
Lawyer for O.J. Simpson in 1995 trial discusses his complicated legacy


Lawyer for O.J. Simpson in 1995 trial discusses his complicated legacy

#Lawyer #O.J #Simpson #trial #discusses #complicated #legacy

Carl E. Douglas, one of O.J. Simpson’s attorneys during the football star’s 1995 murder trial, spoke to CBS News about Simpson’s complicated legacy following news of his death at age 76. Simpson, who was acquitted of the double murder of his ex-wife and her friend, died of cancer on Wednesday.

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criminal lawyer , Lawyer for O.J. Simpson in 1995 trial discusses his complicated legacy, Los Angeles,o.j. simpson,simpson,dream team,legacy,nfl player,Nicole brown simpson

34 thoughts on “Lawyer for O.J. Simpson in 1995 trial discusses his complicated legacy”

  1. OJ Was Guilty. The moutain of Evidence that they Had…SMH 😡
    Guilty people are free everyday..just like innocent people get Put away

  2. DEFINITELY "NOT" the greatest running back who ever lived!!! Greatest "RUNNING MOUTH" whoever lived!! COUGHLIN'S LAW – Bury the dead… they stink you the place!! In another week the media blitz will be over, and he'll be just another dead carcass ROTTING in the ground!!

  3. His most memorable run was in a Ford Bronco. "He's on the 10, he's on the 5 … he's on the 405!!" 🤣

    And now, he's dead.

  4. RIP OJ Simpson you still mean a lot to many people who don’t believe you killed anyone! God Bless you!

  5. He murdered his ex wife and her boyfriend in a fit of rage. I understand that the system is frustrating but murder is not on the table.

  6. Your ne, not your skills, are associated with OJ Simpsons….and you are not proud nor successful because of it…

  7. White people in America fixate on OJ, but never talk about their grandparents and great grandparents enslaving black people, separating black children from their mothers, whipping, lynching, and burning black men alive while they cheered, releasing dogs on them, and killing them, but want to fixate on one black man they believe killed a white woman and man. How ridiculous and hypocritical is that?

  8. Though the Doctors are legally required to do the utmost for their patients; but morally, it would be hard to go the extra mile to save him. IF only OJ could have had a moral compass.

  9. The fact that "legacy" is used when describing a murderer is a disgrace, further adding he was acquitted we all know why and he was found liable in Civil Court. He has no legacy.

  10. I saw him play at Oregon State about 1968. Oregon won 3-0. He had his whole life ahead of him. We can turn toward God or turn away at each moment, our choice. Sad for them all

  11. OMG…”it’s unfortunate that OJ could not return to the community he loved”.
    Maybe he shouldn’t have killed two people. The money trial did not convince anyone and began a
    new era in “news/entertainment” that still haunts us today.
    At least he finally found and rid the world of his wife’s murderer..

  12. @22lyric

    1 hour ago

    Murdering two people kind of wipes out everything else you did in life

    No it does not

    They call slave owners founding fathers of this country
    This country has presidents day
    This country celebrates the death of a man called Jesus
    World leaders murder everyday
    This country makes movies about murderers
    Write books about murderers
    They are made famous in this country

  13. This is a perfect example of why my mom begged my defense attorney dad to switch to being a family lawyer attorney.

  14. this trial lawyer is a piece of trash if he still believes it was a great day of joy when OJ was acquitted.

  15. The trial turned on the gloves not fitting at trial. Johnny Corcoran got OJ to stop taking his arthritic medicine a few weeks earlier which ensured his hands would be too swollen to fit into the leather gloves he wore while slaying Nicole his exwife (because he lost all his ability to control her any longer) and always kind and helpful waiter Ron Goldman who simply walked her home.

  16. What other trials were you guys so infuriated with when the accused was found not guilty of murder? Or was it just O.J.? 🤔

  17. The criminal trial was an indictment on the LAPD and prosecutor's office as much as it was a trial of Simpson, who allegedly exercised his hand to make it impossible for the infamous glove to fit– damn clever, if underhanded. The prosecutors failed to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, Simpson was acquitted, and that's exactly how criminal court is supposed to work.

    The civil trial revealed that Simpson was his own worst enemy, lying on the stand while testifying on his own behalf. He also got caught committing armed robbery, he filed for bankruptcy to deny the families of the murder victims from collecting his wealth.

    No one's a perfect hero, no one's a complete villain, and Simpson is probably as good an example of this as any.

  18. OJ had a FULL life. Not many have lived a life like OJ. He had it all, but Lost it all. His life is one of the Most Fantastic Biographies.

    OJ was a fantastic athlete and football player in his day. He rose to the top and had a life of Privilege and then sunk to the bottom. His life was actually the epitome of one of the most shameful lives ever lived.

    The matter of who thought he was guilty and who didn't, came down to a tale of two people groups, with some individuals crossing over to the common belief of the other people group. The majority of blacks thought he didn't do it and celebrated his acquittal. The majority of whites thought he did do it and were shocked. And Even though OJ had financially transcended the majority of his community, (when he rose to affluence), his people group supported him over any evidence given. It says a lot about race relations today even. BUT…

    Even though he got off? His life in the white community and the affluent circles was OVER. He was literally shunned and run out of Brentwood and had to leave the state, because everyone knew/believed he killed his wife. So, they black balled him from restaurants, dry cleaning, gyms, shops, the golf courses etc.–you name it, He could have stayed living in Los Angeles, but he had no place to enjoy his life and he began to go bankrupt. So, he sold his house and left.

    The next owner of his house literally destroyed it with a wrecking ball ( one of the most beautiful Houses I've seen for it's style) because the community was disgusted by any sign of him and the shameful act of the person who owned the house (OJ).

    The owner even got a deal since no one would even buy it until the price was dropped to nearly a fraction of its true worth. So OJ got screwed on the house, but had no choice but to leave, as he was run out of the area socially.

    So, He rose to the Top and Fell to the Bottom. He got off on killing his wife. But he went to Prison for 9 Years ( that's a lot of your life), for something else. I think the guy got his Karma. I do. It started in this life and who knows what he'll have beyond it. But I just hope he admitted it to his kids and apologized for killing their Mother before he died. I really Do.

  19. Rest In Power "OJ"! One of the very few people of "color" who beat the corrupt system! "Not Guilty ". Prayers & Condolences "Juice"!

  20. He got off not only for his money but because he was a black man and at that time the country was still reeling over what happened to Rodney king and it would have been civil war if he would have went to jail

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