
Lawyer slams ‘disgraceful’ video of police delivering coffee to anti-Israel blockade


Lawyer slams ‘disgraceful’ video of police delivering coffee to anti-Israel blockade

#Lawyer #slams #disgraceful #video #police #delivering #coffee #antiIsrael #blockade

Over the weekend, a video of a Toronto police constable delivering coffee to anti-Israel protesters blocking a bridge went viral, with the Chief of Police eventually issuing an apology over the situation. Criminal lawyer Ari Goldkind joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the perceived double standard in the treatment of certain types of protests.


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criminal lawyer , Lawyer slams ‘disgraceful’ video of police delivering coffee to anti-Israel blockade, Justin Trudeau,election,Erin o’toole,maxime bernier,jagmeet Singh,ndp,conservative,liberal party,Conservative party,people’s party,CBC news,CTV news,national post,Toronto sun,ben shapiro,global news,Jordan Peterson,Mikhaila Peterson,Joe rogan,podcasts,podcast,news,breaking news,vaccines,vaccine passport,Pierre Poilievre

40 thoughts on “Lawyer slams ‘disgraceful’ video of police delivering coffee to anti-Israel blockade”

  1. Well, shouldn't we have been able to predict that things like this would be happening when "Islamophobia" laws were passed? Islam is trying to take over our country and politicians and police are letting it happen.

  2. A group of people who hate Canada, hate it’s people, hate it’s culture and institutions. A groups that enters through our democracy, and ignorance and will conquer us without ever firing a shot if we don’t wake up.

  3. These Hamas terrorists supporters are being paid to organize protests in Canada? By who? By a group called the Plenty.Collective in BC? IRGC agents at work. Where are our police? Source: Toronto Sun.

  4. 'Healthy' living defending criminals? Prosecuting criminals is more helpful to a community. Your ungodly ( by his own admission) Jew guest is typical of the majority who reside in Tel Aviv and the Knesset assemblies and no different than an atheist Ukranian or Barack Obama, thus his opinion is guided by his own arrogance.

  5. To reframe the gifting of coffee unto a stranger as "disgraceful" is to directly contradict the words of Jesus Christ and to fail to comprehend His parable of the Good Samaritan. It's sad that all these years later, His target audience has still not internalised His message about grace and charity.

  6. That cop is a pretty expensive delivery boy. The police should be breaking up that illegal protest instead of serving them. What happened to "Serve and Protect the public, not terrorists. This is what happens when you elect an unqualified sockboy just because of his name

  7. I'm Catholic. They are burning down our churches at an alarming rate. Not only the Jews.
    What is happening is a mass migration to Canada. Remember Lebanon 1977. Canada is the next Lebanon. Police and gov are guilty

  8. This is sad:/
    We need to be on All people's sides!
    Toronto is a multicultural community not just a Muslim only group we need to protect all safety.
    Also, bringing other nations’ problems lets All fight each other 4 escalate the war must stop⚠️
    Asking why Those people never protesters to fight their national issues❓
    They came to Canada because their own religion /government treated them horribly ▶️
    *Women & kids have been raped!
    Now get the benefit suck Canadian’s blood 🩸try for Invasion➣
    [using all innocent people and other religions people‘s kindness ]
    Try to take over all by doing nothing!
    As Trump said those snakes crying for Invasion.
    Future Humanity Freedom can not give up.☁️
    Since All people come to Canada focus on creating own unique future community.

    We need LAW🚨 protect All❕

  9. These are the Liberal lapdogs that betrayed the trust of nnocent Canadians that were standing up for their charter of rights and freedoms . These are the disgraceful dictator's puppets that are not protecting and serving Canadians. They have lost the respect and trust of the Canadian public .

  10. So you guys freak out over a kind gesture?
    Since the war in Gaza True North now needs to villify every person who takes a side on a conflict thousands of miles away from us. Didn't we realize how easy it was to destroy a society by vilifying one group during covid? Can you not see again how we are being played? Can we not just stop fighting among each other because some faction of the media found a way to trigger our fears or racism or whatever other moral weakness we have?

  11. For some it's about Jews, for others it's about Zionists.
    Those that would conflate the two do themselves no favours.

  12. Memo to Police on Guard for Thee:
    Publish your damn street mailing address, you might get some extra funds!

  13. This is ludicrous behavior. They came to Canada to be Canadian. That means the jews in Canada are Canadian. Just the same as the Palestinians are Canadian in Canada.
    This bullshit division is treasonous and should NOT be permitted! Period!

  14. DOn't worry everyone, they've been saying Marxism is just a phase for a couple decades now. Surely it will come to pass…lol!

  15. Jews playing the victim card again! Police forcing Palestinian protesters to the areas they want them to go so officials and media can create fake news propaganda!

    History is repeating itself.

  16. Imagine a lawyer as biased as this guy that's so far attached from reality and completely clueless of the current events or even an ounce of curiosity.

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