
Lawyer on Why Dr. Disrespect Confess? | Why Not Remain Silent?


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My name is Tony Guo. I am a Patent Attorney who specializes in Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and IP Law. I run 2 startups in Humble Texas which is near Houston Texas. I’m an entrepreneur and CEO of RunRex, an online marketing agency. I graduated NYU with honors and a BS in Biology. I passed the Patent Bar Exam when I was 21. Worked at a large IP law firm. And graduated William and Mary Law School. I’m barred in the State of New York.

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Certifications: New York Bar Admitted, Patent Attorney, Google Partners Community Ambassador, Google Adwords Certified, Google Analytics Certified, Google Video Ads Certified.

Specialties: Patent Law, Trademark Law, Franchise Law, Internet Law, Contract Law, Immigration Law, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Internet Marketing, Financial Forecasting and Auditing, Graphic Design.


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If you are looking for an experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable patent attorney to protect your intellectual property, then you should consider hiring me. I have been practicing patent law for over 10 years and I bring a wealth of experience to the table. I have a deep understanding of the U.S. patent system and the laws that govern it. I am also highly skilled in conducting patent searches, drafting applications, and prosecuting patent applications before the USPTO.

I also have experience with a variety of patent-related matters, including patent infringement cases, licensing agreements, and litigation. Furthermore, I am well-versed in international patent law and I have experience with filing and prosecuting patent applications in many different countries. I have a network of contacts around the world and I can help you navigate the complexities of international patent law.

I have an excellent track record of success, with a high success rate in the patent applications I have filed. I am dedicated to providing my clients with high quality service and I strive to ensure that their intellectual property is protected. Finally, I am committed to providing my clients with the best possible legal advice and I am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure their success. I am passionate about helping my clients

If you are in the market for an experienced intellectual property (IP) attorney, then you should consider hiring me. With over 10 years of experience in the field, I have the knowledge and skill set necessary to help you protect your IP rights. A good IP attorney offers more than just legal advice; they provide valuable insight into the complex and ever-evolving world of IP law. I have extensive experience in both litigation and transactional IP matters, giving me a unique understanding of the complex nuances of IP law.

I am also well-versed in copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other areas of IP law. With a comprehensive understanding of the applicable laws, I can provide you with sound advice and guidance to help you maximize the protection of your IP. My experience also gives me the ability to identify and assess potential threats to your IP.

I understand the importance of protecting your IP assets and will work diligently to help you maintain your competitive edge in the marketplace. I also have a strong record of successfully negotiating complex IP agreements and resolving disputes quickly and effectively. I am committed to providing my clients with the highest level of service, and I strive to stay current on the latest developments in the field of IP law.
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15 thoughts on “Lawyer on Why Dr. Disrespect Confess? | Why Not Remain Silent?”

  1. The chatlogs must be pretty lukewarm if not even anyone at twitch seems to be bothered to leak them anonymously – or they could maybe even put doc in a good light. At first this sudden turn of events looked crazy but turned out to be a big nothingburger, after all – even the haters seem to be getting bored.
    Also people seems to be forgetting he went to court in exactly this matter, to settle it. If foul nasty play was found he would have gotten criminal charges and it would be all over the news. But his wife didn't let him get off easily and forced him to make the cheating apology video (everything fits perfectly with the timeline), to teach him a lesson to never do something like that again. Since then I would imagine he doesnt even dare to jaywalk on an empty road in the middle of the night… So yeah, all of this ended 7 years ago. Sorry haters but the doc is fine, will be fine, is a multi millionare and will come back later and probably break the internet. He has a fanbase of millions of people, both quiet and active. Hes FINE, whether you hate it or not.

    Stop trying to earn some extra bucks on cheap internet drama

  2. There’s alot of info missing ……and know one will know….too many people twisting things up.
    You’re suppose to be innocent until proven guilty…..and it’s not a confession,so stop

  3. So then, why did Twitch sign a contract with Dr. Disrespect in March of 2020 if this happened in 2017? Wouldn't that mean Twitch did not find him committing any crime? Also, we don't really know if the minor is male or female.

