
Lawyer Ranks 3 Videos Of Gun Owners Using Deadly Force – Which Ones Could Face Jail Time?


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No two self-defense incidents are alike, though all are terrifying and dynamic. In this reaction video, USCCA Director of Content Kevin Michalowski and Defense Attorney Tom Grieve break down three such encounters. What did the participants do right, what could have gone wrong, and how will prosecutors react to each case?

00:00 Kevin asks: “Why don’t prosecutors go after the bad guys?”
03:36 Don’t talk to the cops.
06:10 Criminals understand the game.
10:42 “There’s a failure of morality.”

This video is for educational purposes.

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lawyers near me , Lawyer Ranks 3 Videos Of Gun Owners Using Deadly Force – Which Ones Could Face Jail Time?


40 thoughts on “Lawyer Ranks 3 Videos Of Gun Owners Using Deadly Force – Which Ones Could Face Jail Time?”

  1. Not only is firing your double barrel into the air illegal but if you do that and the attackers don’t leave what do you do now with your empty gun? I bet you’ll be wishing you had an AR-15 at that point:

  2. I think people just need to practice a middle ground of deploying their gun. Instead of going straight from "this is not a force situation" to a drawn gun, have an intermediate step, where you realize that the encounter COULD become forceful, and you make yourself ready to draw your gun if needed. If a guy is yelling at you or threatening you, but also waving his arms around, he's not a deadly threat in that moment. But because the potential exists for him to become one in an instant, I would be hooking one hand in position to clear garment if needed, or setting my hand on my pistol grip in case I need to draw it. Something that allows me to increase my level of force if needed, but is not in itself a use of force. You can always relax your grip or remove your hand if the situation diffuses, and nobody will be any the wiser, but as soon as you draw your gun, that's a step you can't untake.

  3. Duty to flee in my state except at home or work. Vehicle is not legally an extension of your home. Firing warning shots is "illegal discharge of a firearm in the city limits, reckless discharge of a firearm and possibly disturbing the peace. That's before the bullet hits someone or something.

  4. On most motorcycles the USB is still situated under the seat, so it's not strange to charge your mobile there.

  5. I have to disagree with the guy who said the biker wasn't looking for his phone. As a motorcyclist, every time I ride, my phone is in a hard waterproof box safely stowed in my saddlebag with my registration and insurance papers. If I need to get it out to either take a picture, start recording an incident, or make a phone call, I would need to get off the bike and dig into the saddlebag to access it. If I get caught in the rain, it's protected. Also, if it's in a flimsy mount on your handlebars, it'll be destroyed if you crash and need to call for help. Besides that, when I'm riding, I just don't want that distraction.

    My firearm, on the other hand, is secured in a holster on me, whether holstered on my hip or holstered in a vest pocket designed for CCW where I have quick access to it while walking to/from the bike, fueling, etc…or if I have to quickly get off the bike and find cover because some road raging knucklehead pulled out his gun, I've still got mine with me.

    In other words, if I'm digging through my saddle bag, I'm not looking for a gun.

  6. So we need lots of cameras. Preferably in and outside of our house. GoPros covering every direction of our vehicle. I feel like 6-8 should be good. And can civilians buy bodycams? I'm sure there's some online purchasable

  7. I don't think these guys even watched the first video: the assailant cocked his pistol and loaded one in the chamber at the very start of their argument (premeditation); and he shot the victim NINE times (not four). lol?

  8. The first incident doesn’t show the whole video! Much missing context! The shooting was not justified……

  9. this video highlights the importance of knowing the law and being prepared for any legal scrutiny.

  10. So you're telling me to size the opportunity to apply the"GIFT" that it is…(badguy in second video) and get a traffic ticket or in fight or flight mode hit a kid because I ran a red light to escape maybe even crashing into another car causing a whole new ball of wax as I try to evade a potential lethal threat. ALSO!! if he kept his gun inside his car which in Texas at least is considered legally speaking like your house. Bearing that in mind would he have not been arrested if he kept the gun closer as in INSIDE the car rather than fully extend the firearm effectively brandishing a firearm would that have been legal?

