
Law School & Being a Criminal Justice Major


Law School & Being a Criminal Justice Major

#Law #School #Criminal #Justice #Major

Hello you lovely individuals!!! Welcome back to my channel! For this vid, I talked all about every single class I have taken so far as a criminal justice major. I also talked about my future law school plans!

Comment down below if you are also a criminal justice major OR if you also want to go to law school!!

I would love to hear from y’all!!

xoxo Sam
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35 thoughts on “Law School & Being a Criminal Justice Major”

  1. Can I just say thank you I've been feeling like shit about my CJ major but I do want to go to law school

  2. Awesome channel. I just graduated with two bachelor degrees in criminal justice and psychology BS/BA. Currently am working in a Juvenile Detention Center as an Officer. There are so many opportunities for growth. Masters starts in January 😀

  3. hey,
    I’ve watched many videos and it’s upsetting how they say criminal justice major is pointless going into law. Why do you think they are saying all that ?

  4. The nature of terrorism you say you got in school sounds limited and too simplistic. I hope you're more careful about who you call a terrorist.

  5. i'm almost 30 and have been lacking on my studies , do you recommend to get back into community college ??

  6. Doing a political science major and recently decided to make my minor criminal justice! I also plan on applying and attending law school

  7. I have the exact same plan as you do in this vid, I actually had a Personal experience with a guy at 15 yrs old that made me feel like people won't believe me unless I take action, I also wanted to help other people have closure and I feel with law that's the only way. Right now, I am almost done with my Associate in Criminal Justice in Florida, and am set to graduate this spring term in May. I know I am young but I feel helping the powerless is going to be super rewarding for me. I am planning to get into a Bachelor's in CJ and also have pre-law as a minor to get ready for law school like you said. People, especially victims that are women, should not be scared to speak up, I'll make sure the aggressors get put away. Plus, I have been told I am a great writer so let's see. I'm scared for the public speaking but in High school I did take a law class that involved mock trials in a fake court and all. I had my turn as a juror and was a prosecutor at some point. Either way, this is gonna be fun, Hoping for a rewarding life and to get rid of the stereotype that lawyers are "soul-less." I wonder how you're doing so far with everything. I'd love to know girl!!!

  8. Thank you so much for taking your time to do this video. Personal its was helpful, I really want you to make another video. You should do a video about Q & A in Criminal Justice. I have a few questions and probably other people does too.

  9. I just recently graduated with my associate of science degree in liberal sciences and around this upcoming fall 2020 transfer to a university for my bachelor of science in criminal justice online. I was wondering what are the easiest classes in the criminal justice field to take? Or is there just patience in each course?

  10. Hii, I’m a high school student and I want to be a lawyer, I’m thinking about taking criminal justice after watching your video!! One question, what foundation/ pre bachelor program did you do to be able to take up criminal justice degree in uni? (Thank you for the video! It was really helpful)

  11. Is law school the same thing as collage? Or does it come after? I've been really confused about this

  12. Love this video its very inspiring I'm majoring in criminal Justice for crime scene investigator and then go for a degree in law and go to law school

  13. Hi Samantha! I just watched your video and wanted to say that I loved it 🙂 I wish I got my Bachelors in CJ when I was in school but I hope to apply to grad school soon to get my Masters in CJ. Thanks for inspiring ppl!

  14. I’m so glad I found your channel. I’m majoring in criminal justice and I start this January. At first I was scared to go to college because I’m a young mom, but I’ve learned that I have to challenge myself for my daughter. Thank you so much for all the information.😊

  15. omg i love you channel so much !! just one question what are u wanting to be after all of your schooling ,, a lawyer ? or something different?

  16. Thank you for sharing!!! I was originally going to major in Pre-Law starting out at a community college. However, I deciding on whether I should pursue one in political science or history before law school.

  17. I am thinking about changing my major to criminal justice AND I wanna go to law school! Thanks for the info

  18. I was taking CJ classes until people told me that degree is worthless and that I should do business. So now I am in a dilemma because I want to become an FBI AGENT. Some people say business degrees are better for that but I’m not sure. Do you have any insight on that? Plz help!!!!

  19. I hate how there has always been a questionable response when someone is a criminal justice major who goes to law school. They literally go hand in hand.

  20. Hi, I plan on studying philosophy and a second language when I transfer to university. I'm doing an associates right now in legal studies

  21. You’re video is so helpful!!!! I’ve always been interested in majoring in CJ as I am taking a criminal justice class at our local college rn (as a junior and senior)

  22. Hi I just came across your channel because I’m very passionate about being a private investigator/ justice in the world and helping out the innocent.
    I’m from Ontario Canada and in my province there’s a few degrees that offer criminal justice but also they’re great school/programs with coop etc… I’ll be going back to college as a mature student but I’m very eager to get back into school. thanks for the feedback I just subbed to your channel time to binge watch your videos !

    Best wishes
    Kiara 🙂

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