  4. Oh come on, we all know this won't be your last video on Dr. Disrespect 😂 You seem unaware of the fact that 24/50 states have an unrestricted age of consent that is under 18, meaning that in nearly half of all states it would have been completely legal for full-blown relations to be had between a 17-year-old and however old Dr. Disrespect was at that time, insofar as interstate travel was not a factor. As per the 10th Amendment, federal age of consent (18) only applies when interstate travel is undertaken with purpose in mind (i.e. if Dr.Disrespect enticed the 17yo to travel across state lines for the expressed purpose of having relations, which you acknowledge probably wasn't the case at 3:04 in the video) or in the creation of explicit materials (which doesn't apply here).

    Tony, I'm sorry, but your ignorance is on full display in this video. The bar for prosecution is much higher than your characterization. I don't care at all about Dr.Disrespect, and never did. I care about how confident you are in your understanding of the law when it's patently incorrect. Society has not collectively decided that 18 is the magic statutory age. This cannot possibly be considered a fringe view when literally half of all states see it otherwise, and there's nothing that the federal government can do to change that. Different states have different laws, and this has nothing to do with semantics. There are even situations where interstate travel could occur and it still wouldn't be prosecutable due to lack of provable mens rea. A cursory reading of US Criminal Code makes this very clear. You're right that there is no gray area, but you are clearly ignorant of the relevant statutes.

  5. This type of sh!t won’t stop until severe punishment is carried out for all sides. The liar needs to get it worse for going on line and purposefully seeking out individuals to jail bait.

    This type of crap happened to me on X years ago. And when I lived in Houston some chick tried to bait me in public, her little plan broke down quick when I asked for ID card. 😂

    To sit there and say young women don’t target older men even if there’s only one or two years difference is blind as all hell.

    There’s no victim when a 17 year old does that sh!7 to a man or woman on purpose, they should face the same fines and punishment as the person they are targeting. Once someone sees they are going to just get to walk away freely this will stop.

  6. The law is broken a liar is a liar period. If someone is underage and lies about it they get off Scott free. Everyone here is at fault: Twitch the Dr and the minor. The Dr for doing it, twitch for covering it up, and the minor for initiating it.

  7. If the Twitch whisper chat was 18+ would he not think they were over 18 or is this why Twitch admin stepped in because her real age was discussed in the texts?

  8. Strange that it took four years from anyone at twitch to break the NDA first.

    I’m lookin at this from the outside in, not a fan of this guy and never watched any of his streams. But the way this was handled in public originally was completely effed up.

    All this started out looking like Twitch was trying to gas light him to break the NDA first but the former Twitch employee did that with out even realizing it.

    Now that he’s confessed even though it was just conversations it’s immoral not illegal a very big difference. You don’t get life in jail for a speeding ticket.

    His contract was bought out and banned from the Twitch platform. That was his punishment. Now again four years later he’s been fired from his own gaming company, that’s double jeopardy legally that’s not allowed to happen and he has another lawsuit on his hands if he want to run with it. But let’s just face it Midnight is going to go broke with the Dr. so there’s no point in a lawsuit against them.

    I’m not trying to cover for what he did, it’s phukked up, and I’ve been targeted on Twitch and X similar to this too. Difference is I don’t continue the conversation, immediately block and report the user for being underage.

    The whispers were 18+ while the rest of the platform is 13+, a liar is a liar plain and simple. Everyone here is at fault. Twitch, the Dr, AND the minor. I said it.

  9. When did he find out they were a minor?
    When he said meet, did he mean meet at Twitch con?
    We still don't know what he actually did. But he clearly did somthing.

    I like how you explain the legal side of the ex employee and how he could say what he said.

    If he thought she was over age and she was not. It up to court to decide if that was believable or not. If they look 12 for example, the court is going to say, naaa buddy, does not matter what she told you. If she 17 and looks 21, he could get away with it if she said nogthing.

    Guilty of a crime no. Guilty of doing some dodge, yes.

    I think people miss the point we don't know what the minor was aaying. If we saw the text and was a parent, we may be pulling the daughter in line. Of course, her not contact him again is a given.

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