
Lawyer Reacts: Letters From State & Federal Prosecutors Revealed In Read’s Case – What Do We Learn?


Lawyer Reacts: Letters From State & Federal Prosecutors Revealed In Read’s Case – What Do We Learn?

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50 thoughts on “Lawyer Reacts: Letters From State & Federal Prosecutors Revealed In Read’s Case – What Do We Learn?”

  1. Have either of you run into a
    courtroom with a sov cit? The only time I’ve seen them has been in arraignments or bench trials,

  2. I’m in far western MA but am intrigued by what I’ve seen & heard although I haven’t followed it very closely. I’m just glad the feds came in. I said all along it’ll never come out if left to state & local officials.

  3. No, what the defense attorney said was that him and the prosecution were on a conference call with them yesterday and they confirmed that there is an investigation and it is ongoing. He didn’t say it was in the letters.

  4. The letters were not published in Boston Magazine 🤦 . There was an article published in Boston Magazine that the prosecution is trying to get recordings and notes from a journalist. Mass apparently doesnt have journalist protections or something to that effect . I am not a lawyer

  5. Your Dad said that the most interesting takeaway from the letters is that it never states there is a fed investigation happening. But then why would the DA’s office block the release of the letters?

  6. At 46:20 “this should’ve been the headlines in Boston.” The elder lawyer said.
    Interesting that only 1 media outlet covered these letters. This is because in Massachusetts it is not just the government that is corrupt it is the media too. Morrissey jailed the only journalist covering the case. And he is using all of his favors at the globe and the herald to have them not cover the story.

  7. Corruption is being exposed! The collusion in the state of MA is absolutely disgusting and they’re targeting innocent people and children for no good reasons. And I am sure this comment will get deleted. Please know there is plenty of room in hell for every single evil being

  8. Peter, thank you so much for this show. These letters don't make a lot of sense to me, but I definitely understand better after listening to this episode 😊

  9. This case is so disturbing. From all I have read I do believe KR is innocent. I do not trust our Government.

  10. There's something rotten in Denmark…actually we are doing quit well…but the US…OMG! Corrupt justice system to letting murderer out of prison bc of Youtubers who think they are above and the fraud innocent ai ai. I get as crazy around? as listening to Peters speed talk, thanks God for Paps slowing everything down 🤣🤣. Love from Denmark 🙏

  11. What is funny is Morrissey saying anything about a conflict of interest considering his lead investigator on Karen’s case is a good family friend of the Alberts.

  12. Peter hopefully your channel is independent enough to make a video about the last development in de Bryan Kohberger case….how is this legal possible? (Also painful almost none MSM or law channels reporting on this bizarre development and secrecy by de prosecution)

  13. Not only did the Departed take place in massachussets but the letters reference Whitey Bulger which is what the Departed is about lol

  14. Thank you Mr Tragos & Thanks Peter! I am from Boston. I was curious your thoughts on this! I’m glad you both went over it together. Appreciate it.

  15. Doesn’t this DA’s incessant letters and complaining make him look desperate to end the federal investigation? Like the saying “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”, right? If he truly had absolutely nothing to hide, why wouldn’t he welcome an investigation to clear his name?

    To me this letter makes the allegations of misconduct 5x more credible. MORE, not less. I wasn’t sure what to believe before, but this really looks like the dude is trying to stop the investigation in its tracks, and/or get his hands on exactly what dirt the federal government does or doesn’t have on him.

    Crazy shit man. I hope to hell this Karen Reed lady isn’t an innocent woman being railroaded by a corrupt local government. That’s a nightmare for her.

  16. With the greatest respect to your father, is it really true that the federal government habitually pokes its nose into local murder prosecutions? I don’t believe that’s true. His example of large scale “riots” (maybe not the right word to use regarding protests, but I digress…) is a totally different story. If cities around the nation are experiencing protests around some major political issue (abortion, racism, etc.), and a crime occurs during one of them, that’s by its nature of national interest. But a small town prosecution of a woman for the hit-and-run death of her boyfriend??? I just cannot believe that the federal government habitually rears its head in the middle of such cases.

    Something must be afoot, or they wouldn’t be bothering with an investigation.

  17. I’ve been following this case closely for a couple years. I truly enjoy peoples reaction to diving into it for the first time. It’s a crazy case… state made all the real suspects into a super class of humans called witnesses. Journalists and citizens have been charged with felonies for asking questions.

  18. Glad u guys covered this n saw it for what it is. The DAs office is scared as hell n it’s clear the Feds are looking into them. Indictments are coming

  19. It's incredibly endearing to see you both guide each other in what you excel at and what your expertise is. Peter guides papa Tragos on tech things and livestreaming and Papa Tragos guides Peter on titles, what they mean, the weight they hold, etc. This is probably why yall are so successful. You embrace other people's feedback and I just love that. Always love a Papa Tragos feature!

  20. He has dog bites on his arm. There is video of no broken tail light when she left and lost video from the library only missing the time her car went by,

  21. Local to this case. Glad you are following it. I asked @MentourLawyer to cover this early last year…. When it was all coming out around here. I found you from him, and around the Markel case.

    Edited to add, having your dad on is fantastic. He is very learned and what he has to say is direct, honest, and spot on. Have him on more!!!!

  22. I don’t understand how he mischaracterized or exaggerated? He said Morrissey himself thinks he’s the target of the investigation (he asked for it to be moved out of state due to conflict of interest and bc he felt the AG didn’t like him) why would he do that if he didn’t think he was the target? Yanetti never said he was the target.

  23. Not sure if this has been asked, but why not bring in a D.A. from a different county? I know that it is allowed within the law, and I’ve seen it done

  24. Brady is not limited to what is in possession, contrary to its text. Rather, extends to what should be in prosecutor’s possession had prosecutor exercised due diligence (& includes 100% of exc & potentially exc evidence ever possessed by law enforcement.

  25. The defense said it was confirmed on a conference call that they DA was being investigated. In a hearing on 1/18, the defense attorney referenced a phone call that took place on 1/17/24 between the Norfolk County DA, the defense for Karen Reed and a representative from US attorneys office, in where the defense was claiming, the investigation into the Norfolk DA was confirmed for all parties. “Right from the horses mouth”.

  26. Best breakdown I have heard of the letters so far. The trolls are struggling to come up with some shade to throw in the comment section. Crickets

  27. Your father looks like James " Whitey" Bulger when he was apprehended in 2011 in California… Google a picture

  28. And it seems the judge is compromised and should recuse herself. And the apparent dog bites on the victim's arm and voila! the dog is missing. Nothing to see here.

  29. I love seeing the familial interaction, so much like mine and everyone else's. 💗 grammar police, wisdom, tech challenged. 😅 As 2nd generation grammar police, I especially appreciated that because mispronunciation is a pet peeve 😊

  30. If you hear morrisseys public ideo statement at the end of August, you will understand why it is clear that he is a target.

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