
Law Enforcement Says “P Diddy Is Done & will possibly serve life sentence..”


Law Enforcement Says “P Diddy Is Done & will possibly serve life sentence..”

#Law #Enforcement #Diddy #possibly #serve #life #sentence.

This celebrity news will astonish you… let’s put it at that
criminal law , Law Enforcement Says “P Diddy Is Done & will possibly serve life sentence..”, celebrity,celebrity news

30 thoughts on “Law Enforcement Says “P Diddy Is Done & will possibly serve life sentence..””

  1. lol puff arrogant as hell because he has been getting away with murder n fbi our government officials has been letting this go long time like Hillary Obama lol sad both sides blind eye

  2. If puff was fbi informant how are they to act this way lol drugging ppl carrying on like that fbi corrupt as hell along with our government

  3. You need to clean house and hip-hop. I remember when the Jackson 5 first came out and C.Davis and Q.Jones so on so on those are the first two you need to get rid of cause the worse than Diddy

  4. Oh well…those videos confiscated by the Democrat controlled DOJ will be thrown down the same Rabbit Hole as the Epstein tapes, because powerful politicians and white celebrities are compromised. Only a few tapes of those not in favor with the powers that be will be released. Diddy is a small time government rat fink and WILL NEVER serve any time. He will be made out to be suicidal. Uh oh!

  5. They using P.Diddy as a distraction to take away from the courts overturning harvey weinstein case. Where's the smoke for Harvey Weinstein….

  6. How dare you how can you sit there and say you saved him after everything he did to everybody why don’t you try? Praying for all the victims

  7. I think he’s an absolutely disgusting 🤮 and deplorable person/demon. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul… and his are black. No soul.

  8. Winestein, Epstein and diddy. Plus many, many more. What the F are people thinking? Its sex. Don't ruin your life for sex. Damn

  9. I bet a billion dollars diddy will somehow end up dead before any of this will ever get to goto court !

  10. So….Epstein didn't die, Cosby was released, and now Harvey is set free. No justice system. You won't talk about the real issues. Your show is trash. Just part of the problem.

  11. no diddy uas fbi and lapd in his pocket. they are goinf to investigate him or are they going to clean up the evidence and protect the highest paying and highest value players and just release the basic shit? There are high oevel pedophiles satanists and slavers involved here. Quite a few murders too. Tjey aint investigating shit. Just a clean up crew.

  12. I thought this a joe rogan video

    What the fuck dude, put you own ass face on the thumbnail

  13. OPEN your Yese people off USA! Nobady will do fore u that and nobady will destroy that evils mashin wich is running houll western world eff bot u coss USA is standing on a blood and flesh off a black skin people and on a reall American flash but u are an example hoo always are telling a truth every when it's bad and it's on you i never have seen that kind off thing in enuther cuntry ao go out and ask a justice fore evrything u can do in fore a 1 time in a history off USA after Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt where gone,a las reall president off USA and not a marionette like Joe or Gorgy was,this evil females hoo are running eny kind off bisness eny kind off places are not in a shadows anymore but eff u will lett this moment go they will become already an official rollers off a western world and then helll knows wat's coming on but Russia already is going up ese it was going in a day's then Joseph started building USSR and there is no question there is not eny place pff "eff" Rusiia is going to be a most powerful cuntry in the world and u a people pff USA are going to be wat Malcolm X was telling in he's last most important speech wich is hidden frome u till to day ese and with that that Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt where a good friands and USSR with USA where a partners and not an enemies,eff they where not gone we where going to live absolutely in enuther kind off world to day but nobady is telling or showing a speech of Joseph Stalin where he's talking on this war in Ukraine,in 1946,in himself "on my name will be potted lots off garbage after my death but the wind will make it clean "it heppend by Alan Dales and Nikita Xrushov even when u all where thinking that there was a cold war,all this is a story wich was made by this evils and fore there own wealth and to take houll planet under there control and they almost have done it eff I'll repeat eff there not a second smart leader off Russia! At last I'll tell a words off Malcolm X " eff u all will not stand up with us to day there are coming a days when we all wight and black skin people will live in a new slavery order "here os that order coming amd will start knocking on evrywan s door!!!!stand up!!!!

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