
Lawyer Reacts: Jennifer Crumbly Trial Recap and Reaction – is her lawyer as bad as everyone thinks?


Lawyer Reacts: Jennifer Crumbly Trial Recap and Reaction – is her lawyer as bad as everyone thinks?

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26 thoughts on “Lawyer Reacts: Jennifer Crumbly Trial Recap and Reaction – is her lawyer as bad as everyone thinks?”

  1. Lol on speaking objections and Shannon Smith says “Even I’ve done it sometimes”!

    Wtf is she kidding?

    SHE has done it 90% of the time because it’s literally a Big part of her trial strategy!

    I don’t find her cute in the slightest.

  2. Defense atty immediately interrupts judge and prosecutor asks the judge for a moment. Arguing in open court. It's shameful.

  3. Weird that you cut it off at the point where judge asks JC lover what the veiled threats were about.

    Why? Because he goes on to say the “veiled threats” were about his FEELINGS about the affair getting out- not about him being threatened by cops about losing his job or pension like Shannon Smith deceitfully tried implying to the jury over & over & over that the Cops did!

    That told me a whole lot about Shannon Smiths integrity. Witness makes crystal clear that what Smith alleged was totally BS & false.

    Why would you NOT show that part to your viewers?

    So you’re either.. making superficial analysis on this case & not listening close enough to learn some of what you defended Smith on -turned out to be based on total lies she told…OR…
    You’re purposely trying to attack the state & prop up this mess of a defense lawyer.

    Either way it’s just weird.

  4. Why is it relevant the judge asked the witness he did not know he was going to be asked these questions today?

    Dude. Sloooww down. You’re missing a lot in your rush to have an opinion on what’s happening in court here.

  5. Wow hard to follow your thinking.
    It’s like it pains you to say the defense lawyer is the unprofessional problem here without trying to blame the prosecutors at same time.
    Yawn 🥱

  6. Wrong. It’s the judge in this case that is just useless.
    Absolutely useless and hard to understand how she lasts too much longer on the bench

  7. Sorry dude but SS’s accusations about cops “threatening” JC’s lover absolutely requires Smith be very specific about which COP.

    I mean 🙄

  8. Yes the judge cutting off the lady prosecutor saying “everybody just needs to go home” was gross.

    The judge was literally now accepting SS’s bullshit arguments that it’s the states fault she’s so unprofessional

    WTF judge?!?

  9. The prosecutor was “screaming back at her”?


    Shannon Smith is beyond obnoxious and her temper tantrums in court with & without jury present is F’ing outrageous and quite frankly I can understand the anger (again he was not screaming) at SS because the Judge seems to be in constant sympathy mode w the defense lawyer treating her like she’s her daughter.

    I wouldn’t put it against the prosecutor for thinking maybe I need to be angrier & louder to get the judges damn attention.

    Judge even stated in open court that she was bending over backwards researching the Law to HELP Shannon Smith …get her way!! WTAF?

    I could not believe a judge would be so openly biased FOR 1 side.

    I think a lot of defense lawyers on YouTube bend over backwards to defend the defense in what ever case they’re discussing.

    I get that’s your lean in to but I think a legal youtube channel should not be letting their personal defense bias leak in.

    Some YouTube lawyers I’m convinced that the defense in some of these cases are paying them to help move public opinion.

    But that’s not what trial watchers want.

    We want honesty about the cases and no bias.

  10. the lack of a response from the judge is frustrating. i wonder if the prosecution would still sink to her level if they weren't seeing the defense attorney's completely inappropriate behavior ignored. i would have expected the judge to ask the jury to step out and talk very angrily to the defense attorney for announcing with her whole chest that she didn't come prepared to court, or for saying "i'm gonna kms" in open court. that she doesn't do things like that must indicate to the prosecution that these theatrics are allowed, and they have to get loud and annoying in order to be heard.

    at the ahmaud arbery trial, the defense attorney got a stern talking to for loudly flipping his papers around and being purposefully distracting during testimony. i would have expected no less here, and it was annoying to watch the trial for this reason.

  11. I would have taken my child immediately to a Dr. My child fell at school once, and they never phoned me, and I was furious, I took my child straight away to the Dr, she got stitches and a injection against germs, the next day I went to see the principal and teachers. If I was the Judge I would have told her to behave her or leave the court!!!

  12. I'm doing my very best to be objective, so here's what I've noticed. Jennifer contradicts both her son and the school. I can understand he said/ she said, but she said/ they said seems less likely to me.

    I do, however, believe Jennifer when she says she didn't know anything about her son's plan or how his state of mind was. I believe she honestly thought he was joking around with her and her husband when her son was reaching out for help.

