
Law Students Answer Questions About Law School


Law Students Answer Questions About Law School

#Law #Students #Answer #Questions #Law #School

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47 thoughts on “Law Students Answer Questions About Law School”

  1. 1:32 She took Con Law as a 3L? Always thought that was a 1L doctrinal; at least, it is at my school and other schools I know of.

  2. I think people are enamored with the idea of going to law school. I don’t know why, and they wonder why they don’t want to be a lawyer….

  3. Bring Bekki on for more law stuff. She knows what she's talking about and actually has a passion for law. If I was in the court I would pray she wasn't my opponet.

  4. If you are considering law school, know this: licensed attorneys routinely work for as little as $22.00 per hour doing "temporary document review projects". This is because the legal job market is grossly oversaturated, and this gets worse and worse each year. Some states, like Pennsylvania, have TEN LAW SCHOOLS. There are not enough jobs for 1500 new lawyers each year in one state, and if they try to get a job outside of PA, they must learn that state's law, pass its Bar Exam, and again confront a grossly oversaturated job market for lawyers. If you want to go to law school because you liked the movie "Legally Blonde", or you want to "help people" or you don't know what else to do with your worthless Bachelor's degree, DON'T. It will be a long, expensive, unpleasant mistake.

  5. My question is if I study law in UK for example does that means I studied British law and will I be able to work anywhere else but UK? Please tell me anybody I'm lost.

  6. i dont wana do a course for to b a lawyer
    but i wana knw my rights & to EXPLOIT LOOP HOLES in contracts & everything we do in life ders benefits to understandin such thngs
    but i thnk u could use it to make money on da side if u knw of friends who dealin wit issues u study in feild
    me id wana look at reading contracts improvising to it & exploitin as best as possible legally

    im only just startin to knw of law 2023 few days ago i started thnkin about it seeing alooooot of AUDITOR VIDEOS of people exploring der rights with law enforcement in der departments
    & if i have issues in future with law enforcement & health & housin & banking & financial game i knw sum great thngs to understand

    banking & housing looks most interesting

  7. Question: If i love justice and all that comes along, is that enough to move to getting a law degree, i have a hotel management degree from one of the best in Europe, but my whole thing is opening a business up, my passion is cia, which i couldnt do i had my acl torn when i was 23 ( now 26 )criminal justice is another thing i love…
    Thank you

  8. I am enrolled in an evening program at a law school in LA, currently 2L, which means I work a day job and attend classes three days a week. As an immigrant from China, English is not my primary language, making it challenging but manageable. There are difficult moments, such as the last two weeks leading up to finals and deadlines for legal writing assignments. If you want to go to law school, believe in yourself and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I don't care what lawyer/law school jokes you have heard. Good luck.

  9. Thank you for interviewing the most airheaded students and then not asking them any meaningful questions that would actually matter to those considering Law School.

    Wouldn't have expected any less from Buzzfeed

  10. Law firms hire ex-strippers and sex workers, sometimes current ones. One day unattractive women will rise up.

  11. I'm 13 and I'm certain that my dream job is Lawyer. People might find this video scary base on their experience, well In my case found it a bit fun cuz like trying to survive in hard situation, and not giving up since you're keeping up what you want to pursue.

  12. Yea this is more for the people who aren’t sure if they should major in law. On the other hand, I love law. I’ve seen example questions from bar exams and my brain immediately starts analyzing it. I start answering the question in my head but there’s still so much I want to know. Knowledge is power. Based on the kind of world we live in today, I feel it’s important to know your rights. I want to help people learn about the law as well. I want to learn all the loopholes, everything there is to know about law which is why I chose it. I’ve seen a few videos of people saying “don’t go to law school” and then mention “only if you’re not sure” well dang, I’m trynna look up information about law school but keep seeing those type of videos only. It’s like no one’s majoring in law cause they genuinely love it like I do

  13. There is no true business to me i called it a real scammer i know that you got no clue and dont trust technology.. you are wasting your time and breath . ( example that is not a lie ) There is people are none computer what if i erased your memory of a computer and 7nable to get it and further more the cost for the pay you are wasting my time scammer ya tell the poeple if your lies . There is no such thing trust trust ke i been scamed , i been been lied , im not a computer geek ,, oh last thing some cuaght a college person invovled with computers and he invivled college of satan hello he is cuaght trafficing drugs steals your accounts over 20 to 30 some years finely he got cuaght so your wasting your breath .

  14. I'm becoming a lawyer, but not because of helping my family/friends or terrible contracts it's just because i want to

  15. The gospel is good news when we understand that we do not (and cannot) earn our salvation; the work of redemption and justification is complete, having been finished on the cross (John 19:30). Jesus is the propitiation for our sins (1 John 2:2). The gospel is the good news that we, who were once enemies of God, have been reconciled by the blood of Christ and adopted into the family of God (Romans 5:10; John 1:12). “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1). The gospel is the good news that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

    To reject the gospel is to embrace the bad news. Condemnation before God is the result of a lack of faith in the Son of God, God’s only provision for salvation. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:17–18). God has given a doomed world good news: the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  16. I want to be a criminal lawyer so I can defend Anyone no matter what you did or who you did it to, I’ll always defend you

  17. Dang, I want to be an immigration lawyer, but a lot of these comments are kinda making me nervous about this whole process. 😳

  18. Do US law students generally prefer to work in law firms or in the public sector (such as judges or federal prosecutors)?

  19. So when do you have your crisis of conscience that the law you practice will be very different than the theory you learn in the classroom?

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