
Lawyer Josh Dubin Reviews Kamala Harris’ Criminal Justice Record


Lawyer Josh Dubin Reviews Kamala Harris’ Criminal Justice Record

#Lawyer #Josh #Dubin #Reviews #Kamala #Harris #Criminal #Justice #Record

Taken from JRE #1521 w/Josh Dubin and Jason Flom:

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44 thoughts on “Lawyer Josh Dubin Reviews Kamala Harris’ Criminal Justice Record”

  1. Most of the people this A-hole gets out of prison, are guilty as fuck. He just finds a hole in the prosecution.

  2. Well this hasn't aged well. Hate the orange man all you want, but the average American life was better under DT. The TDS from these jokers is funny.

  3. Right.
    Emma Thompson.
    She's also Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.
    She was also
    (F-ck off, FBI.
    You're getting defunded.)
    Anne Parillaud in La Femme Nikita with Bruce Willis as Jean Reno.
    Directed by Michael Mann, correct?
    As Luc Besson.
    Michael Mann caused the engineered collision outside of Mt. Hood Meadows in late May/Early June of 2006.
    I think that there is a very good chance that he killed Shannon Hall on Barlow Trail Road in a hit-and-run accident about a year ago.
    C43460K WA plate.
    Dodge, I think, bigger, blue.
    That's what he was driving when he was wearing the Taylor Transport orange shirt.
    Accompanied James McLaughlin on at least one occasion at the Arco/AMPM.
    Corrupt heroin addict and trafficker.

    Shannon Hall was Ed Hall's daughter.
    Retired Portland firefighter.
    Really good guy as far as I know.
    Used to be my neighbor for a few years.

  4. Their array of knowledge and detail about Kamala Harris’s records is incredible and here you have all this detail about how she withheld evidence from people that were wrongly imprisoned and used several inmates as slave labour after they finished their sentence. And yet, these guys will still support just because she’s not Trump? What in the fuck is going on?

  5. Coming back years later… I’m still uncertain if he believes “anything is better from what we have now.”
    Was he saying it to validate his points? Or did he truly believe the Trump administration was evil, crooked and screwing the American people

  6. Kamela Harris knows what shes talking about and dude definitely commited the crime and then was paid for it which us why he didnt want his dna taken! Thats either fact or you're saying you believe this shit about harris is true! These racist must be stopped so cancel both there racist

  7. So dude will support Biden no matter who he picks because he believes that, whatever when each day its more clear that the Bidens and Democrats are everything they claim Trump is and still rather than admit it they are willing to destroy America than admit they were wrong! I hope they are all falsely accused and rhen told to f**k off!

  8. Those guys are scumbags because they willingly vote for someone that purposefully keeps wrongfully imprisoned people incarcerated. They shout from the rooftops about the injustices of our justice system but then turn around and basically say "We know that Kamala Harris does these things that we claim to hate, but we're wanna put her into the White House." Shame on them and their hypocrisy.

  9. "I'm going to vote for BIden no matter who he picks because we're in an existential crisis", talk about a short sighted immature point of view. I'd be curious to know if he thinks the country is in a worse existential crisis now that Biden/Harris have been in office for a few years as opposed to where the country was at the end of Trump's presidency.

  10. She’s an absolute goofball,nut. I wouldn’t trust her with anything. Why is shy in office. Severe failure in government.

  11. Wonder if these two clowns plan on supporting Biden in 2024?? (Of course they will. California whackos would rather burn California down instead of voting for a Republican in 2024).

  12. These career politicians are all self-serving narcissists who don't give a shit about the public, I wonder when people will realize this.

  13. I'm curious whether their opinion has changed since this podcast occurred. Do they still love Biden and Harris? lol

  14. I hope this dude can sleep at night with his misguided hatred of Trump. Hope Biden's train wreck of a presidency has directly effected him negatively.

  15. He admits Kamala is a horrible human who actively ignored evidence…..but….$50 says he still voted for Biden/Harris

  16. I’m not understanding how Trump is somehow worse than a proven sociopath, which is what you have to be if you can destroy the lives of people you know are innocent. Think of all the years she knowingly stole from all of those innocent people. If there were any Justice to our Justice system, Kamala would be on death row.

  17. The "want to win" bullshoot has to be replaced with "want to learn the truth". WTF is going on when prosecutors are measured on conviction rates?!? Sick and sad.

  18. This shit is crazy to hear because I was actually caught in the middle of this and was given life with out parole in 2017 in a Oakland court. I did 7 years before winning my 1st appeal and getting out for insufficient evidence

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