    I don't think there is any doubt he was neglected in some significant ways.

    I think that if she is found guilty, then so should all parties who failed to act or investigate his ascribes and concerning behaviors.

    This is the first time in this channel and I love it! Thank you so much, Peter!

  13. Ethans parents did not care about his mental state, he went to his father in the past to talk to him, and he said to him just to suck it up, a parent must talk to children how are they feeling if you see if they starting to show certain ways that dot look good, drawings can tell a parent a lot.The lawyer are frowning tantrums, very unprofessional 😱

  14. Honestly Shannon seems understaffed like where is her paralegal someone to help her with tech, notes, organization. She’s not cheap I’m sure. I don’t get it. Hubby is office manager. If he’s not there bc of kids she needs a nanny. Like she needs to spend money on administrative or home help so she has it in court.

  15. Also future crimes of your children you as a parent will be held accountable. I believe child abuse will skyrocket

  16. I feel like there's a real lack of decorum in this court room. I can't imagine this defense attorney being able to behave like this in other cases I have watched recently. I don't like the defendant, but I think she should really be concerned.

  17. I think it's obvious that she realized that her son was struggling mentally and socially, at the same time his mental issues and wellbeing did not cause her to take the actions you could expect from a parent with her resources. He was obviously getting more isolated the year before the shooting and more depressed. Now, just one friend he met outside school and group activities/hobbies with peers no longer in existence. His words in his diary and in the messages to his friend, and concerns at the school, show he is struggling mentally. I find it very likely that he tried to tell his parents about how he felt, asking for their help and to be taken to a doctor, as he says in messages to his friend and in his journal, but with out succeeding. One thing struck me, that the prosecution did not emphasize, he gets the news, the day before Halloween, that his only friend will not be spending Halloween with him and more importantly, that his friend has left the state and they are not going to be able to communicate for at least long time. In the days following he does not go to school for 5 days, the prosecution claims because he feels so bad. Jennifer says he might have been sick rather than feeling depressed because of his friend, but more importantly, she in her testimony says she don't remember him not being able to attend school for 5 days! Her son is loosing his only friend and then not going to school for a week and that caused so little concern and thought, that she can't recall it! Same with going to these Halloween parties at the Halloween. It's one thing going instead of being home with her son, because of the situation with his friend. The parents might have talked with him and they decided to spend extra time together later or what ever else. But she did not even recall this being a issue, because she in her testimony, says, wrongly, that the parties, she believes, were held the Friday before Halloween, but they were not.

    The gun was obviously not kept secure and she not knowing that is unbelievable. And his interest in guns and having guns is increasing as his mental health and social situation worsen. And she and his father, buy him guns and go with him to practice shooting.

    And then the day before the shooting. He is looking up bullets in school. Yes, the school was not so concerned. But she not only writes in a message to the shooter, not be caught next time, but also jokingly "Did you at least show them a picture of your new gun". Appreciating very well, that would he have been so "stupid" the reaction from the school would have been different.

    Then the day of the shooting. After being sent the picture of the geometry test, she texts her husband, EMERGENCY and he replies, My God and she replies their son was distraught yesterday. They seem to know the situation is very serious. She doesn't huge him and kind of pays him little attention in the school meeting although on the picture he writes "The thought want stop, help me" and "My life is useless" and "The world is dead". To be able to leave your son after seeing this, is unbelievable, but strengthen the case of her not responding to his health problems and that he has indeed told them about his problems without them responding in a way a parent should. The least they could have done is to take him home and reassure their son that they will help him and show him all the love they can. Their action (or lack of action) could have strengthen his decision to go through with the shooting. Also they should have thought of securing the guns instantly (seeing then that the gun has been taken). Not to tell the school about his gun (the drawing is obviously of his gun), knowing that it's not kept secure, is gross negligence. Not going into deeper discussion in this meeting about his mental health and social isolation, increasing interest in guns and having guns is gross negligence. This drawing, with her knowledge of his gun, should screams at her that her son is in a very bad mental state and dangerous to himself and other people. She should have responded immediate. She in fact had to do so little for this not happening. You can say that it is highly reasonable to expect a parent to take action immediately, She instead did nothing and did not inform the school about important things that she was well aware would be of deep concern, probably making the school take immediate action, and if anything she confirmed her son's feelings of his parents not caring for him. Her gross negligence made this tragic shooting possible. Is she guilty by Michigan law, I don't know. Will she be found guilty by the jury, I don't know. But she saying that her action or non-actions are reasonable and she can't see nothing wrong in them is incredible.

  18. When I first started watching this trial, I thought to myself. Are these new prosecutors. Are these new attorneys? What is going on in this courtroom? It's a mess.

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