
Lawyers Suggest That Judge Cannon Is Too Stupid To Be A Judge


#Lawyers #Suggest #Judge #Cannon #Stupid #Judge

Lawyers that have handled cases in front of Judge Aileen Cannon don’t have a lot of kind words to say about her. In fact, during recent conversations with CNN, these lawyers appeared to describe a judge that was clearly in over her head and doesn’t understand how a lot of legal processes work. They also pointed out that her inexperience and incompetence can make it very easy for lawyers (like Trump’s) to exploit her. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Recently CNN had the opportunity to speak to multiple different lawyers that have actually handled cases in front of Judge Eileen Cannon. And all of these lawyers that they spoke to basically told the same story that this is a judge that doesn’t know what in the hell she is doing. Let me read you this. Several attorneys who have practiced in front of Canon and who spoke to CNN for this story pointed to her isolation as one explanation for her conduct. Canon’s solitary post in the Fort Pierce courthouse, one that rarely sees high profile action, deprives her of the informal day-to-day interactions with more seasoned judges who sit at the other courthouses and could offer her advice. The lawyers told CNN, they also said Canon’s lack of trial experience, both as a lawyer and a judge is apparent in her seven years as a Justice Department attorney.

Canon participated on the trial teams of just four criminal cases. Four the for 14 days total, by the way. So she has no experience with criminal law. Really? 14 days. Wow. Yes, she went to law school. Um, she’s also 42 years old, so she is relatively young. I say that as a 41-year-old. I still think 42 is very young, but they get, they get worse, the lyses from these lawyers. But I do wanna point out that they’re basically, one of the things they’re talking about with the isolation thing is, you know, she’s not walking around every day saying like, Hey, fellow judge, how’s things going? Hey, I got a question because I got this really difficult thing here. And they brought up this issue that I don’t understand. Being around experienced people, literally just being around them, having the option to talk to them is absolutely instrumental for the legal career of literally anyone, whether you’re a judge or a lawyer.

And I know, ’cause I’ve been working in a law firm for 20 years, the younger lawyers always going up to the older lawyers, Hey, can I pick your brain for a few minutes? Every day, every day? And it makes them better. And the same is true with the judges. And Canon doesn’t have that opportunity. She is a very young judge in a very high position. She doesn’t know what she’s doing, and the lawyers go on to say she doesn’t know what she’s doing. According to one attorney, she is not efficient. She is very form over substance. Another lawyer called her indecisive and a third suggested quote, she just seems overwhelmed by the process. Overwhelmed. Another way to say that is she’s in over her head and doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. As per usual, it gets worse. Her approach as a jurist detail, obsessed to the point of tedious

Appears uniquely prone to being exploited by a defense team eager to delay a case. And the complicated system canon has set up for redacting public filings has only exacerbated a backlog of unresolved issues. She seems to seize on concepts that, for one reason or another become interesting to her, whether or not they’re pertinent to the case at hand, or decide that they have importance for reasons that escape the rest of the parties in the courtroom. In other words, she’s, she’s kinda like, like a dog that sees a squirrel’s like what? Squirrel, like nothing else matters.
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41 thoughts on “Lawyers Suggest That Judge Cannon Is Too Stupid To Be A Judge”

  1. Tired of hearing of her shortfallings. What is stopping the DOJ from asking for her recusal?


  3. Duh ! Look who Appointed her . Makes Us wonder How his other Judges are . It's too bad The Senate wouldn't allow Obama to appoint any Judges his last year in office but was OK when Their God did

  4. At the beginning of this trial Cannon stated "I don't know how to try this case". Why wasn't she replaces then?

  5. No, judge Cannon is not stupid, and she knows exactly what she is doing. She uses all her cleverness to find every little obscure detail in the law that can be used to benefit Trump. She obviously lacks both moral and legal knowledge, but you must admit that she is extremely inventive…

  6. She's dumb as a rock, and seems to do everything to favor dirty Donald DumbMF, the con. She needs to be removed from judging.

  7. Big Republican donors love stupid politicians and judges. Because they will do whatever they are told. Many of these brainless officials don’t even understand the damage they are doing.

  8. Political selfishness isn't a substitute for competency. I don't know why certain politicians think loyalty is more important than ability. That's caveman thinking.

  9. what was your first clue … she was a perfect choice for dementia don … stupid, gullible and idiotic, all the qualities you want in a judge that you have bought

  10. This is absolutely no surprise! How in the hell did she get on the bench? Forget it, I don't want to know!!!

  11. One of the hallmarks of an Authoritarian ruler is that they put people in positions of power that they are grossly unqualified to be in. Case in point.
    In a real court she'd be lucky to be a law clerk.

  12. Is there nothing that the Bar Association that certified her can do ? Can she be disbarred for incompetence ? And if she loses her law license, can she still serve as a judge ?

  13. The Funniest Part Of This Whole Thing!
    If Judge Cannon was any other culture then white. She would be disbarred from being a Judge years ago. Her very existence is a testimony to how truly f**k up at your job you can be. And you never will get fired. This is what African-Americans calls "The real white side of America"!
    All these centuries, white-Americans have just been keeping the tradition of white is right no matter how totally f**ked up it is. Ummm look at Trump!#MicDrop

  14. No doubt she's a moron, but that's not why her clerks quit. We need to stop indulging the hope that her actions are the result of incompetence rather that corruption.

  15. 😂Google-YouTube T-Rump has said a lot worse than me. His followers who are Morons have said a lot less than me. Sanction me and I will sue for my freedom of speech! By the way I have carefully cut and pasted those other comments to a word page saved on my computers made by those Morons………..

  16. just look at some of the judges that Biden is trying to get confirmed there are even worse. Some of them are so dumb they don’t know what a female is.😂

  17. Aileen cannon has a law degree. which means she went to a four year university. then she got a law degree from a law school. she is not uneducated and she is not stupid.

    allegedly Aileen cannon has a federalist and heritage foundation script she has to follow. allegedly she is a loyal cult member of the trump crime family and wants to do her part.

    its up to the government to dismantle her and her far right wing nut job supporters in congress and the senate. its up to the 11th circuit to take care of business. allegedly her supreme court supervisor the impeachable corrupt unindictable above the law judge. what is he doing, when he is not the honored and revered guest of his alleged patron Harlan Crowe?.

  18. Why on earth is she paid to do nothing? Obviously by Trump to help him but it’s all really a massive farce!

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