
Laura Owens and David Gingras have Tripled Down – Tilted Lawyer is Pissed


#Laura #Owens #David #Gingras #Tripled #Tilted #Lawyer #Pissed

David Gingras has written a scathing article regarding the judicial process as it pertains to his client Laura Owens, and his failed attempt to mislead the court into believing unreliable evidence. He has layed the blue print for an appeal, and Laura has followed suit with veiled threats of continued litigation…I’m pissed, and have thoughts.

Links to Sources:
Megan Fox Article:

Laura Owens Article:

David Gingras Article:
lawyers near me , Laura Owens and David Gingras have Tripled Down – Tilted Lawyer is Pissed


39 thoughts on “Laura Owens and David Gingras have Tripled Down – Tilted Lawyer is Pissed”

  1. LO has a history very similar to Taylor Parker. It’s scary. I hope she gets put behind bars before she does anything violent.

  2. Dave Neal and Megan did a live today and have links for letters to go to the prosecuting attorney to file charges against LO.

  3. She’s had multiple attorneys. Well now she’s ready to also go through Judges as well. Until she finds one she can pay off to rule in her favor. It’s disgusting how she is abusing the family court. Especially since I’ve been fighting the family court for my back support from someone that knows how to play the system. For over 20 years!! It Must be nice she has daddy & mommy’s money to just throw away on some fake a$$ sh!t when there are so many of us moms out here that can’t afford a lawyer just to help prove my ex husband hides his income and plays the system. It’s just disgusting 🤢 and she doesn’t need mental health care she needs to be held accountable for her actions. She brought this on herself. If a man did this type of sh!t to a women it would be criminal and lock away the key. Thanks for covering this.
    Maybe he wants to drag this case out to get more of dodo 🦤 birds money. 💰

  4. LO thought she would get away with bullying Clayton with no verifiable pregnancy evidence like she did again & again in the past. She just wasnt banking on Claytons popularity & the resourcefulness of his fans to be smart enough to debunk her fake evidence

  5. Appeals are for losers, Dingus. Stop bleeding Laura's bank account dry and get her some help instead of dragging her along on your quest of notoriety. The woman needs a proper doctor, not a shady lawyer.

  6. Gringas needs to find another job. He’s one lawyer that has too many red flags. 🚩 he hurt Dodo 🦤 birds case. So he did Clayton a favor in my opinion. I appreciate your opinions as well.

  7. I think that she's Bi polar, borderline personality disorder, anxiety (self induced), rejection allergic etc.. so her behavior is less projection/deflection and more just acting accordingly to the person who fits the role of these diagnosis. It'll drive you crazy to nit pick every movement this bish does.

  8. Allegedly, LO used fake accounts to post derogatory items supposedly posted by her ex acquaintances.

  9. My pee stick and urgent care pee test say I'm pregnant. I've got twins in my family pretty strong.
    I think I'll pull a Laura, I'm having a boy and girl and gonna wing it with prenatal care and hope its not cancer causing the positive tests.
    😂 i'm due Feb 14 in all seriousness though.

  10. HCG test dont tell you twins or the sex of the babies!!! You loose!!! You made it up!! Nothing says twins

  11. She could have, if pregnant, at any time, gotten a verifiable ultrasound to prove her case. She has to date, not produced any legitimate proof of pregnancy, let alone paternity. Even though she claimed numerous times in court to have a valid sonogram. She was under court order to provide these records in discovery. That is really all you need to know to decide this case. The real crime here, is her blatant abuse of the legal system to try and achieve her own twisted agenda. They need to make an example out of her antics, to insure that in the future, people will be reluctant to replicate this behavior. Society, and the force of law, rely on one truth….actions have consequences. They need to prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law, no more, no less! This current trend of using the legal system to fraudulently achieve victory over others, or force them to comply to demands must change. Stop weaponization of the justice system.

  12. All of that info was documented in the pre trail statements. Listed! Shw didnt have to look it up.

  13. This was a great Live❤❤ If you enjoyed this Live,Like I did❤Don't Forget to Subscribe, Comment, Like and Share ❤😊Let's go 50k!!!

  14. When Omar said less than 5% he’s dealt w parenting plans at Laura’s stage made perfect sense to me a mothers would never feel comfortable sharing their newborn with someone they were fighting with.

  15. I wasn't able to catch the live.But I'm checking it out now! I have a feeling this is going to be a good one❤😊

  16. I was stalked by an ex and it's terrible. He broke into my house and put my clothes away in the closet. I got him to admit to it on a phone recording but I wouldn't have been able to use it as recording is illegal in my country. He followed me everywhere I went, went to my mother's workplace and cried in front of her clients, broke into my car and moved it, told me that he was in the hospital with an amputated arm, was outside my house wailing. I begged his mother to make him stop or I'd report him and she begged me not to. The final straw was when I left a friends' house and walked to my car and found that he had deflated all four tires and that's when he drove and stopped right next to my door. I locked myself in the car and called a friend and she came with her partner. I was terrified. My friend drove me to the police station immediately and I reported him.

  17. Dammit! I missed the live again! My notifications don't work on this channel! If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix it I'll be soooo grateful!

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