
Kremlin accuses people in ‘discrediting Russian army’: Hundreds detained under criminal law


Kremlin accuses people in ‘discrediting Russian army’: Hundreds detained under criminal law

#Kremlin #accuses #people #discrediting #Russian #army #Hundreds #detained #criminal #law

In Russia, the repression of those who do not support the Putin regime continues. The most popular article by which opponents of the war are judged is the spread of fakes about the Russian army. The situation is the same in Belarus – people who speak out against the war in Ukraine are sentenced to several years in prison. More about new victims of the Putin regime – in our story.
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criminal law , Kremlin accuses people in ‘discrediting Russian army’: Hundreds detained under criminal law, News,Ukraine,UATV

50 thoughts on “Kremlin accuses people in ‘discrediting Russian army’: Hundreds detained under criminal law”

  1. russian energy… You want some? Go to russia or wherever russia rules and you realize that you don't want it anywhere near you or the people you care about!
    Go Chechen, Belarusian, Georgian and other volunteer fighters, UAF, russian separatists, and all supporters, GO, – finish russian mafia troops! 💪 Hats off to every single volunteer workers 🙏
    🇺🇦💖🥇SLAVA UKRAINI!👏🇫🇮🇨🇭

  2. What a glories country who protect (🤒) there citizens to speach freely as we can do in the west. They got arrested and sent to prison. Why do Russian don't make a revolution of the government? Crybabies country of the world. So sad. What a miscalculation of Putler.

  3. I mean, the CIA released propaganda about how to do exactly this by persecuting Black people in front of all these nice russians.

  4. It is a shame that the people causing the Russian army to be disreputable aren't also being lead away in chains. There would be a lot of empty desks in the Kremlin.

  5. The Russian invaders are only a number to Putin and his circle, in experience, un skilled, lack of training, poor souls. Victory, glory to the Ukrainian warriors.

  6. Russia will fall, it is inevitable, resistance is futile! Glory to the Heroes! ✌ Ukraine will tear their souls apart!

  7. False, is it? That's rich, coming from the professional liars at the kremlin. Sĺava Ukraini. 🇬🇧 🇺🇦

  8. These are all heroes that in due time needs appresiation from the west and speed asylum.
    Their voices and thoughts should be heard in many different interviews.

  9. I'm trying to think of any individual that could discredit the russian military more than it does itself. I think of them as a brutal gang of thugs. Torture, murder, theft, and rape of everything in sight as what they thrive on. They will always be considered a joke & not because of some russian vlogger. Of course they are trying to suppress the truth within russia. And I know some russians at war are horrified at what is happening. But it happens enough that you can paint with broad strokes here.

  10. Slava Ukraini! May you get all the equipment necessary to drive this truly abhorrent invader from all your lands!💙💛

  11. How come Putin is not under arrest? He's done more to discredit the Russian army than anyone else!!!

  12. Putins real name is Boris badenov the cartoon character on the bullwinkle and rocky show hahahahahaha 😆 🤣 😂 😜

  13. When good people do good things, great things will happen! Bravo to the freedom fighters refusing Putin's war! 👏🌟😊🧡

  14. Russia, a country that has very few freedoms compared to the rest of the modern world, is about to lose the few you do enjoy. You are going to be a country of sheep and wolves, no Shepard who leads you and take care of you, just survive every day, that's it. I pity the people of Russia, it is sad. But you do deserve it, it is up to the people of Russia to stop this, no one else.

  15. Prigojine have taken the head of the russian army while poutine his trying to grow flowers in kremlin garden.

  16. Because Putin engaged in repression against his critics, especially those who oppose the invasion, the notion that "all Russians are evil" has just been made worse. Repression within Russia is one of the things that worsen Russophobia.

  17. In Russia, telling the truth was always telling lies and vice versa. If only its citizens were a little smarter…

  18. The propagandas against rusia dont stop here it go on and on in many chanels paid by Zelenki, and the Americans, and chanel like this one,!

  19. Its not ipossible to discredit the russian army? 😂 They have tricked the world as the so called great army is a Joke!! Stay strong and safe💪👍 Victory and Freedom to Ukraine🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦❣️

  20. Send Ukrainians everything they need to reclaim 1992 – 2013 borders and stop Putin's genocide. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇨🇦!!

  21. For such a wannabe seen as masculine regime they sure telegraph their inferiority, the insecurities and of course their soldiers are anything other than pretty piss poor in all things military. The longer the dwarf tsar continues at the helm the more likely the disintegration of Ruzzia can't come soon enough!

  22. What exactly is the Russian army being "discredited" from by someone's opinion of it? Does the Russian army need a high social approval rating? Need those Twitter and Facebook followers to fell good? I really don't get the offense.

  23. Putin has lost Sweden & Finland to Nato, because of his aggression, Nato was set up after the 2nd world war to achieve peace in the world.

  24. Glad they don't have a branch of their police where I live. Everyone I know discredits their army, their joke of a leader and their country which seems stuck in the 1940s. Whoever thought Russia was a great power certainly didn't understand what constitutes a great power. Even the Russian Orthodox Church has been coopted into conspiracy theory and fascist support for war making.

  25. The Russian army discredited themselves since the beginning of the invasion and their losses since then is the proof.

  26. That is too funny. Russia is stupid enough to think that anyone could discredit what is already known as the worst military in the world.

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