
LAWYER: What to Say When a Cop Says to Stop Recording


LAWYER: What to Say When a Cop Says to Stop Recording

#LAWYER #Cop #Stop #Recording

What should you do if a cop tells you to stop recording them? As a lawyer, here’s what I suggest saying:

“Officer, I am not interfering with your duties, and I’m only recording this under my rights.”

Is it legal to record the cops in public if you’re not interfering with their investigation? Yes. Could the cops get mad anyways? Also yes. Know that they cannot legally delete footage from your phone, and you’re not required to give them your phone without a warrant. If they try to take it anyways, call a local attorney. 🧑‍💼

Need an attorney in Fort Worth? Add my office’s number to your contacts! 817-839-3965
criminal lawyer , LAWYER: What to Say When a Cop Says to Stop Recording, attorney reacts,body cam,body cam footage,cop cam,criminal defense attorney,criminal defense lawyer,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police cam,record the police

50 thoughts on “LAWYER: What to Say When a Cop Says to Stop Recording”

  1. If they handcuff you or physically detain you and take your phone, that is called being mugged and mugging is illegal

  2. Screw that, as it is an unlawful order, I don't comply…any further unlawfulness allows me to defend myself, and oh, will a Road Pirate regret that secision….

  3. They delete bodycam footage and NC has it where bodycam footage is part of their personnel file when it clearly has evidence of their wrong doing. The police in some states have edited bodycam video as well.

  4. Brother I am too old for that police nonsense. I can use a few card playing companions in the Realm of Satan The Devil.

  5. Just because they can't legally delete anything off your phone doesn't mean that they won't! Then it's up to you to prove it was there before they stole your phone.
    Always duplicate your videos and photos to the cloud. And don't use fingerprints or facial recognition to secure it either.

  6. This lawyer is showing everyone how to end up in handcuffs after interaction with an officer. Show respect, comply, and answer every question that an officer has truthfully.

  7. The problem with cops violating laws is that nobody is going to enforce laws on cops. And without enforcement laws are just wasted paper.

  8. You forgot to say they lose their qualified immunity and R. Going to be sued for violation of your civil rights. But you're an attorney, you won't tell anybody that. Because you won't make any money off it.
    There's 4 people that you never ever trust an attorney. A cop, a politician or the weather man.

  9. You don’t have to call an unlawful order under any circumstance. I don’t recommend resisting physically fact still remains. Additionally, people have had their phones kept for a few months and up to a year to two years. Additionally, many police officers have deleted things and suffered no consequences so we’re just supposed to take an unlawful order and roll the dice to see if they’ll delete stuff and roll the dice. They’re gonna keep the months or years…

  10. You don't video tape you live stream the event then it becomes part of the cloud that they cannot take.

  11. It’s crazy to me. That this guy teaches citizens what to do when cops violate their rights. But the damn police don’t teach their own, to not do that in the first place.
    Like shouldn’t even need to be said. But I guess the problem here lies with the police being corrupt.

  12. nah… give em the bird and tell them what direction you would like them to eff off… when they lose control and throw you to the ground and arrest you then you giggle and laugh… because it wont even be a year before you will have a seven figure settlement.

  13. Lock the phone before handing it over and refuse to unlock. That's why you shouldn't have face recognition feature turned on because cops could use it to unlock. Phone locked, they can't sê anything to delete.

  14. if you are on private property, you dont have the right to record. which is 99% of the time. people assume places are public, there is no public.

  15. You know, if a person has a reason to think that this could happen, perhaps it’s a good time to sacrifice the data, and start live streaming instead of filming.

    Just saying.

    There’s no such thing as erasing a live stream.

  16. What happens when they smack it out your hand and smash it? They do that so so so many times to destroy evidence

  17. And the cop just denies he deleted something, denies he took it, says you were interfering with his work.
    He might even shoot you, claiming he thought it was a gun. 100% of cops that take your phone are scum

  18. What kind of country are we? In 1776 we should have just complied with the demands of king George! The king was in his right to tell his colony not to rebel right?

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