40 thoughts on “LegalEagle’s Devin Stone Answers Law Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED”

  1. Cops are allowed to and known to lie to get people to admit to things they didn’t do even though citizens aren’t allowed to lie intentionally. I think cops being allowed to lie is wrong on every level. That’s why innocent people need to use the 5th amendment (but you have to state that you’re using the 5th amendment)… and the 6th amendment… the right to have an attorney present.

  2. Death penalty for petty burglary? God no… Death penalty for armed robbery or repeat offenders…. we may be onto something.

  3. Lawyers exist because people are scummy and greedy and if it's not spelled out to the nth degree, people will take advantage of that and try to either steal or hurt you.

    That said, lawyers then slow down and complicate the legal process so much, you usually need to hire one, and they get paid.

    It's one of the sacrifices we pay to live in a society where might doesn't make right. In other systems, if I have a bigger army or more money than you, I win.

  4. Is there not an argument to be had that the Law as it stands is the use of a language that while like English in many ways exist outside English and so a Lawyer in many ways acts as a translator for a language that the common man is not well versed in, but simply participates in while dealing with affairs of the state. That is to say that law as we know it is little more than a separated language that one must become acquainted with if one wants to converse on matters of state, in a way making the law intentionally inaccessible as failure to translate the law into a common parlance requires the presence of a translator. That there should be an effort on translating law into common parlance.

  5. One more reason for statutes of limitation: my 1st year tort professor said if you have something to say, say it! (This is also why many states have a discovery rule, which means a SoL doesn't being to run until you've discovered the wrong.)

  6. I'm curious about, "actually lawyers can go to jail for things they do in court" there's any videos on that.

  7. Hey Devin at 11:59 into the video, you state that only four Supreme Court Justices have to vote to take a case. If there are nine justices then that would mean the majority or five would need to vote on taking up a case.

  8. First question was well explained! US protects hate speech as free speech, but countries like Mexico and Germany does not.

  9. 11:45 I think it's more complex that what he says too. Take Tesla, for example… I'm pretty sure their "self driving" service has terms and conditions by which the car owner has to be attentive in case something happens. That means the "driver" (car owner) could be the one liable in that case – and if they were having the car drive itself without them in the seat, Tesla could easily say "he shouldn't have been doing that, as per the terms".
    But even in that case, maybe the fault happened in a way that the "driver" couldn't have reasonably reacted. If he can prove that then the fault may go back to Tesla.

  10. So many of these are so obvious… like that 2nd one. If you act belligerent, then the judge isn't being prejudiced into thinking you're belligerent. That's just an observation of your character. Prejudice is when it's a belief not based on experience, but you've made the judge experience your belligerence. He's not assuming you're belligerent, he's noticing it.

  11. My grandfather wanted me to be a lawyer b/c he said mathematics was the only absolute truth, everything else was up for argument.

  12. Bro is too US-centric to realise that the reason there are so many "frivilous" lawsuits in the US is the lack of healthcare. People who are sick or injured find someone to blame and try to get them to pay the life-ruining debt they've incurred because of their failed government not protecting their right to life and health

  13. The way that I look at it, in pleading the 5th is, your Miranda rights flat out tell you "Anything you say can and WILL be used AGAINST you in a court of law." You could say "I love all police" and they WILL turn around and twist your words to use against you in court, to get a conviction, regardless if you're innocent or not. So the best thing to do is keep quiet and don't give them any ammunition.

  14. How come Kavanaugh has not faced charges for knowingly and willingly lying to the supreme court while under oath, no less than 5 times ?

  15. As for the 5th Amendment, it is important to know the history, and why the 5th Amendment along with the entire Bill of Rights was enacted. Each of the ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights was a response to regular practices of the British government. Under British Common Law at the time, the Court could compel a witness to testify against themselves, even if they were not the accused. Imagine John Brown being called as a witness against John Smith. Smith is being accused of robbery. Brown is not charged. Brown is asked, "Were you the getaway driver?" Under 18th Century British law, Brown is required to answer, even under duress — perhaps jail until he answers, or torture until he confesses. This brings co-conspirator charges against himself. Under US law, Brown can decline to testify, requiring the government to actually create their own case against him without the suspect's help.

  16. Hey ya I would like 1 bigmac, a whopper, 2 8 piece chicken nuggets. 4 sweet and sour sauces. a Hershey pie.

  17. I did a lot of research online and I can't find an answer to this question: why do congresspeople constantly cut off witnesses during congressional investigative hearings. It seems to me that you should wait for the answer if you want one. What is the point of a committee hearing if you're not hearing the witness' answer? Thank you in advance for your answer.

  18. you have the right of free speech , but with few exceptions,, the same thing as everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.. this lawyer explaining, he has more rights than you do, because he's a lawyer.. if you can't defend yourself in court and he can, that isnt something that you have compared with him

  19. Yeah, when people can openly march for Nazism, Fascism and white "supremacy", there´s where you should intervene.
    One of the MANY reasos US is in the horrible situtation that it is now.

    The "freedom" "democratic" country appearance is only to justify crimes inside and outside.

    You harvest what you plant, US.

    And America is the continent. So… it´s time…

  20. I remember when Trump said only cowards plead the fifth and , of course , then claimed protection himself !

  21. To the point of why it’s so expensive. I worked at a real estate firm as a staff accountant and you wouldn’t believe how easy it is to transpose numbers like 747,000 and $474,000 with 7 salaried employees two banks, two law firms and two sets of clients reviewing the numbers lol.

  22. People who equate having "the right to free speech" and "being allowed to say anything without social repurcussions" really show how much they rely on hard set rules to tell them what's right and wrong. Explains a lot when you think about it.

  23. You're not innocent until you've been found not guilty. Of whatever you're being asked about.

  24. Don't gas light me….Trump is guilty….AND he plead the 5th many times because it would have lead to many, many other crimes. Hate speech is immoral….and there have been many cases on it. This is so much BS ….it's hilarious.

  25. Important note about appeals: an appeal isn't a do-over trial, the facts are locked in by the first decision, you don't get to introduce new evidence or arguments. It's really just going to that judge/jury's 'boss' and saying "based on everything that was already said, we think this is the wrong decision according to the law"

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