
Lawyer on Dr. Disrespect Admits Horrifying Truth About Twitch Banning


#Lawyer #Disrespect #Admits #Horrifying #Truth #Twitch #Banning

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My name is Tony Guo. I am a Patent Attorney who specializes in Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and IP Law. I run 2 startups in Humble Texas which is near Houston Texas. I’m an entrepreneur and CEO of RunRex, an online marketing agency. I graduated NYU with honors and a BS in Biology. I passed the Patent Bar Exam when I was 21. Worked at a large IP law firm. And graduated William and Mary Law School. I’m barred in the State of New York.

​ – Marketing Agency.

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We are the black sheep. We are profitable, cash flow positive. During the coronavirus we turned down $700,000 of PPP loans because we didn’t need it. We did not furlough an employee, lay off an employee, reduce the salary of an employee, or fire an employee during the coronavirus. This is a real opportunity to grow and expand your world view.

Certifications: New York Bar Admitted, Patent Attorney, Google Partners Community Ambassador, Google Adwords Certified, Google Analytics Certified, Google Video Ads Certified.

Specialties: Patent Law, Trademark Law, Franchise Law, Internet Law, Contract Law, Immigration Law, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Internet Marketing, Financial Forecasting and Auditing, Graphic Design.


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Let me know if you need any help. Feel free to call me : 484-639-2748.

If you are looking for an experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable patent attorney to protect your intellectual property, then you should consider hiring me. I have been practicing patent law for over 10 years and I bring a wealth of experience to the table. I have a deep understanding of the U.S. patent system and the laws that govern it. I am also highly skilled in conducting patent searches, drafting applications, and prosecuting patent applications before the USPTO.

I also have experience with a variety of patent-related matters, including patent infringement cases, licensing agreements, and litigation. Furthermore, I am well-versed in international patent law and I have experience with filing and prosecuting patent applications in many different countries. I have a network of contacts around the world and I can help you navigate the complexities of international patent law.

I have an excellent track record of success, with a high success rate in the patent applications I have filed. I am dedicated to providing my clients with high quality service and I strive to ensure that their intellectual property is protected. Finally, I am committed to providing my clients with the best possible legal advice and I am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure their success. I am passionate about helping my clients

If you are in the market for an experienced intellectual property (IP) attorney, then you should consider hiring me. With over 10 years of experience in the field, I have the knowledge and skill set necessary to help you protect your IP rights. A good IP attorney offers more than just legal advice; they provide valuable insight into the complex and ever-evolving world of IP law. I have extensive experience in both litigation and transactional IP matters, giving me a unique understanding of the complex nuances of IP law.

I am also well-versed in copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other areas of IP law. With a comprehensive understanding of the applicable laws, I can provide you with sound advice and guidance to help you maximize the protection of your IP. My experience also gives me the ability to identify and assess potential threats to your IP.

I understand the importance of protecting your IP assets and will work diligently to help you maintain your competitive edge in the marketplace. I also have a strong record of successfully negotiating complex IP agreements and resolving disputes quickly and effectively. I am committed to providing my clients with the highest level of service, and I strive to stay current on the latest developments in the field of IP law.
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17 thoughts on “Lawyer on Dr. Disrespect Admits Horrifying Truth About Twitch Banning”

  1. The fact Doc didn't defend himself by saying he either didn't know her age, or she lied about it, is troublesome. I want to believe it was one of those reasons, but it's also possible he was creeping.
    Unfortunately it's all speculation till the logs come out.

  2. Twitch chat 18+ platform no problem….personal phone it's a big problem..let's see proof before we label him.

  3. If your over 30 and your talking to a someone under 18 and your married your a creep…. theres nothing else to say.

  4. And to the moron making this video you made an example of how would doc feel ? His daughter isnt 17 moron. If doc was texting a 7 yo big difference idiot. 17 yo walking around looking like 25 yo. Doc is a man and we all know woman are our weakness. Shouldve never put himself in that position as a married man but thats between him and his wife. Not all these feminist who were waiting to beat another man down. Pathetic

  5. It's just sad the times were in . Woman teachers having sex with students and dont get slammed. But bc hes a guy hes getting crucified for texting ? Not even sending pics or having sex.

  6. Fucking lynch mobs man…
    I'd bet Doc didn't she was 17… Especially given that you had to 18 to access Whispers… Think about that for a good and eventually you'll realize why Twitch kept shut and ultimately paid the man out.
    Here I'll help you out! BECAUSE TWITCH FAILED TO ACTUALLY VERIFY THIS woman's age…
    You all need to sit the fuck down…

    Dude you're a crap lawyer given you didn't even read all the facts.

  7. She was 17 so I think that may soften it , it’s not like she was 12 . 17 year old girls these days aren’t like they were 50 years ago 90% have already had sex by that age also no pictures were exchanged and nothing physical ever happened . Am not saying he’s right but just that I don’t care … t

  8. probably lose millions in big brand deals moving forward, no corporate will support him now, he kinda threw his friends under the bus as well.

  9. The Human Ego needs to be understood and tamed. This guy is 6ft 8, very very rich and has adoring fans. He messed up and his dick ruled his brain. He will NEVER recover from this to what he once was

  10. So, I take it you didn't read the email of the bombshell evidence YOU were waiting for? The only number that's been said is 17 for her age. So, let's keep that in mind before we let our heads imagine something younger and let our emotions run. It seemed to me based on the "evidence" that was revealed, they talked in a work relationship. The email even confirmed he never met her in person. You can't send photos in Twitch whispers. Knowing these facts you still went right the other way huh? I subbed to you earlier, I thought "Perfect! A lawyer who is saying wait and see. Seems like someone who will approach this with logic" Then you didn't even look at all the evidence……. Go look around on even just YouTube. You will see why this doesn't sound quit right the way you are laying it out now…. there is still a reasonable chance BASED on what we know now that he didn't even know she was a minor when the comments were made. In which case a minor who isn't supposed to be able to access twitch whispers is reaching out to an adult. The only person who could know other than the minor is……Twitch. Apparently, a twitch employee possie was actively trying to find a reason to ban him. In the email it also says your new golden boy, Cody. A member of this possie, got fired from twitch for this very situation because of his mishandlings that lead to the settlement in the first place. It wasn't as cut and dry like you are talking now. Cody is no hero and didn't do any right thing. He doesn't care about any minor let alone this one unless he sells tickets to his bands show…. You are a lawyer? Good work man! Keep it up!

  11. 'No real intentions'. Ok bro, maybe you just got caught before those intentions. Freaking delusional and disgusting.

  12. I am pretty sure Cody has the full evidence, otherwise why would he start talking about this so openly, in America of all places where everyone sues everyone on much smaller occasions. To call someone out for messing with minors publicly, that guy would probably be legally owned already without evidence. So 'Dr' knows all of this is true, hence the legal speak in every message, and Cody knows that he can prove his words.

    Anyways have a good day sir.

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