
Lawyer EXPOSES The Shocking Truth About Trump’s Trials | The Winston Marshall Show #019


#Lawyer #EXPOSES #Shocking #Truth #Trumps #Trials #Winston #Marshall #Show

Yale Law professor and Constitutional lawyer Jed Rubenfeld sits down to explain to me the truth about Trump’s indictments, the weaponisation and bias of the legal system, the Hush Money trial, Hunter Biden’s felony conviction, the Biden vs Missouri case, now named Murthy vs Missouri in which he is a lawyer representing RFK Jr, and Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress conviction.

Is there a double standard? Did Hillary do the same exact thing and get away with it?

Professor Rubenfeld tells me what was legitimate and not legitimate about the cases, what the judges got wrong, what happens next and what it means for the Presidential election.

A deep dive into the legal technicalities the main stream media ignore. MUST WATCH INTERVIEW.

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20 thoughts on “Lawyer EXPOSES The Shocking Truth About Trump’s Trials | The Winston Marshall Show #019”

  1. My brain hurts ! It feels like going round and round in circles. It also feels like a legally based lynching by NY democrats of a republican candidate 🙄

  2. But the Republicans will not do the same thing to the Demonrats! ! They(Republicans )can only talk , but not do! Whereas the Demonrats just do whatever they want , viz, a hoax Russia charge, a scam of an impeachment, an unfair raid on Maralargo, Ridiculous charges and court cases! And on and on! But Republicans can only complain, a meetings and complain!

  3. The whole case is a sham and where is the NYC bar association. This garbage judge and humpty dumpty Alvin are a disgrace and our whole justice system is a disgrace. Our lawyers a d judges are disgusti g and we are Venezula. These dogs have destroyed our legal system and are getting g away with it. All the cases against Trump are dire Ted by in my opinion the Obama's who ne er appreciated how good America was to them.

  4. but anyways Trump was forced to pay it, he did not want to do it, he explicitly said it was not for political reasons. There was an article, or social media news.. Am I making this up? oo

  5. How can the state charge & find someone guilty of federal charge in state court room instead of federal court room? This was a state charges right?

  6. GOD told us in the “last days “ there would be “LAWLESSNESS “ ……if you are a Christian allow me to ask a question…What did you THINK the end times would look like? Do not be discouraged, we are almost home….make sure you are trying to reach those you love who don’t know Jesus as Savior.

  7. You can't censor discourse among the people. The political class colluding with social media companies is a first amendment right infringement. This type of stuff going on is giving me deja-vu of how the Nazi third reich party in Germany destroyed the democratic process in Germany that led to the Holocaust and the silencing of dissent within the German populace. All of these novel ideologies in the lawfare going on our causing hypocrisy & are a path to the destruction of democratic discourse among the populace and causing a problem for Constitutional rights being eroded. These are not precedents that should be put forward in the law profession or the political profession. Most Americans know that this is wrong & completely non democratic, & it disrupts the first amendment. What's next, the second amendment, the fourth amendment, the sixth amendment???
    As an American citizen I am absolutely horrified at what is taking place, & it's all for what, a team win in the political system!? People need to wake up & realize that short term gains can have very long term consequences & those consequences could affect you as an individual at a later time. This absolutely needs to be addressed & stopped before it gets worse. I'm disgusted by all of this hypocrisy, theory lawfare, & the dangers that it has this far presented. Thos is a nation, not a game on some field somewhere and people need to wake up and stop treating governance as a game without dire consequences for the future. I appreciate this Constitutional Lawyer for his efforts to open the eyes of the people, like myself, that see the ramifications of this behaviour within the law and political classes. Thank you Winston Marshall for this interview, I hope millions of people see it & wake up to the dangers that these cases are a destructive force against humanity as a whole.

  8. it much resembles the case sebastian kurz, ex chancellor of austria right now standing trial through parliamentary opposition

  9. Big tech is so leftist they don't have to be told how the government wants them to act !!!

  10. STOP CALLING IT “HUSH MONEY”… are falling for the BS semantics being used by the MSM…and the Demonrats……

  11. This guy is tap dancing around so hard trying to save his exposure to the lefts harassment !!!

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