
Karen Read Trial Day 19 & 20! Trial Lawyer breaks it down!


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Trial Lawyer Martin E. Radner breaks down day 19 and 20 in Karen Read Trial.

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46 thoughts on “Karen Read Trial Day 19 & 20! Trial Lawyer breaks it down!”

  1. I just found out from another channel few hours ago , the prosecutor filed yesterday a document in court. This person didn’t know what document. We will see Monday.

  2. There’s other people’s drinks on her tab!! She wasn’t drinking Coors Light. There used to be no proof of how many of the drinks she paid for were hers. Many were likely John’s. She was a generous person and who knows who mooched off her that night!

  3. 1) he testified that clothes were bagged in a pile on the floor at the hospital. This is SUS. First, they would be in the way of medical personnel. Second, proper hospital procedure is to bag patient’s clothes, ESPECIALLY if they are covered with blood, vomit, etc.
    2) clothes were NOT all bagged separately
    3) there should have been a documented chain of custody for the clothes
    4) prosecution did not enter ALL of the clothes into evidence. Why?

  4. 1) he testified that clothes were bagged in a pile on the floor at the hospital. This is SUS. First, they would be in the way of medical personnel. Second, proper hospital procedure is to bag patient’s clothes, ESPECIALLY if they are covered with blood, vomit, etc.
    2) clothes were NOT all bagged separately
    3) there should have been a documented chain of custody for the clothes
    4) prosecution did not enter ALL of the clothes into evidence. Why?

  5. If they have all these pieces of the taillight parts, is someone actually gluing them back together to see if they even fit?

  6. I'm confused. I thought karen was sectioned at the hospital? You just said she went home?

  7. And of course at the hospital. I'm sure they spoke to Jen, Jen, Jen and all the other elberts

  8. Re "glass" from the tail light. Was it glass? Or a composite with toughened plastic? A tail light assembly comprises bulb + red cover, typically polycarbonate material. Testing would demonstrate whether it breaks under HUMAN as opposed to VEHICLE impact. At that speed? Doubtful. Modern assemblies are built to be impact-resistant. The defense needs to highlight this.

  9. The one in the pictures of it being recovered from the scene it appears the bottom of the shoe is black- but John’s were white on the bottom.

  10. I love how above board you are. You are positive and speaks truth. I appreciate your analysis on the cases and how you react with others. Surviving the Survivor was fun to watch you because you have a great sense of humor and are so patient, classy, and kind!! Love your channel!

  11. The pic of the taillight piece next to the telephone pole is photoshopped. It's poorly done to the point that it's indisputable. The snow on top was photoshopped into the picture. There is no innocent excuse for that and it confirms a coverup.

  12. I know you’re staying impartial publicly but in your mind you have to be going WTH! These shenanigans are beyond the pale. I sure wouldn’t want to live in Canton, the police are criminals!

  13. Seems like Karen was drunk. But still not sure if she hit him. If she did was unintentional.

  14. How hard would you have to hit someone to break the light! That is what gets me thinking ……

  15. You should make a distinction between “I/You can see” and “he testified he sees” because personally I didn’t see Karen Read drink 7 different drinks. At least 5 of those “new drinks” were not in view. Also we did not see the tabs.

  16. I like how Lally asked Yeri if he saw Proctor break or smash the taillight. Thank you Lally, that hadn't been mentioned. Lally planted the seed to the jury so the defense didn't have to!

  17. This was a very inciteful summation. You hit all the right points and caught a lot of testimony details that was missed by most if not all other lawtubers. Nicely done.

  18. This case is ridiculous! Huge mistakes from the beginning.
    Can't wait to hear from M.Proctor 🫣

  19. I've been waiting for your update! Thank you for another fantastic analysis – as always 😊❤

  20. You were absolutely fabulous on surviving the survivor. Keep doing it. I love the diversity.

  21. You were absolutely fabulous on surviving the survivor. Keep doing it. I love the diversity.

  22. Martin, I just got to tell you I’m following along with Emily, but I’d rather just do your recaps. This is a horrible trial. I love them every day but oh my God I think we’re all gonna die of boredom.

  23. This living room juror and former law enforcement employee wants to know how a deceased police officer is disrespected by police supervisor as Mr? HE IS OFFICER JOHN O'KEEFE.

  24. Martin, I just got to tell you I’m following along with Emily, but I’d rather just do your recaps. This is a horrible trial. I love them every day but oh my God I think we’re all gonna die of boredom.

  25. So LE seized KR's phone, but disposed of their own!
    The defense did btw successfully object to the officer talking medical outside his competence.

  26. Loved you on STS – maybe a painting by Marc Chagall on ur wall – grew up in Russian shetel, studied at St. Petersburg, participated in Russian Revolution, fled to France due to anti-Semiticism , fled France to US to avoid Nazis. 1887-1985. Help educate WASP’S like ml itllllll love ur show

  27. OFFICER John O'Keefe deserves the best of the best of an investigation. So far, he is shown no respect or honor for serving as a police officer for 16 years. It's sad that the O'Keefes still believe that KR is responsible and can only hope that when this trial is over, the O'Keefes demand to find out what really happened.

    Like I said before, the "entity" followed KR's vehicle, as more paranormal activities happened after the "entity" left the Albutts house. This trial has officially entered the (take your pick) "The twilight zone" or "The proof is out there" or " The unexplained" or better yet "Ancient aliens" because by the time this trial is over, "Ancient Aliens" will have an episode to investigate. It's scary watching this trial and know that the LE is covering up this mrdr that happened to one of their own. Brian Barreira said it best…"This will be the 1st trial, the jury will come back with a WTF verdict".

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