
Kim Kardashian talks criminal justice reform at White House


Kim Kardashian talks criminal justice reform at White House

#Kim #Kardashian #talks #criminal #justice #reform #White #House

Kim Kardashian attended a White House event hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris on criminal justice reform and “second chances.” #kimkardashian #whitehouse

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criminal law , Kim Kardashian talks criminal justice reform at White House, 4490873,560798b169fe4b0e844781ae445f7395,Associated Press,Kamala Harris,Kim Kardashian,Kim Kardashian West,US SR Kim Kardashian White House (CR),ec66215342e341a693ae218b7ecbbfa1

19 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian talks criminal justice reform at White House”

  1. People are fed up with rampant crime being perpetrated all across America, and these soft-on-crime Democrats who facilitate it. The trend should be helping the innocent victims of violent crime whose lives have been shattered, not coddling career criminals.

  2. I feel bad for others who's been working hard to better the law but instead they shone the light to a celebrity cos fame/status. How bout those non famous people who been working for years? It isn't fair that some gets recognized only cos they're famous. People should've put someone else non famous to use.

  3. Who is she?
    A rich girl that done…yes what, nothing and she talk to the white house..?!
    Says a lot what level politichians are on!!

  4. In a seperate Whitehouse meeting Miss Kardashian was sworn in as Secretary of Botox and Bikini Waxing.

  5. Kim Kardashian couldn't even past the bar they need someone like meek Mills who has been too prison and who had to fight the justices system to finally be free to come and go as he please without having a judge or probation officer to get permission to do so!

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