
Karen Read Murder Trial: Defense attorney Alan Jackson’s closing arguments


#Karen #Read #Murder #Trial #Defense #attorney #Alan #Jacksons #closing #arguments

Karen Read Murder Trial: Defense attorney Alan Jackson’s closing arguments
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39 thoughts on “Karen Read Murder Trial: Defense attorney Alan Jackson’s closing arguments”

  1. A Jackson has a cadence in his speech that is engaging and empowering. Sure, I believe that Karen is absolutely NG but this closing has all
    The markers of a fantastic and engaging speech. Captivating us for an hour is not easy.
    There’s a blue line McAlbert on that jury. Maybe not a true McAlbert, but someone who can’t get over the thought of internal corruption. I get it. That’s a tough one to get past but the evidence speaks for itself.

  2. Timeline J McCabe Karen Read case.

    She saw Ryan Nagle and KR car around 12:27
    JM testifies that the jeep was between Nagle’s car and KR’s SUV.

    Inconsistency: Nagel testified that he was directly behind KR’s SUV and he did not see any damage to the taillight. So no hit and run before 12:27am.

    JM texted 12.27(“here”), 12.31, (“pull up behind me” after seeing the SUV) 12:40 (SUV had moved 1 time), 12:42 (SUV moved 2nd time), 12:45 (SUV was gone after this text).

    Inconsistency: KR would have left at 12:30 to be able to drive back and connect to JO’s WiFi at 12:36. How could JM see KR’s SUV at 12:31, 12:40, 12:42 and 12:45 if KR’s SUV was not there?

    JM also testified she had a “clear and good view of the SUV” and she saw nothing on the lawn. When it came to what she saw on the lawn, it became contentious between JM and AJ.

    I have so far been stuck with what if she hit him with her SUV because of the taillights found. I don't want to believe in the conspiracy/ cover up. However, this timeline and JM’s insistence on seeing the SUV between 12:27 and 12:45 because she was texting JO tells me they were buying their alibi. JO was in that house, and the texting was a cover.

    So it wasn't KR calling JO to cover up the hit and run, it was actually JM texting JO between those times to cover up for themselves. They placed KR’s SUV there till 12:45 and this is why Lally said in the opening that the hit and run happened at 12:45…almost 10 mins after Karen got to JO’s home and connected to the wifi.

  3. Jackson's closing speech painted a picture from start to finish in my head! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  4. What’s wrong with the jury????????
    John’s autopsy pics, photos of his arm only takes common sense. He was BEATEN to death with help from a German Shepherd.
    Forget all the lies on the stand. Forget the deleted calls/texts, inverted video, the countless missing road cameras, missing ring cameras, 42 minutes missing at the Sally Port, ETC.
    All exculpatory evidence is literally missing. Reasonable doubt at the WORST!!!!

  5. It's time for good ol' 18th century Massachusetts to catch up with the rest of this country, in terms of law, court procedure, access to the public, due process for all, and a fresh breath of air – without fear of corrupt gang members dressed in 'trooper' uniforms acting with impunity and appearing as Prima Facie evidence EVEN in a Boston cops Murder case. WAKE UP MASSACHUSETTS!

  6. This trial is going to make a great Movie! Unbelievable. Defense attorneys are phenomenal.

  7. Good morning, I Am running for a local county position and am surrounded often by the happiness haters. Hermit mode recently. Learning about my November position win and sending out donor letters. Going heavy pursuit for this job after July 4th.Taking it seriously and not taking sh't. Learning courses on line too.

    Thank you . I do need coffee help to start. Will go to IG to ask.

  8. The fact that there are two hold outs demonstrates the inability of two jurors to decide based on what they saw in trial. The commonwealth failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Ten jurors agree, obviously. If they were watching what we all watched, it’s the obvious position to take. How two people can hold on to their emotions, which is the only logical explanation, shows the problem with our jury system.

  9. My Dear, what a closing statement, and an embarrassment to LEAs/DOJ. This should NEVER EVER have went to trial.

  10. Hopefully the People in Johns Community aren't as easily fooled as the rest of the Public.
    Karen was drunk aF and backed into John. The gash on his head was caused from his head whiplashing back into the back of her SUV (up by the back windshield & edges of the suv above her tail lights) when she speed backwards into him. His tongue had a gash from him biting his tongue on the impact when he flew into the ground.
    When You are traveling at a quick rate of speed and your skin slams against rocks and chunks of gravel , it digs into your skin, and because your body is moving it drags the rocks against your skin causing deep scratches that bleed.
    If you havent had bad road rash you wouldnt understand.
    The same thing happens if you crash a bike 🚲 and hit rocks.

    Karen was wasted and panicked becuse she just killed a Police Officer with her vehicle. Even if it was an accident she was drunk and would be found guilty, no one would listen to her bc he was a cop- so she ran.
    She went home and then came back later & knew EXACTLY where johns body was (even though it was completely covered with snow and she had to dig him out) she knew where he was because she saw him when she hit him and decided to leave him there.

    Use your brains people..
    Her defense attorney is being payed to DEFEND HER & CREATE REASONABLE DOUBT! Thats his job & the public is eating it up with a spoon lol 😂
    Thats why shes smiling, she knows shes fooling everyone and thinks shes going to get away with it.

    I pray for Johns neice&nephew that he was raising for his sibling who passed away- that Karen will be found GUILTY.

    Shes not a hero! John WAS!

  11. This poor Canton town suffering corruption from the judge down to the police💰💤💤💤

  12. She is the only one who didn't hide anything. Why delete video? Why get rid of the family pet? Why didn't they inspect the house? Why didn't the emt help? Why did the expert say damage to his arm was from a dog? Why delete phone messages? Why lie about who you called? Why manipulate video? Everything she admitted was proven as fact. She never lied. The FBI should get involved. I bet the basement will light up with liminal.

  13. Karen is NOT GUILTY…Repeat LOUDLY. Thank you AJ.
    But I don't wanna lie…I'm scared to death. Can the jurors please do the right thing. Please guys!

  14. Not that good of a close. He's reading from his script like actors do, no real heart felt. He's just speeding through things, trying to create doubt. Im sure she'll be convicted on the vehicular homicide and leaving scene. Evidence of her drinking 9 drinks, she dropping him off during blizzard, DUI, the body found and damage to her car, these are facts

  15. Brian Albert can come to court but as an EMT he could not got out of his house to help John because he did not want to get involved. Hos long to die in the snow? The nerve of these people.

  16. What a brillant close , how awsome he was in his croseses. Unbelievable!
    If I ever needed a trial attorney, I would call Alan Jackson.
    I probably couldn't afford him. 😅❤

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