  11. are the assailants 'known' to police? is this a good neighborhood? did tje assailant issue a death threat? was his significant other egging on the situation?

  12. Mr Kevin M, because I don't know how to spell your last name, let me clarify something for you. The first video DID NOT happen in Puerto Rico. It was in Costa Rica, one of the many countries in Central and South America that have spanish as their language. You can check that video in Active Self Protection and it begins with the two ladies arguing over some long neighborhood dispute. Their husbands intervene and as you saw, one of them was shot to death. As I recall, the shooter had to be dragged away by his wife because he kept shooting. It's better to be well informed before commenting on something, right?

  13. The situation aspect of these of these and how the law reacts is crazy. It really goes to a person's fight or flight response. Going all the way back to being a kid, mine was always fight if attacked. I only remember one time that I backed down when confronted by a crowd and swore to myself I would never do it again. No weapons involved, just fighting. As I head toward 60, I have to wonder what I would do while being armed. If the weapon being brandished doesn't dissuade a person and they charge, they are getting shot with likely 3 quick shots, if they also have a weapon, likely more. Train yourself in your own mind on what you need to do in different situations.

  14. An idiot in a car followed dtr and I driving other night and we were able to drive right up to a policeman at the light. The driver called out “coward”. Thank God I do not shoot at drivers…

  15. The first one was not the whole video. Active self protection has the full video. I believe it’s out of Costa Rica & what you’re missing from the video is the guy with the gun actually walks behind the rear panel of the pickup & takes out his gun & chambers a round first & then reholsters & then that’s where your video starts

  16. first 1 drive away the 2 vid should not of fire the other person was moving away 3 vid I say the 1 with the gun is in the right

  17. I’m a democratic-leaning, rational person. But that Biden intro is hilarious. My President said we can pop off if we need to 😭😭😭

  18. Yeah, and that guy is crazy. You have probable cause to use deadly force and the law is supposed to stand behind you as a citizen, then you have those crazy DAs. They want to make a name for themselves will try anything , crooked as hail.

  19. The first one really made me sick, that was completely uncalled for, the second one was just plain stupid and Reckless, and the third one I feel bad for the guy in the SUV, it seemed like he was damned if he did pull it out and damned if he didn't. With the road rage stuff, it's better to just be passive and let the other person think they are right if you think things are about to escalate and take a bad turn if you don't de-escalate it in a peaceful way. There was much truth in the Bible verse that says "A soft answer turneth away wrath but Grievous words stir up anger.", and "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath."

  20. In Arizona shooting in the air is a felony, it's called Shannon's Law after a girl that was killed by a random bullet fired in the air. This should be federal law.

  21. The last video is very intriguing. Perhaps he should have waited to see what came out of the motorcycle🤷‍♂️what happened to him 🤷‍♂️? I bet in NYC he would get 20 years 😮.

  22. " it's going to end poorly", so you are going to do " poorly" when you die? If that's the case why would anyone take you seriously about anything. You have the " fear of death" from not being right with God. THE PEOPLE are the Sovereign in this country they are the highest authority and you dismiss the constitution completely.

  23. Im threatened with deadly force, automobiles all the time. And I fear for my life all of the time to. You two have no conscience built from God and His scriptures, you dictating straight from " i think". Your on a path going to Hell , dying in your sin's.

  24. "which one could face jail time"

    none, cuz you respond to cops, the same way you would the other attackers. DEFEND YORUSELF! STOP CHOOSING TO BE VICTIMS just cuz some one else has a costume and an ego.

  25. Only one thing I think is not right (my opinion). If you are a store clerk and a bad guy points a gun at you, That is an aggravated assault. At that time your perception is he intends to kill you. That's close to attempted murder. The only difference is he didn't shoot. He may be scared off… this time but what if he comes back with friends? I would not shoot if he ran off BUT I sure would be worried he would come back. I would not have the element of surprise this time.

  26. Crazy Joe said stick out your shot gun and let out 2 rounds or shots? Is that illegal lmfao 🤣 idiot

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