
Karen thinks she’s already sold my land! I’m Lawyer and the New owner of All This r/EntitledPeople


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Karen thinks she’s already sold my land! I’m Lawyer and the New owner of All This r/EntitledPeople


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This is YouTube channel RedWheel.
I know that the name is terrible, but what can I do with this 🙂
So on this youtube channel, you can see funny Reddit posts which I could find,
also t the best stories with subreddits such as r/Entitledparents, r/ I Don’t Work Here Lady and r/pro revenge.
So hope you enjoy and thanks for watching

Karen thinks she’s already sold my land! I’m Lawyer and the New owner of All This r/EntitledPeople
lawyers near me , Karen thinks she’s already sold my land! I’m Lawyer and the New owner of All This r/EntitledPeople


19 thoughts on “Karen thinks she’s already sold my land! I’m Lawyer and the New owner of All This r/EntitledPeople”

  1. 1st story 30lbs overweight GET 1 personal trainer 2 low carb diet 3 biycicle 4 NO MORE FAST [GARBAGE] FOOD HIGH PROTIEN BARS and shakes [great chioce of brands] INSTEAD GRENADE and U-FIT SHAKES taste GREAT. MY OVERWEIGHT CAUSED HEART ATTACKS SO DO IT NOW as it nearly killed me my heart only works at 50% legs and feet hurt do not go down my path David

  2. That first story, I totally agree with OP! Absolutely nothing to feel bad about and I'm sure that annoying cousin will finally show some respect 💪🏾✨🤷🏾

  3. Why do some parents try to pull this garbage? Those ppl are horrible ppl and that kid is turning into their mother….I’d stop doing anything for them even with pay!

  4. It really annoys me how everything is suddenly "traumatic". No, Karen, your crotch goblin is not traumatized by switching babysitter. Maybe actually do some parenting for once instead.

  5. Sometimes ppl like your cousin needs to be put in their place! I bet he won’t be snarky with you again like this. Good for you…

    And tell your mom that just because his dad left doesn’t give him the right to treat ppl like he does.

  6. Inheritance story: NTA! Some people will only understand when they receive information in the way of a gut punch and generally don't deserve much respect. If he has money problems, he needs to stop living beyond what sounds like considerable means.

    Scrubs story: And even in a hospital wearing scrubs doesn't mean you are medical staff. Two of my children work at my area's largest hospital, one in EVS (basically janitorial/bedmaking staff) and the other in the patient placement office (which means when a patient is admitted to the hospital, he finds the bed for them, he has no patient contact). They both are required to wear scrubs. In our hospital different colored scrubs denote the department they work in and/or their position.

    Sitter story: Given what OP has described in the post, I be calling and cancelling my services to this person. It's clear that OP's time and money will be abused in this situation.

    Sell houses story: Sounds like the grandfather liked to play around a lot. And he didn't bother to properly subdivide his property before he died either.

  7. A few years back I was working in the operating theatre of a West London hospital. The operating light had a fault, that no one had warned me of. It had been serviced over the weekend, and somebody hadn't installed the clutches properly so the light was moving under its own not inconsiderable weight. We put the first patient on the table, got them draped up, pointed the light where the surgeon wanted it. Went to go back into my anaesthetic room, the light fell about two feet, straight on top of my head. I woke up in A&E, with a pounding headache and a tiny doctor shining a light in my eyes! I went home.

  8. Op needs to block that number so that they don’t have to deal with that woman or her spawn

  9. 1-NTA 2-NTA 3-Even in 2018 you could block contacts. You should have made it clear that only mom is allowed to call you, PERIOD.

  10. Contracts, contracts, contracts when you're dealing with people with kids and babysitting.

  11. OP could have said to the old lady I'm pregnant what do you expect me to be doing right here in the hospital?

  12. It doesn't matter what your past is your present is what's important when it comes to your behavior. If you are bullying somebody that doesn't matter what your past was it's not acceptable to continue the vicious cycle.

  13. realy good that ops lawyer was interested in the house, it might been some big pain if not found out in time. also good for the lawyer that she tryed it getting the property a lot cheaper than what he would have paid if not. getting payed with getting a big discount on the value of a house and property he was interested in is quite a nice deal afther all 🙂

  14. Good morning, Happy Hump Day everyone! In the first story you didn't do anything wrong, you didn't draw up the will. Great stories today, thank you for sharing them! Hope your still safe! I'll catch up with you later!

  15. Happy Wednesday Redweel hope you are doing good ,hi everyone have a wonderful day 😊

  16. Happy hump day RedWheel hope you are well. Thanks for sharing. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😁😷👍. Have a great day and a wonderful week ahead everyone

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