
Lawyer Reacts: ANOTHER Sarah Boone letter, ANOTHER Lawyer Problem – She Crying Wolf? Or Is It More?


Lawyer Reacts: ANOTHER Sarah Boone letter, ANOTHER Lawyer Problem – She Crying Wolf? Or Is It More?

#Lawyer #Reacts #Sarah #Boone #letter #Lawyer #Problem #Crying #Wolf

#lawyeryouknow #sarahboone #suitcasemurder

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37 thoughts on “Lawyer Reacts: ANOTHER Sarah Boone letter, ANOTHER Lawyer Problem – She Crying Wolf? Or Is It More?”

  1. Peter love watching your videos but honestly you empathize way too much with the nightmare called Sarah Boone. At this point maybe you should stroll on down to the local court house and join the Boone team, take her case and see what happens to you. I think you would die within the first month of catering to Boone. It's impossible to represent this monster with pen and paper with Sarah calling names and accusing judges and attorneys of illegal crimes is getting her nothing. By the way Peter you are the only professional with all this empathy for nightmare Sarah Boone. Lol

  2. As far as Sarah Boone is concerned, she excels at everything her words from her interrogation. You’re definitely not excelling now.

  3. All the lawyers have to do is watch Sarah Boone’s interrogation and they would want to run the other way.

  4. I have a feeling shes going to act just as entitled as Jodie Arias. I would love to see JuanMartinez prosecute this case

  5. Funny sarah didnt mention any of the video calls with her lawyer. Guess sarah boone is a big fat liar

  6. I love how she's saying she has asked for things numerous times, without realizing (accepting, really) she has not made any of her requests to the correct person in the correct way. I'm willing to bet money she signed the paperwork to waive her right to appear and doesn't remember. I'm also willing to bet each of her lawyers has told her to stop writing letters to the judge because that's not the procedure, and she ignored them because in her mind the judge is "in charge" so he's the ONLY person who can help her.

  7. This judge is an absolute asshole for allowing this charade to go on. How can any sane person put up with weak judges who lose control of their court???? I would put her in a suitcase and then go on a cross country tour, while she croaked. Thats how you handle these lunatics. I think the judge is a little LOONEY too, for allowing this insanity to continue

  8. She is lying:
    She had 2 face to face meeting at a total at around 7 hours
    1 video meeting

    At 1/9/24 she got all her discoveries and other files – the CO in the jail scanned all and the copied (has to be done that way due to jail policy).
    SB was present during that process and she was not at all satisfied with that process.
    (You can see all the jail papers on Tranparent Tea.
    You can also see who have visit her, and why and date/time – there was a lot of visit in 2022 and 2023 from several specialists/investigators for the defens).

  9. I have followed this trial since she was arrested. She’s quite the show herself. 🙄 You mention her going pro se…that would delay this for sooooo long. Plus, I still pity any lawyer who’s assigned to her. Even if she goes pro se, one of them has to guide her. She thinks she knows so much, it would be hard to work with her in any capacity. If she were to go pro se, how much of a delay would that cause?

  10. Did anyone else see Winston Hobson, the seventh in a string of attorneys who have represented Boone, filed a motion to withdraw on Thursday, citing “irreconcilable differences including, but not limited to, ethical considerations.”

  11. I have a feeling this will continue unabated and she'll just be allowed to keep the courts busy with frivolous motions for years to come. Most of the people who would have wanted justice for this man will probably be long gone by the time it ever happens. After seven lawyers, it should be clear that this woman is not going to stop on her own. A judge will have to stop her by setting a trial date and not allowing her to delay it any further.

  12. And this attorney has formally requested to be removed off Boones case LMFAO! “Ethical considerations,” and “reconcilable differences!”

    All this ghosting on Boone from her attorneys is at the end of where the attorneys are done with her, they ignore her as they are working on removing themselves from the case… At what point do you look in the mirror and say “IM THE PROBLEM!”

  13. I know it's easy to dismiss her, but remember, she has been in jail for YEARS without a conviction. This is one of the problems with our system.

  14. I wonder if she's getting her xanax in prison. I think if her anxiety level were tamped down much of this could have been avoided. Right?

  15. She delays the process, wants discovery? All the evidence was recorded by her, there is no defence available, "just joking" is not a defence. Her lawyers can only mitigate her sentencing and know a gag is needed, not a gag order.

  16. If I were a betting person, the lawyers probably don’t want her near them because she sounds annoying and she sounds like she’s going to tell them what they’re going to do. Granted, they have to take some of that. I just think it’s interesting that she’s constantly complaining about free lawyers, if you want a lawyer, to be very responsive to you, hire one. Free defense attorneys have such a caseload that I think she is completely ignorant to. She thinks she is the most important person out there

  17. She knows that she is going to be convicted of murder and is desperate to stay in jail…avoiding prison!

  18. Oh yeah all these lawyers have conspired against her, it’s definitely not her 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    She’s definitely telling the truth in these letters too 😒

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