman, English, or Muslim, for the poor. There never has been. The law is all about protecting the rights and property of the rich and privileged classes. It's always been that way. It just amazes me that people cannot see what's staring them in the face.

  3. Scotland is 96% white. Can you imagine spouting similar nonsense in the Middle East or Africa – you wouldn’t last long. People need to wake up to what is going on – Hamza Yousaf, Vaughan Gething, Leo Vradkar, Sadiq Khan, Rishi Sunak. What a politically correct line up.

  4. This clipping of claws will end in a revolution – The political elite are so far removed from what the people want or need that when it happend they will wonder why.

  5. Public opinion decides whats a hate crime and whats not. When the government start paying taxes, then they can start having a say on whats what, until then no one is listening because no one respects you as people!

  6. I was just wondering did the sturgeon thing pose for this image of a hate monster 😂😂

  7. This is ridiculous. Maybe Scotland should be given independence and floated off into the North Sea.

  8. The SNP are a joke! Humza Useless stands up in the Scottish parliament saying there’s to many white people in top jobs and no one challenges him!! If that’s not racist rhetoric I don’t know what is 🤷‍♂️

  9. Carry a toilet roll round with you so you can hand it out when people are talking shite.

    Here wipe your mouth your taking shite

  10. These unelected scumbags are taking the piss it’s going to be a all out revolution if they keep this up ooh better watch what I’m saying

  11. This needs to be undone immediately. Take to the streets Scotland! Or elae live in an 1984 nightmare!!!

  12. Will it be safe for actors, comedians, singers, writers, critical writers, etc to work in Scotland in April?

  13. I'm Scottish, I live in Glasgow and I absolutely fucking hate Scotland at the moment. I've never said that, it hurts to say that…..but it's true. Scotland, as of now, is fucked. The country is in a mess and there is way too much expectance and apathy from Scottish people.

  14. What a f**king joke. So during the Pro Palestinian marches in London a single solitary guy was stood in a pub doorway holding up a St George's flag whilst surrounded by thousands of Palestinian supporters waving Palestinian flags and they were abusing and trying to attack him, he had to be protected by police officer's!!.
    An englishman holding up his own countries flag in it's capital city being set upon by thousands of angry protesters, is this not a hate crime?. Ahh yes it is but were any of them arrested or investigated, of course not…. pathetic!!!!🤬
    I'll fly my nation's flags wherever and whenever i damn well please and if anyone finds it offensive, well tough s**t🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🖕

  15. How many little secondary school slacker arseholes are going to get teachers sacked for this.

    How many 3rd sector youth workers are going to be dismissed.

    How many social workers.

    This is a weaponisation of child minds to destroy adults. Chaos.

  16. I’ve read the legislation and it looks like the maximum penalty is 7 YEARS in prison!! I’m hoping someone else can check and confirm this for me please.

  17. I'm Scottish and I HATE Scotland. Can someone please explain why religious abusing cults get protection 😂😅😅😅 seriously. I just can't wait till Putin takes over 😂 someone with BALLS.

  18. If Scots vote Snp or labour then they deserve what they get. I won't be going there anymore given my sense of humour I'd be arrested on day one. Usually go on either my motorcycle or campervan at least four or five times a year. Ill keep my money for somewhere else now.

  19. Racist Hamza Yusuf should be deported back to Pakistan. And hopefully he will take the rest of the mad SNP government with him. He is a joke and has zero right to be in the position he is…..shame on all Scot’s who vote for the weirdo SNP.

  20. Great. Does this mean I can get hate crimed if I’m listening to Eminem at a stop light??

  21. British people have always made jokes and insulted each other without taking offence. It’s part of our culture to me. Can you imagine insulting someone’s mum and being arrested for a hate crime?! It’s embarrassing. I hope everyone makes complaints about this frauds hate speech multiple times a day.

  22. Thank god Leo moved on from trying to pronounce burglerizing quickly, we could have been here all night.

  23. People of scottland

    If you don't fight then remember nobody going to fight for you

  24. Remember the crime is complete in the country that the "victim" is in ( Scotland ) so no matter were you are when you said it or posted it, if soneone in Scotland is upset and reports it, ypu will be the subject of this investigation .

  25. Humza should be arrested immediately for his too many whites comments this is a HATE CRIME!!!

  26. Who has agreed to this he hasn’t asked the publics opinion on this this is taking our freedom of speech from us

  27. Humza Useless spews more hate than the entirety of Scotland. They are really overreaching, they have no power, we the people are the ones who have the power! They are public servants not an authority over the entire country! Get him out of government and out of Scotland as he hates us, that much is evident. How dare people in Scotland be white!!! What a racist he is, him and his rhetoric offends me and everyone who lives in Scotland, his hatred of us and our whiteness is also a crime against the indigenous people of Scotland so when will the coppers be banging down his door and throwing him in jail!?!

  28. Great take on events as usual Leo.
    Dividing people up into white and non white is extremely racist, you are ignoring different ethnicities and divergence within those groups. It is being used by some as a means to attack white people, in order to bring the current system down.
    If skin colour didn't matter, why would you point out the skin colour of people in various roles? Does he not have any mirrors in his house?
    This invasion of the state into people's homes is really chilling, it is the sort of thing that is done in any dictatorship, regardless of whether it is a theological or ideological one.
    Is Scotland heading towards blasphemy laws, I wonder, using gender ideology as the backdoor?
    It is healthy in any democracy to have an opposition party, yet here he is proudly suggesting that the aim is to get rid of all tories in Scotland. I don't know why, if he goes swimming in the sea in Scotland, he will turn blue anyway.

  29. Police Scotland have already said that they WONT be attending every call but why would this be any different. I think an FOI for the amount of times this useless legislation is used should be requested.

  30. Scotland used to, and I emphasise, used to be a country that espoused values such as truth, freedom, liberty and championed the rights of the wronged. Now, I genuinely wonder what has happened.

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