
Key Bridge Collapse AUDIO RELEASED, Criminal Charges NEXT?!


Key Bridge Collapse AUDIO RELEASED, Criminal Charges NEXT?!

#Key #Bridge #Collapse #AUDIO #RELEASED #Criminal #Charges

Prosecutor Dave Aronberg a/k/a the Florida Law Man discusses whether criminal charges are forthcoming against the operators of the cargo ship that brought down the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, likely causing six deaths. He also discusses the likelihood of civil liability, and how an obscure 19th-century law that protected the owners of the Titanic could limit damages here.
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36 thoughts on “Key Bridge Collapse AUDIO RELEASED, Criminal Charges NEXT?!”

  1. David, FYI. The pilots are Advisors to the ship captain. The port pilots are usually indemnified (subject negligence) by the ship when performing pilotage on the ship in and out of port – The captain never is not responsible he never hands over that responsibility – though the pilot may have the "Con". Also already watching the public videos and AIS info there will be a question about whether there was a crash astern movement advised by the pilot with the "Con" (and ordered by the Captain) and whether that advice/order caused the swing towards the pylon (ie was the ship without that order likely to pass under the Bridge or not? )… and if found to be Recklessly or Gross Negligent ( not sure what the US requirement is now), then you have the criminal case risk issue. But yes, the civil liability will be for the ship's P&I club which may be limited under the Limitations of ship's liability claims procedure rules in the US ( it's not the same as the UN Convention scheme but is similar in concept.)

  2. It was an Indian crew. I’ve been to India many times. India is the most UN-together country on Earth! I am not surprised this happened!

  3. Gas stations have poles in front of them to keep cars from driving inside. Why are there not protective pillars given the fact that the the bridge falls if a support column is damaged. This is tragic and preventable.

  4. What about if the ship loads dirty fuel oil which contaminates the fuel line and shuts off the generator?

  5. Maryland resident here… heart breaks for victims… good work emergency response ( excellent training). My ire is up over the apparently poorly maintained cargo ship.

  6. This is why corporations spend so much money on lobbyists so they can cut cost by deregulating their requirements to make their product safe. Trump and the Republicans are continually trying to deregulate laws so corporations can make more money, which they can give to politicians to bribe them. Vote all Republicans out!

  7. Hiya Dave..what a sad sight to see…even my 7 yr old Grandson said to me on facetime that night … NAN did you see that boat hit the bridge today?-Remember we are in another Ontario Canada..I think after watching your other video just before this one….they did put the anchors out trying to slow it down…i think this might come down to..mechanical failure that caused this tragedy and the operators of the ship had zero control to steer that ship more to the left. I think the safety reports on this ship..will be very we saw..the power going off & on ..on this ship..before it hit the bridge. Thanks Dave!!😊So i just came across this video…They have a list of the HOST of mechanical problems -history with this ship..ugh..if you want to check it out..

  8. I understand this was a disaster. An accident. But what I don’t understand is how that bridge completely fell apart!! It seems to me a bridge with that kind of water traffic would be a little better secured. I don’t know anything about engineering but it just doesn’t seem it should completely collapse.

  9. Excellent explanation & analysis of a horrific situation. What a nightmare for all involved.
    Thank you Dave, for helping us understand some of the legal aspects of it.

  10. Until we know all the details, it is nothing more than a terrible accident. Only way to prevent this would be to have tugs pull the ships to the point past the bridge where they would not be in danger of a collision both inbound and outbound. There was a local pilot at the wheel. Unless the black box reveals some sort of negligence which I doubt, this will be classified as an accident.

  11. Once upon a time, large ships were also pulled by tugboats until they were clear of harbours etc. Appalling tragedy – and where are the regulations to prevent this? Oh yes, the Orange Jesus got rid of those!

  12. Hi Dave ~ Just bridge trivia. It’s part of I695. It’s a piece of the Baltimore Beltway, to drive around Baltimore, instead of thru it. When I was stationed stateside (NSA) in ‘78, the bridge was relatively new. Traffic on I95 (runs from Maine to Florida) is always crowded, especially, during the Summer.
    I’m still praying they find the 6 road workers.

  13. Pilots who board vessels guide the ship's Captain. Legally the Captain can override the Pilot's advice. Command and responsibility of the ship always lies with the Captain.
    Steering is physically done by a crew member as per the Captains orders. (eg Pilot gives port 10 deg, which is repeated by the Captain/Officer on duty and the Crew will follow the order and verbally repeat it, same goes for engine movements).

  14. There may be civil liability in my opinion. But the ship lost power and they were lucky to let the authorities know that!! That could have been so much worse!!

  15. Judgment should compensate according to today's
    cost/expense adjusted for inflation/ cost of living

  16. True Crime MTN eh? Good place for you talents Mr. Aronberg. Happy to find this. Thorough and interesting insight on the boat/bridge wreck. Were they doing a little night water skiing from the barge and just missed seeing the bridge? Levity aside, my sympathies to those families who lost a loved one. I can’t imagine….. Fear is working on one of those when a wind comes up. The bridge moves 10’ side to side under your feet. Very spooky. I worked on bridges in Seattle, of which there are many. Thanks for the report.

  17. They did the best they could but just ran out of time to evacuate the maintenance crew on the bridge. They maintained remarkable composure during the collapse. I don't think that even if the maintenance crews had jumped in their trucks right at that moment and hauled-butt to get off the bridge they would of made it.

  18. With all due respect guys it’s probably best not to be involved with Maritime Issues. It’s very specific. Also even though the Pilot was on board, Ships Captain is always liable for any accidents.

    My first question is: why Harbor Master allowed this ship to sail out while it was known that ship was suffering from frequent power outages during unloading operation?
    Second: if Harbor Master had pressure by corporates to allow this ship to leave then why he did not order a tugboat escort to ensure that she was not going to get stranded.

  19. Thankfully, 2 workers were recovered. Praying the other 4 are found soon. Such a tragedy. As bad as this is, thankfully it didn't happen in the daytime. Hundreds would've died.😢

  20. Im confused about how they are so calm…Id be like holy shit the whole fucking bridge just came down!

  21. NTSB Releases Data on DALI’s Black Box, Reveals No CCTV Footage Found, Sensors Cut Off and Turned Backed On, Voice Recorder Disrupted By Background Noise..a group of operations and engineering groups boarded the DALI to do a walk-through of the ship’s bridge and engine room to find any electronic recorders, cameras, or CCTV footage but could not find any.

  22. I have been a maritime investigator in the past as a commercial sailor, a merchant marine.
    This has nothing to do with Trump regulations cut.
    Nothing to do with DEI.
    Nothing to do with Chinese hack.
    That ship is a skyscraper laying on it's side and not gonna stop until it's good n ready. Horrible tragedy with full investigation due. But this is not a conspiracy.
    Similar thing happened to me with no life losing consequence. It was bad fuel management and engineer was fired.

  23. I used to sell charts to harbor pilots in Port Everglades. They have a test so difficult that they must take a blank page and fill in all of the soundings for the entire port from memory.

  24. Is this a typical American topic? Liability and criminal charges, a day after the incident?
    In my country (the Netherlands) I don't think this would not be a topic, and definitely not a talking point, until after a final incident report from the proper authorities.

  25. They WANTED, intended, to get that crew off the bridge… OmGod, those poor people, in their last hour? Minutes?? The poor families are being tortured w these thoughts.

  26. If he ordered the ship to turn, how did that help? I'd like to know more about that. It would seem if it was aimed correctly before the power loss, it might have continued without hitting the support. But I would trust the pilot's judgement, so I would like to know more.

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