
Lawyer Gives HONEST Career Advice #shorts


Lawyer Gives HONEST Career Advice #shorts

#Lawyer #HONEST #Career #Advice #shorts

Do you agree with her?

27 Year-Old Toronto Lawyer Gives HONEST Career Advice.

This Short is part of my “Asking Canadians If They HATE Their Jobs” Video, watch it here:

Tags: Toronto, Lawyer, Career, Career Advice, Street Interview, Jobs, Finance, Life Advice
criminal lawyer , Lawyer Gives HONEST Career Advice #shorts, sprouht,toronto,lawyer,career,career advice,life advice,toronto canada,jobs,street interviews,street interview,strangers,advice,finance

21 thoughts on “Lawyer Gives HONEST Career Advice #shorts”

  1. She's extremely insightful & wise.
    I must say traveling does make you feel rejuvenated in terms of having peace.
    Not mention some people spend their whole life working,
    just to drop dead at The office.

  2. 🌟Fantastic post!⛄"May your professional life be filled with happiness, success, and fulfillment!"^^ from Latvia

  3. That is financially illiterate advice because a house appreciates over time while that money is gone with renting and going on vacations. You could afford so much more vacations by increasing the value of a house (not to mention avoiding rent increases).

  4. Yup she answered it in a very profound way at the end of the day when u are at the end of ur life u are not thinking about how much money u miss out on u are thinking about all that time u had to create a wonderful life full of memories and experiences at the end of day u can always make more money but u can't make more time

  5. “It might postpone your house goal, a bit more. But you might be happier in the long term” I needed to this. In the end it’s not how fast the house is paid but how well you managed your life to get there.

  6. If you were a business owner you’d be happiest when working even on Sunday’s because no days off.

  7. This is just my opinion but focus on Finances and Fitness. I've met a lot of happy people that do these two things well. I mean look at the interviewer – yes he is genetically gifted but he is doing great things, has purpose, is obviously going places and is more fit than 95% of the population.

  8. Leaving at 5:00 p.m. is almost your whole day, four hours in a job that you hate may not ruin your happiness so much, but more than that is impossible.

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