
Lawyer: Does Self Defense Apply To Police Action? 👊👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts


Lawyer: Does Self Defense Apply To Police Action? 👊👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

#Lawyer #Defense #Apply #Police #Action #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts

Are you allowed to defend yourself when an officer is being too forceful? Technically, yes, but it has to be a situation where the courts will agree that the officer was in fact being too forceful.

In this situation, a 65-year-old woman took off on a traffic stop where she received an $80 ticket for a broken tail light. When Hamil finally pulled over, she fought and kicked the officer, where she ended up being tased. Despite her age and her thinking he was using obsessive force, the officer did work within the law in this situation. Hamil ended up receiving multiple misdemeanor charges including battery of a police officer.

If you’re ever in the situation where you’re receiving a stupid ticket, fight it in court, NOT on the roadside. This will ensure your safety and you won’t receive additional charges.

criminal lawyer , Lawyer: Does Self Defense Apply To Police Action? 👊👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts, attorney,attorney reacts,body cam footage,constitutional rights,cop cam,know your rights,lawyer,lawyer reacts,police footage,protect your rights

29 thoughts on “Lawyer: Does Self Defense Apply To Police Action? 👊👮‍♂️ #LawyerReacts #AttorneyReacts”

  1. Yeah but If someone doesn’t sign a ticket. The police can just take the ticket to the judge and get a warrant to appear. This was excessive.

  2. This situation aside too many incidents happen where a cop claims that someone was resisting arrest when it was really a reflexive movement from pain, or being touched in a sensitive area. The courts need to recognize that people are not robots who can be completely submissive during police interactions especially when the cop is being unlawful, or worse illegally assaulting someone.

  3. Turn a simple citation which would have been dismissed after equipment was repaired into multiple charges, fines, and then still had to fix equipment. Idiot, and I feel sorry for spouse.

  4. When a cop grabs you when you get out of your car and they try to put handcuffs on you for no reason,that cop will get knocked out and hurt very badly.

  5. This is the worst clip in the series. The Officer didn't "escalate the situation" he used a less-lethal control device (Taser) issued by the agency in response to her having resisted and battered him. As stated, she could have signed the citation and avoided any further interaction. In all cases it is the suspect that decides that force is used, by resisting or fleeing. Lets hear more on when it is legal to resist lawful commands, detention or arrest.

  6. This turd wannabe attorney is extremely wrong. Based in the footage in this snippet. The victim was attacked an is lawfully allowed to defend herself and even cause death to the vigilante cop. Right to stand your Ground. Stop showing BS clips, turd wannabe attorney.

  7. This officer deserves nothing in this life, he assaulted this lady over a signature?… Well done traitor.

  8. In the moment, it doesn’t matter what is legal. The police will do as they want. If you fight back, you either lose, and it’s worse, or you begin to win and might end up dead.
    Just go along with their demands and try to obtain justice after you are no longer under threat from the officer.

  9. She is now in charge of the west wing at the womans prison .nothing happens without her approval. She is one mean grandma.

  10. Comply with lawful orders. Easy. Some people just think they are entitled to live above the law.

  11. What!? The cops made her the bad guy?! No, she made her the bad guy. Earlier on he tried to explain she had to sign the summons. Several times he explained consequences. She refused. He need not pussy foot around.

  12. “Don’t make cops, make you the bad guy” No! Don’t be a dickhead and try to drive off! Signing a ticket is not an admission of guilt. If you disagree with the ticket then go to court.

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