
LAWYER REACTS: Being Detained is NOT Being Arrested! 🚔


LAWYER REACTS: Being Detained is NOT Being Arrested! 🚔

#LAWYER #REACTS #Detained #Arrested

Being detained is different than being arrested! 🚔

Being detained usually happens when the police have a reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime and want to ask you questions. Although they may put you in handcuffs, this does not mean you’re under arrest. I see many people panic when they get handcuffed and they start resisting or becoming combative. This will only make things worse. The best thing to do is invoke your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent (minus basic identifying questions), and stay calm. This will keep you physically safe, and will keep you from catching more charges.
criminal lawyer , LAWYER REACTS: Being Detained is NOT Being Arrested! 🚔, attorney reacts,body cam footage,constitution,constitutional rights,cop cam,know your rights,lawyer reacts,legal rights,police body cam,police cam,recording police

43 thoughts on “LAWYER REACTS: Being Detained is NOT Being Arrested! 🚔”

  1. your talking about police and they only get as far as "reasonable suspicion" and have no crime, often its only wanting to know what is going on

  2. … I like the part where you think the cops are educated enough to know the difference there are Thousands of videos on YouTube alone of cops not having the faintest idea about Laws, Constitutional Rights or even their own Department Policy.

  3. But why do cops get pissed off every single time when you ask them why they need to see my identification? Every time I ask what do they need to see my ID while not doing anything illegal. Each and every cop flips out. Claiming they are in fear of their lives, but I tell them they are wearing body armor, armed with two lethal weapons, a tazer, pepper spray, and a baton and they are in fear of their lives while I am completely unarmed.

  4. Yeah but then they datain you and put the cuffs on you pig style 🤣🤣 ull have ur wrist dented for days, Maybe even some nerve damage . 😂🙄🧐

  5. Never trust a lawyer.

    All they want is money.
    I come from a family of lawyers and they are all money grabbing bast*rds

    Why do you think he says fight it in court?

    Cos he wants money.

    This guy isn't any better.

  6. To DETAIN is an ARREST and requires PC of a crime…..
    Why are you lying to the public?

    detain. To retain as the possession of personalty. TO ARREST, to check, to delay, to hinder, to hold, or keep in custody, to retard, to restrain from proceeding, to stay, to stop. People v. Smith, 17 Cal. App.2d 468, 62 P.2d 436, 438; State v. King, 303 S.W.2d 930, 934.
    Blacks Law Dictionary

  7. If detainment is not an arrest, to my mind, then you're under no obligation to provide identifying information ( unless the officer has cited a particular traffic law violation, for example) because it's not an actual arrest. No identifying information should be forthcoming after detainment, because you should have already invoked your Fifth Amendment protected right to remain silent. Often, they " detain you ", while telling you it's temporary but they put you in handcuffs- one of the main reasons for handcuffing someone is either they've already made up their minds to arrest you, but aren't going to tell you right away, or they know that if they ultimately decide to arrest you, then you are already handcuffed and won't be in a position to offer effective resistance once they inform you that you are indeed under arrest. Listen to this lawyer: " police have the right "…..the supreme court, another gaggle of lawyers said they do. Remember this lawyer is an officer of the court , FIRST. Don't vote for lawyers!!!

  8. Cops pull up in a site with a predetermined judgment every single time and if you are unlucky enough that person is you plead the fifth and shut up , do what they tell you then sue them in court

  9. This reminds me of the Ron White bit about him getting thrown out of a bar and being arrested: "I had the right to remain silent. I just didn't have the ability to."

  10. This lawyer isnt telling you that if its not a stop and identify state, it only applies to those. In states where cops stop and identify in state law, you must.

  11. If your detained and in handcuffs let the officer know you are invoking your 5th amendment right! Do not identify yourself, you have no obligation to help the police with thier investigation ! Remain silent and let them do what they are going to do !

  12. you speak like a happy little slave. "never resist tyrants" is what you are saying. In stead you should be telling people to murder tyrants and their children!

  13. The pat down with out reasonable suspicion that you are armed AND dangerous is an unconstitutional search and seizure! Pursuant to the second amendment, it is not illegal to be armed in the United States of America. Therefore, any seizure of any armament is unconstitutional.

  14. Handcuffs should always be considered your under arrest because your now in chains.. regardless of whatever a copbtell you. You able to move your body has been taken away from you i didnt say ability to run away.. this is disturbing especially if the is no violence or weapons involved. 😕

  15. Detainment is in fact a de facto arrest. The supreme Court has ruled on that fact. If you refuse to comply with detainment you will be charged with resisting arrest. Simple as that. Get the facts straight.

  16. Key phrase that you need to emphasize: reasonable articulable suspicion that you are involved in a crime*. No RAS or PC = *unlawful detention. Unlawful detention = lawful refusal to identify AND lawsuit.

  17. Up the rear roduce when they got you pulled over the constantly. You got your arms behind your back braid to be? Handcuffed. But? There's sand don't move don't do a quick moving around. And you aint doing none of that? They'll lie like hell on that camera.

  18. you have to understand that "they" consider you as guilty till proven other wise…that's why you shut up and do not resist

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