
Lawrence: Clarence Thomas’s Wife Ginni Needs A ‘Great F—ing Criminal’ Lawyer


Lawrence: Clarence Thomas’s Wife Ginni Needs A ‘Great F—ing Criminal’ Lawyer

#Lawrence #Clarence #Thomass #Wife #Ginni #Great #Fing #Criminal #Lawyer

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell says “we are living through what feels like the end of the Supreme Court as we know it” while detailing the new Washington Post report that Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, was in contact with Trump-linked attorney John Eastman who was behind the plot to get Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 election on January 6.
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#MSNBC #January6 #ClarenceThomas
criminal lawyer , Lawrence: Clarence Thomas’s Wife Ginni Needs A ‘Great F—ing Criminal’ Lawyer, Lawrence O’Donnell,clarence thomas,ginni thomas,january 6,supreme court,mark meadows,supreme court justice,donald trump,msnbc,us news,news

30 thoughts on “Lawrence: Clarence Thomas’s Wife Ginni Needs A ‘Great F—ing Criminal’ Lawyer”

  1. She’s allowed to think what she wants. What kind of country is this when your thoughts become a crime?

  2. This thread tells me one thing. Liberals believe in patriarchy. Because they basically think a wife is an extension of her husband.

  3. hey msnbc how is your nwo propaganda working out for you? Making much money from their payments to their chosen CIA propagandists at msnbc including you sicko treasonous Lawrence…what an entitled pos you are…we see you in all your vile evilness…it is all being revealed and your goose is cooked😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣you imbecilic clowns🤡🤡🤡what a hoot you are…simply laughable And trust me, we the people LOVE laughing at you!!!

  4. Tomas knew is why he was trying to block 🚫 RESIGN! Ginni's text were clear. Strip her of her law licenses' JAIL! ALL these dishonest law breaking citizens. Republican Cult

  5. AGREE. She was a major influence. Her cult experience gave her skills. Clarence maybe the first. Both Eastman and Cannon were interns . I suspect Putin contact. Indict them both. GITMO maybe.

  6. Wow anytime a conservative expresses their opinion. You imprison them. What has America become?

  7. Its no playing out that honest and loyal judges were not appointed to the supreme court – its just disgusting and America has shamed the world

  8. Ginny is not above the Law!!!!!!!!!!.
    .Lock Ginny up Accountability Accountability
    Ginny is not above the Law. She is a Felon she tried to steal the American People's Election
    Lock Ginny up….

  9. Mr Thomas needs to resign and take his punishment he's a disgrace to the Supreme Court but to the Black community as well

  10. Ok if a supreme court justice is doing all of this? well I feel strongly that he shouldn't be able to judge anybody! If that's the case? Then there's no rol!

  11. Because of Clarence Thomas and Ginny Thomas the Supreme Court is now worthless, ‘null and void’ it must be dismantled and built from the ground up it does not function any longer for the purpose and ideals it was established for you cannot approach the Supreme Court any longer and expect true justice, it is now an empty and hollow vessel.

  12. I think originally, the idea of lifetime appointment of Supreme Court Justices, was to place them in a position to Never have to worry about reprisals from anyone concerning their decisions. Basically, a position where no one could punish them, if they didn't like their decision. And the lengthy Bipartisan Approval process was was to ensure the right type of person got the job. They apparently didn't foresee the level of unethical conniving and manipulation future politicians would stoop to.

  13. If Pence "knew from the beginning…" that any variation from the ceremonial duty was illegal, why did former VP Dan Quayle have to tell him "No, Mike, there's no other way, just do your duty"?

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