
Lawyers REACT to Sports Stadium Crimes!


#Lawyers #REACT #Sports #Stadium #Crimes

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Michael Mandell, admitted in CA, but not KY, 21031 Ventura Blvd., Ste 401, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 279-529-6453. Services are not available in all jurisdictions. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based on advertisements alone. FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. DRAMATIZATION. NOT AN ACTUAL EVENT. The firm maintains joint responsibility when associating with other counsel in accordance with the rules of the particular state and with informed consent of the client. While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases of this type are referred to other attorneys for principal responsibility.
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49 thoughts on “Lawyers REACT to Sports Stadium Crimes!”

  1. I asked an Angels fan at the Dodgers game to stop hitting his weed pen because it was blowing in my grandmas face. His drunk ass proceeds to stand up hit it and blow it directly in my 85 year old grandmas face. Let’s just say we both got ejected.

  2. Fight me if you want but… I’ve never seen a law by Mike long form vid. I’m disappointed with myself

  3. When are you guys gonna' add Steve Lehto and Legal Eagle to the crew? Get the big four together and really have a crazy collab channel (no hate on what you've already done; congrats on the 100k subs!).

  4. I was at a Packers game and some random drunk dude came by and punched this random guy. Then some burly tough biker man from behind knocked the attacker out. We thought he was out for good before he got up 20 sec later and scampered away. This was in the -5 degree weather too 😂

  5. I wish you two would prewatch this videos before hand (and then rewatch them) so you can already know the facts and everything don't seem so off the cuff.

  6. Shouting out ithinkihaveacase like that, man. I can't imagine the traffic going through that website. Must be crazy!

  7. Love this channel!!
    Just a comment, for the situation at 7:22, another situation broke out in another Copa America game just days before this one and several Uruguayan players had to jump in the stands to protect their family because of lack of police and security. It seems that it was a combination of disorganization and lack of preparation from the USA organizers.

  8. I had a YouTuber friend named bugsy he had a case where there was under aged drinkers they smashed a bottle on the ground and they ran off

  9. The problem with visitor team aspect for the 49ers. They have their fans traveling around to follow them. For some reason they have a lot of local fans showing in their colors.

  10. Worst fight i saw was at the senior bowl and it was over a drunk hitting his own daughter and someone told him not to and it ended in a fight

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