
“Law & Order” Encourages Letting Rapist Minorities Go Free


“Law & Order” Encourages Letting Rapist Minorities Go Free

#Law #Order #Encourages #Letting #Rapist #Minorities #Free

NBC’s legal drama series “Law & Order: Special Victim’s Unit” dumps the woke ideology to be soft-on-crime. A woman wants her rapist to go free because she has “the luxury to afford therapy.”
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47 thoughts on ““Law & Order” Encourages Letting Rapist Minorities Go Free”

  1. I don’t think it was about race but the fact that the rapist was a teenager. I don’t agree with it either way but that’s how I saw it.

  2. Knowing the black community if this happened in real life she would be invited to the cookout and labled a hero for eternity.

  3. This is horrible. He did a crime and must be punished. If she doesn’t do something he going to do it again

  4. That's Hollywood brainwashing us again. That's all they are about. Disgusting that superstars like Haggarty don't take a stand against such shit.

  5. I think you missed the point of the episode. She wasn't saying that all black teen rapists should get out of prison time. She said in her opinion, she couldn't live with ruining someone's life who would just fall pray to the system. She's giving him a chance. Was it the right thing to do? Meh, I don't think so, black, white whoever. But! It was a FICTIONAL CHARACTER'S decision. Nobody is telling you to make her decisions in real life.

  6. I don’t even watch shows like this now. It’s stuff like this episode that shows everything women have fought for, for eons, is being eroded away especially when they can’t even define what a woman is.

  7. Well, there goes another favorite. This show has been pushing the liberal politics lately, causing many viewers to turn away.

  8. This is where I would victum blame cuz she just caused him to get bold and have even more victums. Selfish.

  9. To be honest, I wouldn’t either. It’s super bad😂 I had this weird thing happened and Tulum and now I feel really bad for even mentioning it to my friends people. I thought were my friends because it wasn’t that bad. It was just that like I wouldn’t have touched this man if I hadn’t had Mescal It was fine nothing bad happened. I just would’ve rather not been forced to kiss a girl, but I feel really bad for mentioning it because I know that everyone and Tulum is there to escape the me too movement and the guy wasn’t white so I don’t want him to think that I’m racist but I should’ve been given water and food and not been forced to kiss a girl but it’s like fine in the future I just never drink because I don’t want to deal with like accusing people of stuff.

  10. I watch SVU all the time but I do not condone this type of nonsense. She is 100% responsible for him victimizing someone else.

  11. As a black woman I have no idea what the point of this story is, but it has nothing to do with being “woke”.

  12. This nothing to do with wokeness… its forgiveness and christian faith… its realising that, in this particular instance let me add!!, that what happened will be with you forever and only YOU can deal with it, sending him to prison doesn't undo what has been done…

  13. Just frivolous writing…who writes this stuff. This is taking ‘the white saviour’ to another level of stupidity😂😂 I can only laugh at this nonsense!

  14. There was also an episode where a church lady refuses to testify against a rapist who had been paralyzed in a car accident some time after the attack. She figured he'd been punished enough, and had repented.
    Lots of women don't press charges for millions of reasons, nothing to do with being woke.

  15. C Mon. This is stupidity at its highest level. No more Law & Order and Mariska- shame on YOU for participating.

  16. This is what you get when you have the ideology that there is good inside everyone. That is unequivocally false. Some people were just born for evil. And liberalism doesn’t like that idea

  17. This is why the cable companies and Netflix aren’t getting a dime from me. F that!

    They already got angry at the women in Europe who were SA’d by men who happen to be migrants. I don’t care what race or socioeconomic background you come from. You don’t do that to people!

  18. where does this say anything about skin color? here we go again, propaganda, trying to build up those views baby. Not everything has to do with race.

  19. Well you're 56x more likely to be raped by a black man than a white man if white… so it will not help the statistic to let them off.

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