
LAWYER REACTS – Prankster Jumps Into Aquarium


LAWYER REACTS – Prankster Jumps Into Aquarium

#LAWYER #REACTS #Prankster #Jumps #Aquarium

Prankster jumps into store’s aquarium for views — Could he be on the hook for damages?
criminal lawyer , LAWYER REACTS – Prankster Jumps Into Aquarium, Personal Injury Attorney,R. Rex Parris Law Firm,Lawyer,Law Firm

27 thoughts on “LAWYER REACTS – Prankster Jumps Into Aquarium”

  1. He along with a lot of other pranksters need to be arrested and charged to the maximum. Pranks are getting way out of hand. See how they like Bubba pranking them when they hit the jail by sticking their head in the toilet, and holding it there till he sees bubbles. A lot of viewers are commenting that they won't have to drain the aquarium. Unless you've got a tank like the one he jumped in, you have no idea what's involved in the maintenance and balance of chemicals etc. so your comment doesn't matter.

  2. For all y’all who keep trying to defend it, it’s drained for sanitary reasons, as well as for the fish they have on display.

  3. Geese, entitled individual so desperate to make a video ends with a mouth, eyes, nose & ears full of fish poop 💩.

  4. Since when do they drain a pool when a kid shits in it? They just tell every one to get out of the water and fish the turds out then give a dose of chlorine.

  5. So Cal Deputy here: I’d arrest him on felony vandalism and conspiracy along with the cameraman. That water was contaminated and will need to be drained. The fish ant upkeep aren’t cheap.

  6. Well, I dont know if my CST training will hold up to your lawyer talk, but we don't drain pools because a kid poops in them. We kick everyone out for a bit and up the chemicals. 😂

  7. If you truly believe they drain pools every time a kid poops in them, I have a bridge to sell you..

  8. What I learned from this is that this guy doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. Drain a 20 thousand gallon tank for that pshhh

  9. Own and have owned plenty of Aquariums. Salt and fresh. They wound have to replace that water. You straight made up dude.

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