
Kim Kardashian Explains How She Picks Criminal Justice Cases | KUWTK | E!


Kim Kardashian Explains How She Picks Criminal Justice Cases | KUWTK | E!

#Kim #Kardashian #Explains #Picks #Criminal #Justice #Cases #KUWTK

The “KUWTK” star reads prisoners’ letters to find her next Alice Marie Johnson clemency case as Kris Jenner proudly looks on. Watch!
Highlight Season 16 Episode 5

#KUWTK #KeepingUpWithTheKardashians #EEntertainment #KimKardashian #KrisJenner


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Kim Kardashian Explains How She Picks Criminal Justice Cases | KUWTK | E!

criminal law , Kim Kardashian Explains How She Picks Criminal Justice Cases | KUWTK | E!, Kardashians,Legal,Kim Kardashian,Kris Jenner,Reality,kim kardashian lawyer,kim kardashian becoming a lawyer,kim kardashian alice johnson,alice johnson case,alice johnson,kim kardashian clemency,clemency,kim kardashian law,keeping up with the kardashians,e! entertainment,kim kardashian west,keeping up with the kardashians season 16,kuwtk,kuwtk season 16,kuwtk season 16 episode 5,keeping up with the kardashians season 16 episode 5,robert kardashian law

45 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Explains How She Picks Criminal Justice Cases | KUWTK | E!”

  1. Honestly wish I could have a real one o one with her about her true opinions regarding the OJ case. Being this into law, she has to have realized what I strongly believe her father also realized towards the latter half of the trial.

  2. Funny how she interviewed on Alice Marie Johnson's case after saying she was imprisoned for life on possession charges and she was pardoned. The truth is she was convicted of trafficking 2000-3000 kilos of cocaine (and admitted it). These scumbags destroy peoples lives with drugs, oh maybe it's also mentioning out of all the people she's had released from prison only ONE of them was White (who was completely innocent too).. How on Earth can anyone let this airheaded bozo anywhere near the justice system?

  3. she's said and done a lot of questionable stuff but the fact that she's using her fame for good too is a big deal. respects to kim

  4. Is there a way we can help more people than a lawyer helping 1 person at a time? How can we make prisons more like schools and places of productive work as well as artistic, creative expression? Kudos to Kim to getting out her comfort zone and wanting to expand and grow spiritually to help her community!

  5. Kim I would like to get help you love family I am the strong one in my family who steps up. I am Native American and proven it with out doubt your dad heritage you girls are proud of well my dad's mom passed away when he was six . She was native american all of her kids were raised in foster care . I have prove of everything . After dad passed six years I look for my grandma tribe I found them in 97 I am going to not say more right Now but if you could talk to me help me I appreciate it when you here my story you will understand it all I do not have money to fight this but there alot of broken hearts in my family who were hurt from this my kids deserve to be enrolled and me they used my enrollment paper work and enrolled who they choose it's wrong there afraid of me cause I can figure out things and they do not like that I can tell you right now there was people stealing and my cousin called ask for help I got proof for them checks that a Triabal office person was getting lots of money I helped them even though they Disgremated me

  6. We adds We fee We aid of wire iraoqoqoqoqoqqosi fees oai argues jfuriaw8eu re 7e6 and 5262627e3818q9e83q8q8e8 2r 8 ewwww 818q8ee7q8w8e7 eye q8w737 re 717 wye 73172747 rue 71w7 of 32w inches 317w7e7q7e47qu we 7e748ww8e8e8q9we92818qw737q8q7 2r 7 eye 7qq73737 for 362inches 6171737172737477377117766 a 64636217174731283717 quite email we 837421 2r 3feet feet a good and 32w one we 8r8eq9w838 eye 1player 4for on the car 57 tw 47ree 1the 1game 18283831828384222 to 2r 32oh 1inch on 7AM for 5dol and 3rd of 3PM 3on 1183847118 2r 731inchessw8wiwwowow 172748181273718182282 or email 18 2r 7 32w 91193848qqw

  7. Can thank you enough for taking the time out of your high class lifestyle, to help others receive a second chance.. You are a phenomenon, awesome, beautiful soul, beautiful person ❤️ I pray the Lord continues to bless you, and you really continues to help others.. #PostiveCareHelpsGetSecondOthersAChance💜 #yourock💜❤️💜 #TeamKim 🙌🏼 we need others that's has a soul like yours🙏🙏

  8. 2020 where the offenders are more important than the victims how dare society put killers rapist and drug dealers in jail free them all

  9. I’m very sceptical about all of this, and it’s disappointing that the first thing she does is work out whether the case is worthy of her time based on chances of success. Not whether the case is ethically worthy, or what the prisoner actually did, or what is the situation with the victim’s family. Remember these are convicted criminals. The whole project is a bit baffling to be honest.

  10. "If I feel….." "If it moves me"

    Then, I send it to my aterney.

    Yep, you aren't going to have an aterney in your exam.

  11. I dont care what ANYONE says and you can hate on this family alllll day long if you would like and say it's only because shes rich and famous blah blah blah that she can get people released and whatever ……but she doesn't have to do that and she is …..I respect her so much for what shes doing.

  12. kim k gonna turn from social media star to lawyer…there is hope in the world!

    jk 😂 i love the kardashians tho i ain’t gonna lie

  13. Kim's position shows that no matter how much fame and money one has, when God has a purpose for you, you will eventually end up doing it. It also shows how God wants us to serve others, and it's not about us.

  14. nobody just starts out where she's at reading letters from people from jail and what is her word in the court that this case should be looked at I mean won't say this ain't no publicity stunt that's crazy for someone to even let someone like her involved this much into somebody's life when she's not trained I think it's despicable.

  15. This is just another publicity stunt to keep another season going because they're failing people are sick of them. Goodwin Kim you becoming a lawyer good luck to the world

  16. I don’t know why people hate on her, she’s such an amazing person helping people get a second chance! Good for her.

  17. God how I wish that I had a mother like Kris! She is so supportive. My mother checked out, could not handle the overwhelming burdens that she faced! She was such a beautiful woman. I am here to carry on her legacy. It is extremely heavy at times… God, please give me the strength to carry on!!!

  18. Ignorance is a choice, which is why we all have a choice to either educate ourselves, or live in ignorance. Without knowledge there is no moving further ahead.

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